Sentences with phrase «easily afford a house»

Mortgage Credit Certificate, which is a tax credit program that helps put more money in buyers» pockets so that they can more easily afford a house payment.
They are tax credits that put extra cash in your pocket each month, so you can more easily afford a house payment.

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They could easily afford to spend another $ 1,000 a month on housing, meaning they're saving at least $ 12,000 a year.
Tech companies bidding for coveted talent are indirectly driving housing costs higher than most people can easily afford.
This can make it troublesome to get approved for a traditional mortgage even though the doctor would easily be able to afford the house.
And this is a difficult question if you've never owned a house because you say to yourself okay so I'm paying $ 1,500 a month in rent now so I can easily afford $ 1,500 in mortgage payments.
Underwater homeowners may now bitterly resent the monthly payment, but the great majority can afford it just as easily as they could back when the house was worth more.
Canada's senior population is growing, and many seniors now find it difficult to afford housing that is suitable, or that allows them to easily stay in their homes as long as possible.
Unless you know ahead of time exactly how much house you can afford, you could easily be sucked into spending too much.
During your divorce, you may have incurred debt or taken on an asset that you could not easily afford, such as a house.
He easily rattles off some key benefits of hosted solutions, including: a larger selection of options; reduced in - house IT costs; tighter security than most law firms can implement; and better functionality than many firms could otherwise afford.
If you are on the immediate borders of DC or near the metro - prices are higher vs living near Deanwood or Congress Heights Station... Congress Heights is a get in now before it's trendy situation... It will be the next hot neighborhood in 5 years, easily... I have been here 2 years and already would not be able to afford to buy a house in my neighborhood if I were buying today.
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