Sentences with phrase «eaten by their prey»

They may have ingested some plant material that had been eaten by their prey, but it was only a very small percent of their diet.

Not exact matches

I will circle the buffet like a hawk, picking off my prey one by one until I have eaten my weight in six different kinds of chips.
He brought members up to date on her milestones, too: learning to eat from a bottle, then taking solid foods and feeding herself, learning to dive now that her buoyant pup fur is nearly replaced by grownup fur, and, just this week, discovering the pouches under her arms, which otters use to hold prey as they're foraging or to carry a useful rock for cracking clamshells.
This bat species catches its prey by performing a midair somersault and closing its wings and tail around an insect it plans to eat.
Microplastic contamination may also spread from organism to organism when prey is eaten by predators.
By comparing the isotopic ratios of nitrogen and carbon in the lions» remains with that of contemporary lions, humans and herbivore prey, Justin Yeakel of the University of California, Santa Cruz, estimates the lions ate around 35 people.
Each venomous snake species produces a unique venom, a mixture of around 50 - 200 toxic proteins and protein fragments that co-evolve with the typical prey of the snake, such as the smaller reptiles eaten by the eastern coral snake or the rodents preferred by rattlesnakes.
Predators like wolves affect their ecosystems by eating their prey.
You may have heard of a landscape of fear — how a predator can influence an ecosystem not just by eating its prey, but also by introducing fear into the system, changing the behavior of many organisms.
When one species disappears, its predators can no longer eat it and its prey are no longer eaten by it.
It was eggshell thinning that devastated fish - eating birds and birds of prey, says Fry, and this effect is well documented in a report (pdf) on DDT published in 2002 by the Department of Health and Human Services» Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR).
A nectar - feeding bat that was thought to eat insects in passing has been discovered to target its moving prey with stealth precision, according to new research by a scientist at Queen Mary University of London.
The spider will capture and eat by itself insect prey that are smaller than it is.
By estimating the prey's weight and how much the pumas (and any kittens they had) ate, Elbroch and Wittmer could calculate how much meat the cats left behind — either when they got full and moved on or were scared away from the carcass by groups of scavengerBy estimating the prey's weight and how much the pumas (and any kittens they had) ate, Elbroch and Wittmer could calculate how much meat the cats left behind — either when they got full and moved on or were scared away from the carcass by groups of scavengerby groups of scavengers.
«In fact, we found evidence that seals may actually be doing the fishermen a favour, by eating some species that prey on the valuable stocks the fishermen are after.»
Frog - eating bats pinpoint their prey by their calls, and have evolved unique hearing that allows them to detect both the high - pitched squeaks of their echolocation system and the low - frequency sound of calling frogs.
As small omnivores and herbivores, Captorhinus and its relatives had to scrounge for food while avoiding being preyed upon by large meat - eating amphibians and ancient relatives of mammals.
The macaques use these tools to break open oysters, gastropods, and other intertidal prey (Gumert and Malaivijitnond, 2012), during intensive foraging episodes that can result in dozens of shellfish being eaten by a single animal using a single tool (Haslam et al., 2016a2016).
Jumping spiders, voracious predators that eat pests around the world, can learn to distinguish the color red in their prey, thus allowing them to avoid toxicity in what they consume, according to new research led by a UF / IFAS scientist.
These species facilitate the transfer of energy to higher trophic levels by consuming very small prey and then being eaten by larger, predatory fish and other marine animals.
The big bad at the center of John Krasinski's film, while visually reminiscent of what we've come to recognize as the prototypical alien — with modifications, including a head that seemingly functions like a giant ear — is a species of flesh - eating hellion that happens to be blind, and thus its potential prey can successfully evade capture by being silent at all times.
by Walter Chaw British Comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, as his Kazakhstani journalist alter ego Borat, tells former Georgia senator Bob Barr that the cheese Barr's just eaten was made from his wife's breast milk, and he does it in such a way as to suggest the naïf savage stereotype's unaffected innocence as it preys on the secret bigot in us all.
