Sentences with phrase «easy recovery»

He / she manages filing system for easy recovery of documents and reports.
To do interval training, you need to alternate between a short burst of hard exercise and a short period of easy recovery.
Learn what you can do to ensure your pet has a quick and easy recovery after a spay or neuter operation.
High - intensity interval training involves repeated bouts of hard, but short work, followed by easier recovery periods.
Another benefit to having the surgery done while your pet is young is that doing the surgery earlier in the dog's life often makes for a much easier recovery.
This incident brings to the fore the importance of running a paperless court system where cases are not only documented electronically, but are saved in clouds for easy recovery.
• Six 30 - second speed intervals separated by 30 seconds of easy recovery.
Talk about your running pet peeves before you take off «If this person is going to be your go - to running partner, you should talk about all the likes and dislikes and pet peeves ahead of time — maybe on a nice easy recovery day — and set all of those expectations up front,» suggests Woods.
Day 6: Yoga w / Deep Breathing; Easy Recovery Swim, Bike, or Elliptical; Foundation Core Training; Hot / Cold contrast
Nothing noticeable thus far except less muscle tightness, and easier recovery from running when I take bikram next day.
Easy recovery runs are just that, recovery runs, not workouts and those could be replaced by any other exercise like cycling or swimming because their purpose is not to train the body for the event.
And while I was fortunate — my baby was not colicky, my complication had a relatively easy recovery — my organization's approach was to prepare for any outcome.
And this week I'll be looking at some of these in detail and talking about the benefits, such as protection against postpartum depression, enhanced breast milk production, and easier recovery physically to get back in shape.
Really work closely with your veterinarian to decide about whether surgery is right for her - it's hard for me to say without seeing the actual tumor and trying to guess how long the surgery will take, how easy her recovery might be, etc..
Ultimately you have to balance overload and recovery, so as you ramp up in some workouts to stimulate lactate tolerance or max aerobic capacity... you'll need to respect that overload and do other runs at a very easy recovery effort.
Less pain positions your pet for easier recovery and the best possible outcome.
Yoga involves posture and poses which helps in reviving physical strength and build stamina, which helps in quick and easy recovery from weakness.
Instead, it was the interval group who exercised hard and then had short periods of easy recovery.
There is no easy recovery here, no recovery at all, only a new and unsettling series of images and questions:
«Children regulate their activity after a tonsillectomy much better than adults do,» which is one reason kids have an easier recovery, he said.
The quick and easy recovery of my grandma who had a heart attack and splint put in a week ago.
We aren't going to paint this all flower and roses (but the good news is you'll forget some of it) but there ARE things you can do to makes sure you are taking care of yourself for an easier recovery.
The rectrospectoscope suggests that a pre-labor c / s would have resulted in an easier recovery for me (bad pain for two weeks or so, plus about a year when I couldn't sit properly thanks to a bruised or broken tailbone) and (more importantly) a few more functioning brain cells for my son.
Tips, tricks and thoughts for an easier recovery for mama and a smoother transition to life here on earth for your baby (sleeping, soothing and more).
Midwives were shown to excel at being cautious and judicious when using interventions and this resulted in healthier outcomes and easier recovery for mothers and babies.
Cautious and judicious use of intervention results in healthier outcomes and easier recovery, and this is an area in which midwives excel.
For me it was an easy recovery and very little baby blues and nothing offset.
When I had Maddie, I had an easy recovery.
In recent years, the use of transcatheter aortic valve replacement, or TAVR, has made the repair safer: Physicians place a new valve in the heart via a catheter inserted through the patient's leg, which results in less injury and an easier recovery than open heart surgery.
2 weeks easy recovery / Deload 6.
Having been through it myself, I know how difficult it is, and I wanted to find ways to help other women have a more gentle time (and an easier recovery).
Do you think a salt bath would help in the next two weeks for an easier recovery after surgery?
The benefits of caloric restriction are often missed by the hard charging athlete who rarely takes an easy recovery day and is constantly fueling their body.
For example, if you wake up feeling crushed from yesterday's interval workout on the track, then go for an easy recovery ride instead of pushing through some difficult hill climbs.
This modified routine involved one minute of strenuous effort, at about 90 percent of a person's maximum heart rate (which most of us can estimate, very roughly, by subtracting our age from 220), followed by one minute of easy recovery.
Follow each work interval with an easy recovery interval for twice as long as the work interval.
It will also help you achieve faster and easier recovery.
Knowing what to expect before your thyroid surgery is helpful for coping with potential side effects, reducing complications, and undergoing an easier recovery process.
In order to reduce soreness and aid recovery (while still making performance gains), begin the day with an easy recovery jog.
I find I'm taking an extra day off (usually an easy recovery training day) while working full time with family responsibilities.
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