Sentences with phrase «eat small organisms»

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Therefore, they eat microscopically small plankton organisms
«Now all the organisms that had previously been your size and preying upon you are suddenly smaller, so you turn around and eat them,» Gregory said.
With just 121 protein - coding genes, the diminutive Tremblaya princeps, a symbiotic bacterium that lives inside specialized cells of the sap - eating mealybug, has the smallest known genome of any cellular organism on the planet.
The fish began eating a lot of the small organisms in the water.
Locally grown food eaten in its natural raw state contains valuable compounds, such as enzymes, that jumpstart a number of biochemical reactions in your body and also contain biophotons, which are small units of light that are stored in and utilized by all biological organisms, including humans.
If one just ingests RS, exclusive of other fiber, they may only encourage the critical gut organisms to creep up into the small intestine to begin their work, thus shorting the colon of valuable nutrients and allowing it to fall nearly into as poor health as if the person had eaten zero carbs.
Free - living species eat bacteria or other small - bodied organisms.
Studies have shown health problems among plankton and other small organisms that eat microfibers, which then make their way up the food chain.»
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