Sentences with phrase «eating choices»

The phrase "eating choices" refers to the decisions we make about the food we choose to consume. It means deciding what we want to eat and making a choice between different foods or meals. Full definition
I am trying my best to make healthier eating choices in 2017.
She makes me very proud because she usually makes good eating choices.
One of my main goals for 2018 is to begin incorporating healthier eating choices for my entire family.
Are we surprised, then, when these same children go on to make poor eating choices in later life, compromising their own health?
Throughout my journey, I've learned that it is ALWAYS possible to make healthy eating choices on the road, regardless of location, accessibility, or budget.
If your budget forced you to make unhealthy eating choices, modify your diet with health - conscious, nutritious foods.
Between smart eating choices and exercise, you were sure you were going to get to stay in your normal clothes until your third trimester.
When you realize this, you can use it to your advantage and help your child to make more healthful eating choices.
You'll benefit by having increased energy and exercising will help to build momentum, which will help you to make healthier eating choices throughout the day.
We love our healthy fats and probiotics, and work hard to ensure we make wise eating choices on a day to day basis.
It can be difficult to raise your child to make healthy eating choices from early on.
Poor eating choices during the holidays weaken our immune systems.
Using these ideas, you can feel great with your healthy eating choices even in a pinch.
This is about building good strong habits, and keeping ourselves making healthy happy eating choices.
When you're in a state of choosing how to respond, rather than simply reacting, you're more likely to make considered eating choices.
Step 5 is a «meaty» chapter about mindful eating choices and nutritional common sense.
However, I personally prefer to eat the same foods I eat at any other time, as making consistent eating choices helps to better form healthy habits.
If they ask, explain why the food is healthy and that making good eating choices is important for a healthy body.
What it is, is helping you make safer and healthier eating choices for your body.
I realized life is short as it is, and I didn't want it to be cut even shorter by poor eating choices and a sedentary lifestyle.
Raise your hand if this sounds familiar: You're moving your body regularly and making mindful, healthful eating choices — and yet the number on the scale is stuck.
You don't want to put in all the effort of a good workout, just to train wreck yourself with bad eating choices.
One of the easiest ways to encourage your child to make wiser eating choices is to set a good example.
While exercise combined with healthy eating choices is the most effective for weight loss, there are ways that require little effort that can help you to lose weight without exercising and dieting.
For the study, Elbel's team surveyed fast - food restaurant eating choices of 483 boys and girls between the ages of 1 and 18 who dined in or took food to go from a McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, Wendy's, or Subway between January 2013 and June 2014.
Even though Rise Up + Recover was designed for eating disorder recovery, I use it with my non-eating disorder clients too, because it prompts them to consider things like how emotions and hunger level affect eating choices
«It's an opportunity to make healthy eating choices as varied as possible, and it's a learning lesson for children about how to put a plate together that's healthy and balanced,» she said.
But they are extremely vital tools that could plausibly help people make better, more informed eating choices.
As much as we all want to look our best, the process of beating ourselves up because we don't look like a fitness model right away usually spirals into poor eating choices because it's just too shallow of a reason to make permanent change, and it takes some time to see a difference in our bodies.
In other words, for approximately $ 1.50 more per day, it is possible to change unhealthy eating choices into healthy ones.
Bars and nightlife Being a fun kind of destination, Ochheuteal has at least as many drinking as it does eating choices going from poolside cocktails at a resort, a sundowner with a view on Serendipity's rocks or your toes in the sand in an Ochheuteal deckchair, to a pub quiz and mojito at one of the Serendipity Beach Road's bars or a game of pool or connect 4 at Sihanoukville Square.
Are you overwhelmed by eating choices in Austin and looking for some healthy direction?
So, our task as parents is to teach our children that they can make healthy, satisfying (on multiple counts) and tasty eating choices by giving them that kind of food, to the best of our ability.
From the beginning, the female's sexual desire is uninhibitedly expressed: «O that you would kiss me»; «Draw me after you»; «Awake, 0 north wind»; «Let my beloved come to his garden, and eat its choicest fruits»; «Come, my beloved, let us go forth into the fields» (S. of S. 1:2, 1:4, 4:16, 7: 11).
The voluntary Health Star Rating System is has been designed to make healthy eating choices easier for Australian consumers when purchasing groceries.
Australian Organic's General Manager of Commercial, Joanne Barber, says from farm to shelf certified organic chocolate is an ethical eating choice.
So, there is an innate wisdom in your early pregnancy eating choices (or lack of eating as the case may be!).
i eat fast food and is poor and i have a choice of alot more healthy foods and i excercise daily and i do nt have and heart problems and im not unhealthy its not what u eat it how much and if u exercise after it all
Guiding Stars is a nutritional rating system that helps you make healthful eating choices quickly.
The best way to stick to your healthy eating choices if you're not planning or intending on indulging (which can be part of a balanced life!)
«For the first time, I was about making sustainable eating choices that could realistically last the rest of my life.
Especially if you're half - assing your way through your workouts and making crappy eating choices.
Many of our unhealthy eating choices often stem from emotional needs or desires.
Healthy Kids Challenge ® (HKC) workshops help schools and youth programs build those healthy places and integrate education that enables kids to make healthy eating choices balanced with physical activity.
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