Sentences with phrase «eat cakes flavoured»

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We'd sip a little Scotch, eat a bite of the rich dark chocolate cake, and float straight up to flavour heaven.
What I DO like about the vegetable addition is that a) it sometimes can bring a different aspect of flavour or colour to the cake, making it more interesting to eat b) its a GREAT way to use up a hell of a lot of veg at once e.g. if you have a bag of carrots starting to look a biiiit sad, turn em into cake instead of chucking them!
Use it as a dip for strawberries, dollop some on top of cake or cupcakes, serve with your favourite dairy free ice cream (mine is Tommy & James» chocolate flavoured Nice Cream)... or do what I did yesterday afternoon and just eat it by the giant, mouth - watering spoonful.
There's over 80 amazingly brilliant vegan ice cream recipes for ice cream, pops, ice cream sandwiches, ice cream cake, smoothies etc. ~ creamy, rich, decadent with so many flavours and interesting combinations of ingredients... YET we settled for a simple Coconut Water Cooler recipe... but that's exactly why I loved this book so much — it has a pure, natural and even simple way to eat healthier ice cream treats.
Who wants to bother with fiddly layers and boring old cake flavours when instead you can just eat ice cream.
The reason I will always choose to eat a layer cake over cupcakes is the complexity of flavour.
We ate this with crème anglais - it was good but we felt that it sort of bland out the flavour of this nutty cake instead of heightening it, so maybe you can forget about this addition.
I have also been working on my second book, The Natural Baker, which focuses on all of the wonderful wholefood ingredients I have discovered since I started baking, with recipes packed with flavour and texture for making delicious dishes, cakes, tarts and much more to eat throughout the day.
Dense and moist with a lovely flavour and just a hint of sweetness (I ate it without frosting) Yay, got the cake fix I really needed!
We ate cookies and cake, and made roasted pumpkin seeds with various flavours.
While indulging in morning glories and coffee cake flavoured muffins, we have been learning how to train our little ones on better sleeping haibts, how to implement healthier eating choices and vitamins for babies and moms both and what vitamin and cleaning choices are best to make.
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