From a biological perspective, cats have evolved to meet all of their daily nutritional requirements by eating one type of food: whole prey animals.
Cats get infected by hunting and eating prey, eating raw food diets, or by inadvertently licking oocysts during grooming.
Taenia species - These are tapeworms that are acquired by eating prey or waste containing the infective larval stage.
[11] He was merely drawing the distinction between food provided by humans and any prey that cats might eat as food.
Cats and dogs can also become infected by licking and / or eating grass and dirt and other soiled items that contain infective eggs or by eating prey animals that have already been infected.
Wild animals have been trained by their parents to then eat their prey, which is why most dogs don't eat prey that they have captured.
An interesting aside is that, while cats in the wild only eat prey, they get their grains and vegetables by eating the contents of their prey's stomach.
[7, emphasis mine] He was merely drawing the distinction between food provided by humans and any prey that cats might eat as food.
As obligate carnivores, cats have evolved to meet all of their nutritional needs by eating the flesh of prey animals — and, as a result, their dietary needs are very different from our own.
Since cats have historically survived by eating nothing but prey animals, their bodies have stopped producing many of the chemicals required to process high - carbohydrate plant foods, namely amylase.
It is possible to become infected by eating undercooked meats in the same way that dogs and cats can, becoming infected through the consumption of prey.
Besides, they will only get eaten out in the wild by larger prey and they cling to humans.
All obligate carnivores have evolved to meet all of their nutritional needs by eating one thing: the muscles, organs, and other body parts of prey animals.
Beta carotene, the chemical that makes fruits and vegetables orange, is the main thing that we use to make Vitamin A. Cats, on the other hand, are incapable of converting beta carotene to Vitamin A, and must get the vitamin in its pre-formed state by eating the bodies of prey animals who have done the converting for them.
This means that, in nature, a cat would have to meet most of its caloric needs by eating the flesh of prey animals.
Cats, on the other hand, are obligate carnivores, who have adapted to meet all of their nutritional needs by eating whole prey, just like their wild big cat cousins.
Because cats have spent the last several million years adapting to meet all of their nutritional foods by eating the flesh of prey animals, they have largely lost many of the biological features necessary for extracting nutrition from nonmeat sources, including plant foods.
The exact causes of chronic kidney failure are unknown, although the loss of healthy kidney tissue may be a result of readily recognizable conditions, such as kidney infections or obstructions; some suggest it is more prominent now due to the dry commercial cat foods fed by most cat owners, instead of the moisture rich prey a cat would eat in nature.
Remember that domestic cats are by nature hunters, your cat's diarrhea may have been brought about by it eating prey.
«George found that about 50 % of prey were indeed brought home, with the other 50 % being eaten, scavenged by other animals or simply not found.»
In addition, the eggs may be eaten by another animal («intermediate host») such as a small rodent (for example a mouse or rat), and a cat can be infected by preying on (eating) the infected intermediate host.
Rabbits are prey species, so they hide sickness to prevent being eaten by predators.
Cats are motivated by their strong prey instincts to chase and hunt the toy, and it's not a large leap to eat the toy if it is covered in real rabbit or mouse fur.
Toxoplasmosis is caused by the Toxoplasma gondii parasite that can infect your cat if she or he eats prey that is contaminated with the parasite, or comes into contact with infected earth as toxoplasmosis parasites live in the soil.
Perhaps in the gathering of toys and other items, our domestic cat is motivated by her belief that the toy is prey of some sort, since it is often deposited in the area where she eats and feels safe and at ease.
This recipe adds very small amounts of fruits and vegetables as they would be eaten by a feline in the viscera of prey contributing with important vitamins and minerals and other nutrients.
Infection with parasites that encyst or migrate through the muscles of the body, such as trichinosis or toxoplasmosis, caused by eating the uncooked meat of infected prey animals or exposure to cat feces can also cause elevated CK levels (infectious polymyositis).
Pacific white - sided dolphins are preyed upon by transient (mammal - eating) orca whales and in some parts of their range by large sharks.
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