Sentences with phrase «easily move the book»

If you're a customer and you've bought a bunch of Kindle ebooks, you can't (unless you know one end of a python script from another) easily move your books to another reader / platform.
I love the fact I can easily move books from my desktop to my Kobo library, and that I can keep all sorts of different file formats there as well.
You can't easily move the book from your Kindle account to your Nook ereader.
In addition, your entire Kindle library is stored for free in the Amazon cloud, and you can easily move books from the cloud onto your device.

Not exact matches

Users can easily sort bet signals by sport, bet type, units won and triggering book while hiding any contradicting moves.
A bath, pajamas, brushing teeth and a few pages from a book — whatever your nighttime ritual is, be sure to stick to it consistently so that your child knows what to expect and can easily move through every routine efficiently each night.
This could obviously revolutionize the classroom experience for visually impaired students, who could view the board from any seat in the classroom or lecture hall, easily read from books, tablets, and computers, move independently between classes, and participate in on and off campus events.
In a move that can easily be categorized under «omg it's about freakin'time» (considering Amazon posted its first - ever book review twenty years ago), the largest bookstore in the world has finally taken the first steps in combating fake reviews by suing three pay - for - review sites that operate out of California.
The Linking Threads of God and Gold As you might expect with a book about history, there's plenty of interesting points to highlight and even more for readers to birddog; but Mead is so polyhistoric in his knowledge and so profligate with his references, moving easily from Matthew Arnold to Abu Musab al - Zarqawi, it's hard to choose where to begin.
The London Book Fair likewise moved the self - publishing focus to the second floor of the conference center, but it was easily accessible and not hidden away; beyond that, it was crowded throughout the event with authors, readers, and industry professionals.
With our age of quick results, ebooks could easily mean the difference between a sale of our book and the customer moving on.
If they are going to become a viable replacement for printed books within our society, rather than an alternative format of convenience, they must be customer - owned (or perpetually licensed with reasonable license terms that mimic ownership), standards - based, non-DRM-protected digital objects that can easily be moved from one platform to another.
I still don't think the difference is quite good enough for moving easily around a book — was going to try the total re-set but it's such a nuisance and if that didn't help you then I'm wondering whether it's worthwhile.
These pieces can move books much more than a traditional review, as the feature story will typically draw in your target audience, who may easily miss a book review.
Lots of great work is rejected every day due to marketing concerns, and the cold, hard truth is that if your book doesn't look like something that can easily move thousands of copies in its first three months in print, it doesn't matter how good it is: mainstream publishers will think it's not worth their time and effort.
This app is mainly designed for the book lovers, and you can easily access to the features of kindle - effortlessly you can move from one page of the book to other, your library, personalized bookstore and many other features.
Includes our new five hour interactive training course, six hours of video training, downloadable audio recordings of the video presentation for playing on your iPod or MP3 player, a beautifully illustrated color workbook, a copy of the popular The Great Behavior Breakdown (an excellent manual for parenting any children — biological, adopted or foster care), a copy of the book From Fear to Love: Parenting Difficult Adopted Children, an audio CD with Bryan Post offering his guidance on how best to make the necessary changes in your parenting approach to help your child move past the disturbing and frustrating behaviors, and a copy of Going Home Trouble Shooting Guide with summary points that can be easily read any time that you find yourself struggling.
Unpakt is a full - service, online moving platform that can help easily plan, compare, book and manage a move.
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