Sentences with phrase «easy candidate»

I'll name just a few: internal resume database, easy candidate search, redirection of resumes from inbox to database, interview organization, ease of communication between colleagues in the sector etc..
You can also enjoy increased auditability, easy candidate selection functionality, included onboarding, feedback loops and market research and analysis.
«I don't think he's an easy candidate to arrive to La Real.
Pocket diapers are primarily made of polyester materials, which make them an easy candidate for detergent build - up.
One of those planets was orbiting a bright star, making it an easy candidate for follow - up by a ground observatory.
With her elbows, shoulder and hips dislocated, Daisy was an easy candidate for euthanisation, as with most disabled dogs in shelters.
If it is half as good as Super Mario 3D Land or Super Mario Galaxy it will be an easy candidate for GOTY.
As an Oxfam Ambassador, and someone who already has a resume full of social activism, Bose was an easy candidate for the Climate Action Network Canada «Climate Justice» speaking tour.
It's not just the easy candidates like the billable hour, in which every new case development simultaneously increases risk to the client and reward to the lawyer.
As I see it, your job isn't to «beat» your competition but rather to help your prospective employer view you as the easiest candidate to fit right into the company culture and do the job that needs to be done.
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