Sentences with phrase «eat x amount»

Not exact matches

While some people rave on and on about how you need «x» amount of protein to build muscles, become lean, pick up buildings, etc. it's important to note that you don't need to eat meat for every single meal to get enough protein.
So Harvard University came out with a study that news reporters are saying tells us that those who tend to eat more potatoes gain x amount of weight over 10 years... What do you make of this?
A woman who refuses all help when the labor exceeds her ability to physically sustain her self (spilling ketones, dehydration, unable to eat or rest in a labor over X amount of hours which might be 24 for some or 48 for others)
People have a tendency to approach the body [a nonlinear system] with a linear mentality i.e — If I do X, I'll get Y; If I eat X calories, in Y weeks I'll have Z amounts of fat loss.
By activators, he was referring to vitamins A and D, and what he called Activator X (now believed to be Vitamin K2), found only in certain sea foods such as shellfish, fish livers and fish eggs, in butterfat and organ meats from animals eating rapidly growing green grass, and in lesser amounts in eggs from pastured chickens and the fat of certain animals such as the guinea pig.
When Dr. Weston A. Price studied so - called primitive peoples, he found that they consumed large amounts of fat - soluble vitamins A and D (as well as vitamin K2, which he called the X Factor) from foods such as pastured butter, egg yolks, organ meats, shellfish, fatty fish and animal fats — as well as from foods that modern people don't normally eat, such as intestines, brain, lungs, thymus, fish liver, fish heads, fish eggs and fat from various game animals.
If I go a certain amount of time without eating, its like this idea pops into my head that I've already been «x» hours without food, so what is 5 more?
And what do ya know, its X amount of dollars and you automatically begin justifying eating ramen for the next 6 weeks so you can splurge and buy it because it will just look SO good and you just HAVE to have it.
In other words, «Lite Brand X» may actually have MORE calories than «Regular Brand Z.» Also, some pets simply eat more of the diet food to make up for lost calories, so even if you feed a lite formula, measured amount is still necessary.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z