Sentences with phrase «easy definition of»

I don't have an easy definition of interactive fiction, but I do have a yardstick.
An easy definition of meditation is to be present in the world around you — to be conscious of what is going on by keeping your mind and breath steady.
Niebuhr had no simple and easy definition of original sin, and he halted before its mystery.
Since the 1950s a host of Brazilian sculptors have been sidestepping easy definitions of what they do.

Not exact matches

Based on the definition of endometriosis — which is basically that pieces of endometrial tissue end up in other parts of the body — it can be easy to assume that endometriosis causes intense pain all over the body.
«I think it's easy to judge people based on your own definitions of success and a meaningful life, without recognizing that everybody has their own definition,» warns designer Francis Chen.
(And of course, claiming to adhere to CSR is even easier if you use a mushier definition, one that only asks that you «manage» your social impact, rather than aiming at any particular objective.)
Because the managers are free to invest in a variety of opportunities, EJB defies easy definition.
But Bitte says that it's also easy for hiring managers to allow unconscious biases to seep into their definition of «fit.»
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By definition, sole proprietorships are individually owned so attempting to find public information on prior sales of like businesses is not an easy task.
It's going to provide a definition with some easy to understand examples, you will see how and why you should be promoting binary option trading, how to sign up to an affiliate program and you'll even see some examples of the earning potential these programs offer.
The first half of the definition is relatively easy.
Indeed, it's sign of Bannatyne's mastery that he makes it all sound easy — the very definition of an expert, but not an ideal trait in a business mentor.
If you were to base your definitions of «good» and «evil» on human society, well, it's easy to see how people would consider God to be evil.
I mention, only because my... paradigm (I'm not much on beliefs, in the usual organized religion sense)... includes a «Divine» of my own definition, that equates to something like «awe of life, love, and knowing that there is much we don't know» (< — sorry, not the easiest thing for me to get into words, hopefully that gets the gist of it) that I don't see as a «personal other», but, in my paradigm, I see that Divine as being systemic to everything, hence insights from what I learn / experience can be termed as the Divine acting.
But it may seem that I have made the case too easy, that I guaranteed a pre-established harmony, by giving a too - limited definition of «empirical» and / or «rational,» thereby only advocating that theology be partially empirical and / or partially rational.
It is easy enough to be one of many sorts of conservative rather than argue about the singular definition of conservatism, or help a unified conservative movement to victory via some scintillating white paper.
I understand the technique of holding two ideas in tension, but clear definitions make it much easier to understand each other.
Now it is easy to see where all the trouble in the definition of the term religious art arises.
If we broaden our definition of teaching to include teaching by example, mentoring, living life together... apprenticeship style... it is easier to imagine these people doing so with regular day jobs as well.
In addition, says Murrow, «If our definition of a «good Christian» is someone who is nurturing, tender, gentle, receptive and guilt - driven, it's going to be a lot easier to find women who will sign up.»
Suitable definitions of either, however, are not easy to come by, as everyone would no doubt admit.
If, in turning to this theme, we could descend upon our subject from above like Catholic theologians, with our fixed definitions of man and man's perfection and our positive dogmas about God, we should have an easy time of it.
When you've got a great image, lots of money and are successful by any possible definition of the term, it's easy to wax philosophical about how image and earthly success don't matter.
Get ready to be introduced to your new definition of a delicious salsa with this easy Mango Pineapple Salsa Recipe!
When one talks of World Cups and match - winning performances it is easy to overlook the achievements of Plánička and his contemporaries, their performances on grainy, monochrome film, in favour of more modern keepers, whose every save and move is captured in High Definition and repeated ad nauseam.
Kelly writes, «The easiest definition [of social justice] presumes that everyone deserves equal economic, political, and social rights and opportunities.
Then simple and easy to definitions explain the concepts of «Appreciation», «Create»... and the list goes on.
We as humans want to evolve but our definition of evolving is how can we make our lives easier so i can be lazier.
Since the early Nineties, southern regions in Italy have experienced chronic issues of illegal disposal of urban waste, mainly due to easy access to uncultivated land, presence of caves and sovereignty of mafiosi — to use a general definition that encompasses mafia, camorra, «ndrangheta and other networks.
God, it is easy to get lost in definitions of liberalism - especially if you start including the mad american versions.
Finding an operational definition of a plurinational state is not easy.
And yet, not all was gloom and darkness: A bill passed by both houses would make it easier to buy sparklers by exempting them from the definition of fireworks.
Brookhaven Town Supervisor Ed Romaine offered nine recommendations, including upgrading misdemeanor illegal dumping and sand mining charges to felonies and changing the definitions of both practices in the law to make prosecutions easier.
So there is no central authority that could speak for the Muslim world, and it is easy to ignore those that do not fit into one's own definition of Islam.
@inappropriateCode as egalitarianism and protecting the status quo are not inherently at odds with each other it would be easy to find (or at least construct) a political ideology which does both; thus showing that your definition of the political spectrum may be right often but can not be right everytime - and should be disavowed
Give yourself the gift of easy recording in high definition from your favorite device with the eTTgear.
«In theory, it would be easier to show misconduct under Wellcome's definition than under the U.S. definition,» says Pascal, who notes that the OSTP rules are likely to go into effect at several — but not all — U.S. departments by the end of this year.
By definition, true iridescence changes color as an insect or bird changes its angle of approach, and so may not be the best form for an easy - to - remember signal.
That's easier said than done, however, because the definition of sexual harassment is far from a hard and fast one in the subcontinent's highly patriarchal societies, says Priya Virmani, a political and economic analyst based in Delhi, India.
Your drive to work is easy in spite of fog, thanks to in - car radar and the intelligent transport software that automatically guides you around traffic jams, allowing you to arrive in time for a presentation in which high - definition video is streamed flawlessly to your tablet computer in real time.
According to Douglas Smith, leader of the Yellowstone Gray Wolf Restoration Project, the concept of predation risk eludes easy definition.
A landing on Europa is «not an easy thing to achieve, primarily because we don't really know what the surface is like on the meter and submeter scale,» says Ronald Greeley, an Arizona State University planetary geologist and co-chair of NASA's science definition team for the Europa mission.
Consciousness is one of the more mercurial of biological phenomena, eluding easy definition and easy identification.
As an aside, it is also easy to get an apparent coherence between two band - pass filtered stochastic series of finite extent which are unrelated by definition — a common weakness in many studies on solar - terrestrial climate connection.
Skillet Chicken Fajitas This zesty recipe is the definition of quick and easy.
The writing is straightforward and a glossary at the beginning of the book provides easy access to medical and technical definitions.
It is the definition of «easy dressing»: stick - straight hair, blue jeans, plain James Perse T - shirts and tank tops, aviator sunglasses and little black dresses galore.
Sure, you'll find me in a lot of dresses and wedges or a heel, but dresses are my definition of easy.
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