Sentences with phrase «easy access to the data»

This allows easy access to data for students and parents.
Policy - makers and nonprofits are eager to help — but without easy access to the data that informs the most important financial decisions that influence these policies, progress can be slow.
This leaves legal researchers often lacking easy access to the data that they need because they do not have the appropriate tools to undertake their research effectively.
We will also be releasing an online analysis platform that will allow easy access to the data.
Check out the BreachLawWATCH app which allows easy access to data breach statutes across the United States and a growing number of jurisdictions.
While data processing by a search engine may have more significant privacy implications for an individual, it could also be argued that the removal of data from a search engine rather than a web page also has more significant freedom of expression implications for the very same reasons: it prevents easy access to data for a larger number of individuals.
Ensure that educators, parents and community partners have easy access to data dashboards that allows them to break chronic absence data down by student, grade, teacher, student sub-group, and geography so that they can intervene before students miss too many school days.
«The Thinkster program has great potential to provide quick and easy access to the data analysis necessary to be an effective teacher.
This MID allows quick and easy access to data such as miles until empty (fuel), navigation directions, incoming calls, song information, and more.
Gavin is a champion of easy access to data: see our Realclimate section on data sources.
CSV / TXTUsed for easy access to data through most desktop spreadsheet applications.
Senior U.S. officials have sought in recent months to revive a debate over whether encryption on devices should be weakened to allow law enforcement easier access to data belonging to criminal suspects.
If your device gets stolen or it is used temporarily by someone who should not have had access to it in the first place, setting this will make sure these people don't get easy access to your data. - President Trump has signed into law the so - called CLOUD Act, a law that will give US authorities easier access to data stored abroad.
Common work activities seen on a Data Architect resume example are supporting database administrators, ensuring easy access to data, determining company needs, implementing security policies, and preventing cyber attacks.
Thus, most educators understand the need to streamline the myriad processes inherent to supporting those goals day - to - day and to provide easy access to data and analytics to appease those «shareholders.»
But one of the biggest barriers to making cities «smarter» — for example, comprehensively monitoring sources of waterway pollutants in real time — is quick and easy access to data.
All teachers have easy access to the data, so they can spend more time planning lessons instead of working through the numbers.
With Star 360, principals and other educators have easy access to the data they need to document growth, forecast performance on high - stakes tests, and optimize students» progress toward college and career readiness.
The DOT — together with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-- developed the Transportation and Health Tool (THT) to provide easy access to data that practitioners can use to examine the health impacts of transportation systems.
Given that the Internet has presented us with an easy access to any data, books have no longer become something that is hard to find.
Personal Capital allows me easy access to the data I need to plug into the custom built reports I use to report Net Worth, Income, Expenses, Assets, and Liabilities.
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