Sentences with phrase «eat multiple times per day»

The primary example of cheap, addictive carbs in our society is probably boxed breakfast cereals which many young adults eat multiple times per day.
The standard (failed) weight loss advice is to restrict a few calories every day by reducing dietary fat and eating multiple times per day.

Not exact matches

Before I balanced my blood sugar, I would get «hangry» (hungry + angry) multiple times per day as the high carbohydrate foods I was eating were making me have huge blood sugar swings.
Whereas people WITH kids often wonder how anyone has time to eat multiple meals per day.
Individual X trains multiple times per week, some times twice per day and they eat a very healthy but low calorie diet.
If given the opportunity, cats will choose to eat multiple small meals per day.1 Trying a new feeding schedule, where your cat is getting a small, fresh meal several times a day, may help stimulate her appetite.
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