Sentences with phrase «easy targets for»

My only caution would be that window units are easy targets for theft and create an easy entry point for thieves.
With the exception of Martin, it appears that you all are easy targets for Mr. Martindale's apparent ability to get you to bite on whatever lures he puts out there.
Researchers said overprotective parents may lack their own autonomy and self - assertion and overcompensate by protecting their children, making them easy targets for bullies.
Which makes these platforms easy targets for miscreants.
This makes them easy targets for cybercriminals and thieves.
Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) that raised money from US investors are easy targets for law firms and plaintiffs looking to collect on bogus ICOs or ones that simply did not file the proper securities exemption and have failed to deliver on stated commitments.
Unfortunately, most cryptocurrency service providers, such as wallets, are ripe for hacking as most platforms and services are still in their infancy, and therefore easy targets for hackers.
Tech novices are easy targets for malware, phishing, and sleazy salespeople.
Unknown destinations usually make travelers look like easy targets for ripping them off.
The answer is simple: college housing units and apartment complexes are easy targets for thieves.
Eater Christ in the Garden of Endless Breadsticks Chain restaurants are easy targets for ridicule, but almost all of us have memories of going to a TGI Fridays or a Ruby Tuesdays or a Chilis with the family growing up.
As we mentioned before, travelers are easy targets for all kinds of criminal action, so get smart and protect yourself.
When times are economically tough — and they stay that way in many parts of the world — travelers make easy targets for crime.
Homes without security systems can become easy targets for thieves.
Are librarians easy targets for linkbaiting?
The somewhat needless and arguably unprincipled prosecution of a small refurbishment contractor in the case of R v Skansen Interiors Limited resulting in an absolute discharge is another example of small companies being the easy targets for prosecutors seeking to test the boundaries of new corporate criminal offences.
To my mind, this raises a red flag as law firms clearly have ethical duties to protect client privacy and can be obvious / easy targets for hackers.
Perceived to be less sophisticated than banks and big companies, lawyers make easy targets for tech - savvy criminals.
The impetus behind the project is to solve two problems: army bases generate a lot of waste and the drivers who have to drive the truckloads of diesel fuel to these bases are easy targets for insurgents.
The pipelines and the capturing plants using thousands of gallons of toxic and highly flammable amines for capturing CO2 would be easy targets for terrorists to cause massive releases of CO2 causing a Lake Nyos like event or worse with a plant blowing up.
This suggests there may be some easy targets for strengthening INDCs, according to the report.
These, in turn, have made easy targets for the energy industry's climate change deniers.
«Monk seals became easy targets for hunters while resting, birthing, or nursing their pups on the beach.
THOROUGHLY VETTED Fancy food products are easy targets for critics of indulgent pet owners.
In its natural environment, as it scurries across the desert floor looking for food, hamsters and other rodents are easy targets for wild birds overhead.
In addition to the psychological damage wrought by continuous chaining, dogs forced to live on a chain make easy targets for other animals, humans and biting insects.
Freely - roaming cats are easy targets for gangs of youths with time on their hands, for cat - haters, who seek cats out for target practice, and for neighbors who would think nothing of killing a cat for trespassing on their property.
Washington, DC / Providence, RI - «Unfortunately, pet grooming, boarding, sitting and walking are easy targets for politicians looking for ways to increase their diminishing budgets.
Giving away a free animal makes them easy targets for this type of situation, where the animal's life has no monetary value.
What a tragedy, that the trusting, sweet dispositions that make beagles so popular as pets are the same that make them easy targets for animal testing.
In those days, tails and ears were routinely shortened because they were easy targets for farm predators.
Rottweiler puppies may have delicate digestive systems when they are young and this can cause them to become easy targets for episodes of diarrhea or soft stools.
Syrian hamsters are the strongest chewers of the hamster world, so keep in mind these cages with all of their ridges in the tubes or connection points can be easy targets for a dedicated hamster who wants to break out.
Foods left out for preparation or serving also create easy targets for pets.
Lost dogs are often relatively easy to spot and are sometimes anxious to find human help, making them easy targets for people willing to steal them.
Many merchants don't, and are easy targets for chargebacks, even when they have, in fact, provided the good or service.
This makes authors easy targets for self - publishing companies that take advantage, both in terms of authors» works and their wallets.
They will be easy targets for anyone who wants to game the system and cheat them.
In turn, this can help to accelerate return on investment in technology and ensure that modern learning facilities do not become easy targets for opportunist cybercriminals.
It may seem strange that Tarantino manages to get away with telling such potentially provocative stories, but the fact of the matter is that slave owners and Nazis are easy targets for a revenge movie — the audience will have a hatred of them before the film has even started, so the filmmaker's job of encouraging us to revel in their killing is that much easier.
Self - involved twentysomethings living off their parents dime in Williamsburg are easy targets for derision, and Charles Rogers and Sarah - Violet Bliss sharply aim their arrow at their bullseye throughout their debut feature Fort Tilden.
For all of its dire premonitions, foreshadowings of horror and easy targets for Jay Leno jokes, The Day After Tomorrow is eye - poppingly awesome and wonderfully entertaining.
Absolutely free dating sites are easy targets for devious or insincere types of people because of the fact that it's free.
Dating app users can become easy targets for sexually predatory behavior.
One of the biggest complaints l hear from redheaded ladies is that they are easy targets for.
Smoking — and nicotine addiction — are sometimes easy targets for... Continue reading Jane Goodall and White Coat Waste are wrong about nicotine addiction research
Austad decided that opossums age and breed relatively quickly because they are easy targets for predators.
Even the greatest superpower's satellites are easy targets for a motivated attacker, so the best defense is for everyone to agree not to shoot.
Pyenson says that after the ice age the non-migratory whales would have been easy targets for early whalers, so the migratory population has come to dominate.
Some of the greatest pressure came on IDS at the Department for Work and Pensions, whose poor, disabled, unemployed and otherwise vulnerable clients were seen as easy targets for cuts.
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