Sentences with phrase «eating bats»

Just 5 km north of the picnic area, you will find Bats Caves, which is filled with many fruit eating bats.
Big dung beetles are eating bats» feces.
Two standouts from Asia are the Mandarin ratsnake, a small and stunning beauty with a striking black and yellow pattern against a grey background, and Ridley's cave ratsnake, a large but sweetly dispositional snake with a silvery grey color and a propensity for eating bats (don't worry, they adjust beautifully to a diet of rat pups).
Insect - eating bats have sharp - edged molars for grinding hard outer shells of insects.
However, humans, higher primates, Guinea pigs, and some fruit - eating bats lack an enzyme required for this internal production of the vitamin, so we must get it in foods every day, and constantly recycle it in the body using other antioxidants and free radical fighters.
And fruit - eating bats are key players in restoring those vital forests.
Tuttle shares research showing that frog - eating bats can identify frogs by their calls, that vampire bats have a social order similar to that of primates, and that bats have remarkable memories.
Frog - eating bats pinpoint their prey by their calls, and have evolved unique hearing that allows them to detect both the high - pitched squeaks of their echolocation system and the low - frequency sound of calling frogs.
It is home to a group of small, fruit - eating bats ranging from half - an - ounce to three ounces in size.
He is particularly charmed by insect - eating bats, who measure distance by timing echoes bouncing back from sounds they generate as they fly.
If the bats were eating clay for minerals, Voigt predicted, he would find fewer fruit - eating bats at the clay licks because fruits have more dietary minerals than insects.
But most of the bats he captured at the clay lick were fruit - eating bats — and many of them were pregnant or lactating.
«They are related to vampire bats, ghost - faced bats, fishing and frog - eating bats, and nectar - feeding bats, and belong to a bat superfamily that once spanned the southern landmasses of Australia, New Zealand, South America and possibly Antarctica.»
Insect - eating bats use echolocation, a form of sonar, to identify and capture their prey.
Insect - eating bats often roost in houses, and people may encounter the animals more frequently as settlements push deeper into previously wild areas.
Ever wonder what it would be like to eat a bat?
Thomas Kunz of Boston University and his team observed a captive colony of the Rodrigues fruit - eating bat (Pteropus rodricensis) in Gainesville, Florida.
The Mortlock Islands flying fox, a large, breadfruit - eating bat native to a few remote and tiny Pacific islands, has long been regarded as one of the world's least studied bats.
«Black mouse - eared bat goes green: First case of a fruit - eating bat in the largest genus.»
Nobody wants to eat bat poop.
The gameplay remains the same so you can expect the same high expectation as portrayed in the Wii title, whether it's swinging from vine to vine, blasting out of barrels, rampaging through obstacles on the back of a rhino, speeding down tracks on mine carts or rocketing on a rocket barrel away from a giant gorilla / chimp eating bat, there is always that fun aspect in every moment and level of Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D.
If Helen Marten were a scene from literature, it would be this: Alice, wondering whether cats eat bats or bats eat cats, discovers that the Cheshire Cat is, in fact, a reincarnation of Martin Kippenberger (she can tell by his preference for pasta and puns).
There wont be a bird or insect - eating bat left in the country once you and GE have «saved the environment»

Not exact matches

«Let me say this right off the bat: These things are a big step up from previous faux - meat burgers, though they still have a way to go before they're going to fool anyone who eats meat critically on a regular basis.
Shame on those Christians who eat shellfish, wear jewelry, dress in clothing containing more than one type of fabric, or think that bats are mammals.
Breakfast, however, is a meal when I can eat savory or sweet (most often sweet) and not bat an eyelash about it.
Does anyone know if the substitutions will last as long as regular whipped cream or do you need to eat them pretty much right off the bat?
This was pie number three look how scary it is with the bat on top... The past week i've eaten so much pumpkin pie i thought i'd never be able to eat it again, until i made the final pie, i'm obsessed!
Either way, you wouldn't catch me batting an eyelid when, or where you ate these!
They're so good, I think I could have eaten half the pan right off the bat.
The guano cycle begins when plant matter is eaten by insects, which are, in turn, eaten and digested by bats.
The bats were progressing, leaving rainforests where slice and - consume logging was causing huge dimness, closing out daylight and keeping the organic product they ate from developing.
Bonus points when those oats go into a no - bake recipe that take minutes to put together and can be eaten pretty much anytime anywhere without batting an eye.
He is so cute I think I want to breastfeed him until he is three when he can eat a cracker, hold a cricket bat and breastfeed at the same time!»
Bats eat any flying insects that come out at night, basically whatever insect is in their line of flight.
For one thing, Meliandou is not located near fruit bat roosting sites where the child might have come in contact with an infected animal or tainted fruit, and there is no evidence that the family ate fruit bats.
Bats perform many important ecological tasks, such as eating insects and pollinating some plants.
This bat species catches its prey by performing a midair somersault and closing its wings and tail around an insect it plans to eat.
For that, Meteyer explains, microscopic analyses of skin tissue must confirm that the pathogen «is eroding it — actually eating away the skin of the bat
Birds and bats are important seed dispersers, eating desert fruits during the wet season and spreading their seeds through droppings.
The toxin, they proposed, was «biomagnified» in cycad - eating flying foxes — fruit bats.
This surely contributes to the rarity or nonexistence of human - to - human transmission of rabies (acquired by the bite of an infected dog or bat); cat - scratch disease (which causes skin lesions and swollen lymph nodes); tularemia (a disease, often acquired when hunting and cutting up an infected rabbit, that can cause skin ulcers, swollen lymph nodes, and fever); and BSE (probably acquired by eating the nervous system tissue of infected cows).
Even getting rid of disease - carrying mosquitoes might have consequences: Bats, birds and other critters that eat insects could lose a valuable food supply.
Among people who regularly ate fruit bats, he hypothesized, the cumulative dose of BMAA might have been sufficient to inflict brain damage.
The ecological consequences could include more mosquitoes and other undesirable insects that the bats eat.
«The hypothesis was that Lepidoptera started shifting to day activity to avoid getting eaten by bats, but the answer may not be that simple.»
But there is an ecological consequence to bat extinction: A single bat can eat thousands of insects in a single night.
Bats ate less fruit in lit areas than in dark ones, which may lessen their seed - dispersal activities needed to bring back slashed rainforests.
A nectar - feeding bat that was thought to eat insects in passing has been discovered to target its moving prey with stealth precision.
A nectar - feeding bat that was thought to eat insects in passing has been discovered to target its moving prey with stealth precision, according to new research by a scientist at Queen Mary University of London.
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