Sentences with phrase «easy days easier»

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It's easy: Work out early, for about 20 minutes, before you start your day.
It's just that he got so busy that he didn't realize how much time had gone by where he had not checked in with several of his contacts — an easy mistake for most small business owners who feel like every day is shorter than the last.
Online subscription cancellation is a feature we've been working on and plan to enable in the very near future as a way to provide our customers an easier way to make changes to their subscription preferences 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.
From your first day to every day after, it seems as if all the employees care about who you are, what you do, and if they can assist in making things easier or better for you.
We figured it was easier to say «download my app» instead of texting this info back and forth multiple times a day.
It is so easy to lose sight of the good in every day.
And with the proliferation of social media tools these days such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, it's never been easier to keep in touch.
In most businesses there are tasks that have to be done every day and are easier to manage once you have recognized systems and processes in place.
Employees at Bloomberg marvel at how often they randomly bump into each other throughout the day, making it easy to informally check in on projects and plans.
During the week, it's easy to be consumed with the day - to - day grind and to forget about the big picture, but the weekend is the ideal time to reflect on your goals and successes to date.
Whether it was a product that streamlined our day, a service that made our lives or easier or a once - in - a-lifetime experience, some things pay for themselves in spades.
Successful organizations only promote leaders who live the culture, so make it an easy decision for them, and live it every day.
Matias» Reddit study, conducted over 29 days during which he and Reddit moderators screened 2,214 discussions on the science forum, found that by making rules easy to see (via «sticky comments,» as they are called on Reddit), Reddit users were 7.3 % «more likely to follow the rules.»
A fun way to celebrate Labour Day is to think about all the ways in which robots are making human jobs and tasks easier or better.
He gives you a few easy tips you can do now to get you started, which include something as simple as posting every day.
I always made the incorrect assumption that floor work was easy, but if my thighs proved one thing the next day, it was that these exercises were actually pretty major.
Because you don't see your outsourced employees in the break room every day, it's easy to view them as an email address.
«With so many day - to - day phone calls, emails and meetings, it's easy to get caught up in issues that may seem like they need immediate attention but are small in the long run.
These days, it's easier for me to turn down opportunities that don't fit the brand.
In business, it's easy to let other people's priorities run your day.
This makes it easy for me to remember to touch base with my boss at the end of each day for a daily project update, to invite daily communication and collaboration with my team members in a morning email, and to ensure that I'm remaining engaged in my work community by scheduling time to reply to important emails each afternoon.
At the end of the day, most of the rhetoric and some of the efforts around small business owners seem more about administrative game - playing instead of providing help and assistance to small business owners to make their lives easier and their businesses more successful.
Yes, that does sound like a bit more work than simply hitting «post» on the Facebook app, but these days technology makes building a site relatively easy.
It can be easy to view business trips as «cheat days» and allow yourself to slack on your regular fitness regimen and diet, but in most cases, you will be more productive on your business trip if you find a way to be active.
In terms of the recording process itself, technology these days makes it incredibly easy.
It's remarkably easy to continue doing what you've done the day before and the day before that, but I have learned that if you're not willing to take a risk, then you will stop growing and you will not be successful.
These days it's easy to point at that number, which is admittedly striking, and wonder how employees could possibly benefit from such a budget slash?
It takes about three days to get back on schedule — it's not easy.
Look, it's not easy, but it gets better every day.
Working in tech for the past 10 years, one important lesson I've learned is that it's too easy and common to get lost in day - to - day work and responsibilities.
The idea is to score some easy wins and build momentum for the rest of your day,» instructs Kottke.
Considering that online marketing is one of the most crucial functions that businesses (especially small businesses) have to have these days, the competition will never be easy.
It's not quite as gloomy as the one where AI becomes sentient and decides it no longer needs its human masters, but either way, it's easy to conclude that our best days are behind us.
Counting your blessings might not feel like the most natural move on days when the world feels hostile and gray, but neuroscience shows that if you can manage to consciously shift your attention to what is going well in your life, you'll begin to physically rewire your brain to make it easier to maintain optimism in the future.
While it's easy to see a score and call it a day, leverage all the information available to make reviews work for you.
They're easy to use as I go about my day — whether I'm exercising, grocery shopping or working on my site.
That's not because sitting all day is bad for your health (it is, but it's pretty easy to reverse those effects with just a little movement).
It's a lot easier from Day One to live up to 100 % of your values than 99 % because there's no end to that slippery slope once you begin to move in that direction.
Seattle Mariners fans don't have it much easier, paying $ 92.83 for a day at the park.
In a coworking space, for example, it's easy to join in on topic - specific discussions, head to the gym to work out at any time of the day, grab coffee at all hours, change up your work surrounding, take important calls in sound - blocking rooms and even catch some Z's in a nap closet.
On top of making shopping for beauty and grooming products easy, the startup has made it affordable by offering 20 % off its Valentine's Day collection.
«As an organization grows, it's easy to let a little distance get between the CEO and the day to day.
It's so easy to get bogged down in email and other people's to - do lists that when you look up at the end of the day you realize you didn't make any progress on the things that are most important.
In one study, people keeping a gratitude journal slept on average 30 minutes more per night, woke up feeling more refreshed, and had an easier time staying awake during the day compared to those who didn't practice gratitude.»
I tell my staff every day: if management were easy, I wouldn't need them:).
But, how easy is it to build consumer software / apps these days?
From pounding a fruit and veggie breakfast smoothie, to working out for a quick 7 - minute stint, these fast, easy morning habits from co-founder James Reinhart can help channel productive energy and mindful focus throughout the day.
No one ever said starting a business was easy, especially these days.
These days, the key to making the difficult process of business growth easier is to maximize your ability to connect with potential customers and to automate tasks that don't need your full attention, so you can focus on the ones that do.
When you're in the trenches every day, working long hours to build your dream company, it's easy to miss the big picture and get stuck in the weeds.
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