Sentences with phrase «easily as body fat»

Excess fat in the diet is stored easily as body fat and also increases risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Not exact matches

It doesn't rhyme with a body part, doesn't fit too easily into a fat joke, isn't a word for poop or fart, and, as of yet, has no ties to any gay jokes, so what makes people think that kids are going to jump all over it?
Coconuts are loaded with lauric acid, a medium - chain fatty acid that, once it gets into your body, is converted into monolaurin, which is easily digestible and can be used as a source of direct energy instead of being stored in the body as fat.
2) Increases Energy: Coconut oil is primarily made up of medium - chain fatty acids that the body can easily convert to energy instead of storing as fat.
Yes coconut milk is high in fat, but it's a special type of fat known as medium chain triglycerides, and these are easily metabolized by the body.
Your body will thank you, as this is easily digested, and the fat will give you energy long after you have consumed it.
Typical diets convert carbs -LCB- sugars -RCB- into glucose and if these levels become too high, extra calories are much more easily stored as body fat which results in unwanted weight gain.
- Helps to break down the milk fat enabling the fat soluble nutrients such as certain vitamins (A&D) and free fatty acids (responsible for protecting the baby's immunity) become more easily absorbed by the body.
For instance, newborns lose heat easily, and preemies in particular have trouble regulating their body temperature, as they lack the energy or fat reserves to generate heat and the body mass to maintain it.
The circumstances of ecstasy use increase the risk as the drug is popular in crowded clubs where people can easily become dehydrated by dancing and alcohol use; and a high - fat diet appears to raise blood levels of fatty acids which can impede body temperature regulation.
In the human body any energy substrates (including protein), can easily be stored as fat.
There's no loss of fuel as you would initially think — our bodies easily turn fat, toxins, and other stuff into energy when they have to, and there is enough junk in each of us to last longer than we would believe.
The reason for this is the soft, full and curvy shape of their bodies which are usually shorter with thick arms and legs, as well as their tendency to store fat easily, supported by a sluggish metabolism.
Due to the fact that the medium - chain fats found in coconut are absorbed easily and made use of as a source of energy by the body preferentially, the body's metabolic rate is actually increased.
The medium - chain fats found in coconut oil are absorbed easily and used as a preferential source of energy, helping to increase the body's metabolic rate.
So a keto diet would stress reducing carb intake and increasing saturated fats so that the body can easily process these fats as energy.
Endomorphs tend to be dominant in insulin, meaning they have a lower carbohydrate tolerance to the other body types, and a propensity towards energy storage (e.g additional calorific intake and sugars are easily stored as fat.)
I'm newly to a vegan diet and I can define my body type as skinny fat and I'm easily to get bigger legs?
In addition, the natural fat in bone broth makes these nutrients bio-available, meaning the body absorbs them more easily than if taken as supplements.
Plus, if your body is used to burning fat as fuel, then it will easily turn to your stored fats as energy alternatives.
Moreover, humans can exist quite easily without ever eating carbs, since the body has several mechanisms for generating glucose from the fat and proteins consumed, as well as from proteins stripped from muscle tissue.
* MCT Oil ™ supplies the body energy that is easily metabolized and does not get stored as fat.
As a result I can easily control my appetite and naturally eat less and lose body fat very quickly.
I have tried only eating protein and fat with fruit and veggie as the carb but the body says no and I get woozy easily without something more starchy.
Coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids that are easily digested and utilized as an energy burning fuel source, rather than stored as body fat.
The saturated fats in coconut are an exception to this rule as they are primarily made up of medium chain trigycerates (MCTs), which are more easily broken down by the body and can readily be used for energy.
The thing is, your body could just as easily decide to burn your muscle tissue (or some combination of both fat and muscle) instead.
Once carbs are reintroduced, people can comfortably expect their body to shift as much as possible back to its «carb - burning engine,» from which it can get energy much more easily than its fat - burning engine.
Murdoc's Take: Out of the macronutrients, fat is most easily and directly stored as fat in our bodies or in our blood vessels.
Carbs are also not converted as easily to fat as dietary fat, which means you can overfeed on carbs for short periods of time and gain slightly less body fat.
They are stable and do not become rancid easily, therefore don't draw on the body's antioxidant reserves, initiate cancer or irritate the arterial walls as man - made oils and trans fats do.
Your body is only going to find the calories that weren't stored as fat as easily usable, so basically you'll have much less energy to be used than what you just consumed.
While you'd be quite correct in pointing out that there's no overflow, a lot of these fat calories weren't «burned» — they went into providing for the body's upkeep in various ways (when it could have been just as easily carb calories that were burned).
The problem with carbohydrates is that, in the body of a cat or dog, they are recognized as sugars and easily stored as fat.
Because fat - soluble vitamins are not as easily excreted, they can build up in the body over time if an animal is given too much, potentially causing toxicity.
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