Sentences with phrase «eaten in its natural state»

- A large part of their diet is eaten uncooked, in the summer, as much as 80 percent of the food is eaten in its natural state.
I have seen some posts that insist that they ARE basically little more than sugary water and that the only real way to get benefits from fruits and vegetables is to eat them in their natural state, not as juices that have much of the nutrients (fiber, pulp, etc.) removed.
Is stocking your crisper with raw veggies and eating them in their natural state the healthiest approach to meeting your body's micronutrient requirements?
When food is eaten in its natural state, it satisfies you.
The Dog Cancer Diet is a full spectrum diet consisting of what dogs eat in their natural state in the wild.
There remain many unanswered questions concerning the fact that cats often suffer from poor dental health but one very obvious answer lies in the fact that humans feed cats a diet that does not even come close to what they would eat in their natural state.

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He waxed eloquent about the nuns who did not have true vocation to celibacy — and the monks: «Unless she is in a high and unusual state of grace a young woman can do without a man as little as she can do without eating, drinking, sleeping or other natural requirements.
Vladia emphases the importance of using food in its most natural state, like eating seasonal foods that are free of unwanted pesticides and chemicals.
Eat real food — your body knows how to digest wholefoods (foods in their natural state or as close as possible to their natural state).
Eat real food — foods in their natural state or as close as possible to their natural state.
So as I said in my New Year Resolution in the last post, I will try to eat more real foods — foods that are as close to their natural state as possible — and less processed foods (i.e. foods that come in boxes and packages with too many weird ingredients that are impossible to pronounce!)
I think the key is 1) eating whole unprocessed natural foods and minimize added sugar not in its natural state to 6 teaspoons a day or less (ie: sugar removed from fruit and concentrated is still handled by your body as sugar).
This broccoli smoothie contains raw broccoli which is hard to tolerate when eaten in it's natural state.
The so - called Paleo Diet has been around for some years, but has grown to achieve almost cult status, particularly in the United States, since its revival in the early 2000s, exploiting rising interest in returning to the eating habits of our ancestors, perceived to be simpler and more natural.
It is simply about eating wholefoods (foods that are in their natural state or as close as possible to their natural state).
I want her to be satisfied with fruits and veggies as they are in their natural state because that is the healthiest way to eat them.
La Leche League encourages families to eat a wide variety of foods in as close to their natural state as possible.
However, by the time the turkeys were processed at the Penn State Poultry Education and Research Center in December, the birds that consumed natural feedstuffs weighed essentially the same as turkeys in the control group that ate only commercial poultry feed.
The next phase of the Penn State research will involve raising heritage birds in a silvopasture system where they will be able to forage and eat natural feedstuffs as they find them outdoors, instead of predominantly commercial turkey feed in a pen trial.
Arianna Ferguson, a Penn State Millennium Scholar majoring in Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, conducted research to determine whether heritage turkeys would eat natural foodstuffs and their impact on growth performance and carcass yield.
Whether you're on a strict autoimmune Paleo protocol eating bone broth and organ meats or on a raw vegan diet of sprouted nuts and wild berries, it's essential to focus on whole, real foods in their natural state — unadulterated by chemicals, genetic modification or hormones.
In the «Eat» section, Seib focuses on a Paleo way of eating, making a case for eating real, whole foods in their natural statIn the «Eat» section, Seib focuses on a Paleo way of eating, making a case for eating real, whole foods in their natural statin their natural state.
At LÄRABAR ®, we believe that the foundation of a sound mind, body and spirit is derived from what you eat - and what you eat is most delicious and satisfying when it's in a whole, natural state.
Staging your kitchen for success is essential when it comes to eating clean — this means eating foods in their natural and unprocessed state.
Can you see how eating in the natural and necessary state of parasympathetic dominance can yield breakthroughs with food and metabolism?
If you're like me and eating as many foods in an all - natural state as possible, minding your added sugar intake and avoiding processed dairy, even the «all - natural» protein powders can present a challenge.
I aim to eat food in its most natural state, avoiding processed and packaged ingredients.
For Nuts and Legumes - in their raw state these have natural protection against being digested, so when eaten raw they can cause bad indigestion and even gut damage.
It's not about being a die - hard vegan or paleo, it's about eating real food in its most natural state.
Consuming foods which are in their whole state with intact fiber will allow more natural mindful eating where our bodies give us cues to stop eating.
The flip on this is that, the natural forming portions of the trans fat in these animals that we eat from is only 2 % to 5 % and again is in its natural state.
The most healthful diet consists of whole foods, eaten in as natural a state as possible.
Eating natural foods in as whole state as possible will go a long way.
Locally grown food eaten in its natural raw state contains valuable compounds, such as enzymes, that jumpstart a number of biochemical reactions in your body and also contain biophotons, which are small units of light that are stored in and utilized by all biological organisms, including humans.
Eating real foods in their natural state ensures the best defense against the myriad of challenges we face to stay healthy.
He presented double - blind placebo - controlled studies on various nutrients as well as his own case studies, proving that eating foods in their natural state - unaltered by cooking, processing, preservatives, chemical fertilizers, fungicides, pesticides, or genetic modification - does indeed provide the body with all the essential vitamins, minerals, live enzymes, and phytochemicals - everything it needs to prevent and fight off disease and create vitality.»
At the core of my eating philosophy is that we should just focus on eating simple whole foods, in as close to their natural state as possible.
So, I'll tell you what «raw food eating» is for me: eating food in its natural state, not refined, not processed.
According to certified holistic nutritionist Kelly LeVeque, the fruitarian diet is «a subset of raw veganism where you eat botanical fruits in their natural state
Maybe we are better off only eating foods that are 100 % in their natural state, even the organic packaged foods maybe should be tossed aside.
As we mentioned in What Happened When we Went Gluten Free and Real Food for Real People, we have learned over the years that a healthy lifestyle consists of eating whole, pure, foods in their natural and unrefined state.
Eating foods in their natural raw state allows your body to absorb all of their nutrient rich goodness while double dosing with fiber, which your body uses to cleanse itself the through elimination process.
Eat more foods in their natural state The more packaging and processing a food undergoes, the less it can do for your health.
Finally, try and eat food in its most natural state and avoid processed foods, fast food and ready meals.
I think that balance is the key to success along with eating a diet that is made up of nutrient dense foods in their natural state (as unprocessed as possible).
I did see a video on (Dr. Gregor) website, quite sometime ago, and if I remember correctly I thought it stated when looking at what people ate 200hundred years ago their sodium intake was 200 mg — 500 mg daily and so is this what the goal should be with getting natural sodium in whole plant foods (and in mostly raw plant food diet)?
I focus on eating wholefoods (foods in their natural state or as close as possible to their natural... Continued
The most important principle of clean eating is to eat foods in their most natural state, says Michelle Dudash, R.D., author of Clean Eating for Busy Fameating is to eat foods in their most natural state, says Michelle Dudash, R.D., author of Clean Eating for Busy FamEating for Busy Families.
Not saying that white rice is the more «evil» food between he two but I do know that they are essentially a bit more benefits in eating foods on their most natural state.
Though most proponents of the natural dog food diet state that the food must be cooked, many nutritionists and veterinarians claim the raw food diet is the most natural because it imitates the way dogs eat in the wild.
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