Sentences with phrase «eating dogfood»

They could do it internally like Facebook, effectively «eating the dogfood» before pushing new features and functionality to users.
Second, you have adoption — are people using the new tools and solutions — are the dogs eating the dogfood?
Until you've had a dozen serious sales (with happy customers) and things appear to be sticking and the dogs are eating the dogfood.
If you can't determine early on who is going to pay you for your new product or service and you haven't demonstrated that the dogs are gonna eat the dogfood, then it's highly likely that you don't have a viable business.
We now hav a hard time getting her to eat dogfood.

Not exact matches

In the technology industry, a company that uses its own product is said to eat its own dogfood.
Concluding that this attorney should have eaten his own dogfood, Elefant asks, «Are you eating yours?»
Here's how Wikipedia describes it: Eating your own dog food, also called dogfooding, is a slang term used to reference a scenario in which a company uses its own product to validate the quality and capabilities of the product.
«We're going to be eating our own dogfood,» he said, referencing an industry practice of product testing.
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