Sentences with phrase «easily go to war»

Your second paragraph exactly outlines the reasons countries and people can so easily go to war with others they do not have direct relationship with..

Not exact matches

So you do talk about that the war on cash and also I would say it ties into negative interest rate policy because with the abolishing of cash it would allow central banks to more easily implement monetary policy especially if it goes into negative interest rates.
After all, if teens don't like the service or if the thought of going to war seems too scary, they can't easily drop out.
This is not to say that force is not required in the policy response to the poaching of critically endangered wild animals, but that the long history of the «War on Drugs» and organised crime teaches us that going after low level operators that can be easily replaced will do little to deter the king - pins at the top of the trade.
The film is adapted, very well, by Robert Carlock from a memoir written by the real - life American TV reporter Kim Barker, but given that Carlock is one of the main writers on 30 Rock and Fey is the star, this could easily have descended into broad farce — a sort of Liz Lemon (the screenwriter she plays in 30 Rock) Goes To War, if you like.
If Marvel and a game developer wanted to go for broke, they could easily follow up on a comic thread that's been simmering in the background for a few years now: Wakanda's expedition to the stars seeded at the end of Secret Wars.
I want to stress again that I have no hate against this game and that all of my complaints could be easily thrown at other AAA hack and slash titles, but the reason I don't go writing about all of them is because they stay in their little spot in the genre (God of War, Dante's Inferno, Castlevania LoS, & Darksiders to an extent) while DMC has always been over with games like Ninja Gaiden or Bayonetta.
Surely the sequels to games like God of War and Final Fantasy are going to be huge sellers, but the fact of the matter is this - Patapon for the PSP is, without a doubt, the best game released yet in 2008 and could easily remain as such through the end of year.
Given that the environmentalists oscillate so easily between the rhetoric of the White House and cave - dwelling Luddites, perhaps they should go off and have a war with themselves and leave the rest of us to work out how best to proceed toward an uncertain future.
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