Sentences with phrase «eating foods from»

Participants self - reported their frequency of eating foods from a fast food restaurant (i.e. McDonalds, KFC and Wendy's).
Science has proven that eating foods from a wider variety of sources creates a healthier diet, since each type of food contributes different nutrients and possible health advantages.
Is it not better for them not to eat legumes at all, since hemolysis (in some degree) occurs after eating foods from the list to avoid?
If you're not used to eating foods from the legume family or fibre - rich food, introduce them slowly.
The simplest change is to stop eating foods from a bag or a box.
We are eating foods from all over the world, and travel to 3rd world countries is more and more common therefore, we are all being exposed.
Developing healthy eating habits eating foods from this group that are «lean» or low in fat, is a great way to get the protein that your body needs without getting too much fat in your diet.
We were watching a YouTube video from BuzzFeed a couple of summers ago where they were eating foods from Whataburger.
Upgrade your food selection and start eating foods from health - friendly manufacturers like Hampton Creek.
Once at a table, the women wait until their sons or husbands — all of whom have been imprisoned for more than a decade and have over a decade to go — come out to spend a morning in the gloomy room to talk and eat food from the vending machines.
Who wants to eat food from a burned out refrigerator?
And I do eat foods from da health food store.
I love the springtime, when we can finally eat food from our garden.
If you love to eat food from any corner of the globe, it's helpful to keep a pantry well stocked with the supplies you'll need to mimic the flavours you're craving.
When I lived mid state for 4 years, I was surrounded by plenty of Mennonite families who ran businesses including selling ready - to - eat food from their delis.
I wish I could eat food from your bicycle someday..
Kids love to eat food from sticks!
I absolutely LOVE eating food from a bowl, it seems to be a trend now but even if and when it wanes I shall still be eating from a bowl whenever I can!
«There's such a love affair of the American consumer for eating food from a truck or a cart that's just mind boggling,» he said.
It's the same feeling I get when I'm back home in Dallas, eating food from my mother's kitchen.
The closer you can eat your food from the time it was harvested the better it will taste.
But some supermarkets doused binned food in bleach to prevent potential food - poisoning by eating food from bins.
Jerky is a popular snack for folks on the trendy Paleo diet which urges consumers to eat foods from their hunter / gatherer ancestors.
We eat food from our eyes then from our mouth....
There are so many reasons why homemade almond butter cups are better than the bright orange package you can pick up at a gas station... (I mean should anyone eat food from a gas station?!)
I eat food from a regular grocery store.
I really loved the whole essence of keeping it fresh and eating food from the farm.
Picky Eater: A picky eater is one who only eats foods from one category (dairy, meats, that sort of thing) or has a limited number of foods he will eat.
The researchers write in JAMA that bisphenol A - commonly known as BPA - typically enters the body when people eat food from a can.
However, if you should notice that your baby is struggling with meeting this milestone, including excessive gagging, frequent choking, and refusal to eat any foods from a spoon, open a dialogue with your pediatrician about this and consider seeking a referral to an occupational or speech therapist who specializes in feeding.
She is Chinese - Vietnamese who enjoys eating food from all cultures.
When parents eat foods from apple to zucchini, they can offer children a bite with less risk of waste.»
If they feel an investment in the process, they'll eat foods from the garden.
Eating should be simple: Eat foods from nature, and repeat daily.
I started researching ways to use coconut oil for pets when our cat went crazy trying to eat food from our plates every time I cooked with coconut oil.
This one example provided evidence that what Molly was expressing — the ability to calm herself through control over her choices, even if that just meant eating food from a certain place — was not an isolated incident.
Eat Food With Seaweed: People in Okinawa that ate food from soil that had once been below sea level were the healthiest.
I don't often eat food from tins or packets now.
Today we can eat food from around the world — we can make sure we get enough selenium by eating a brazil nut or two (kidneys are also a good source of selenium), we can get enough iodine from iodised salt or seaweed (selenium and iodine are the most important deficiencies in New Zealand, because of local soil conditions), and if we eat wholefood from a variety of sources — e.g. meat, a little organ meat (once or twice a week), nuts & seeds, seafood, vegetables, and dairy (or bone broth if you don't tolerate dairy, two or three times a week)-- this will supply enough nutrition for optimum health.
My mother would tell me «Eat foods from the Earth» and give me plates of fruit while I was playing my computer games and I would tell her to leave me alone and eat more Dorito's.
There's a saying in Chinese medicine that «When a baby can crawl she is ready to eat food from the earth.» It's in many, many products — probably small amounts might be okay — but this is why I constantly repeat this notion: EAT food from a plant — not made in a plant.
It is impossible to eat foods from the sea and avoid these naturally occurring metals entirely.
If you never eat foods from this group, you could still reach your molybdenum goals, but it could be much more challenging for you to do so.
Find strawberries, asparagus, veggies and herbs with farm eggs and meats from farmers, ready - to - eat foods from Alabama food producers and anything from soaps, candles and jewelry to wood products and apparel handcrafted by small businesses.
I did not grow up eating food from boxes.
An ole hippie who prefers skirts and shaws but I do own jeans, living with nature, eating food from the earth, talking with the trees, loving life, play is my work: dance, write, draw, walk, talk.
K&E 4081 - 3 (ca. 1937) This is the probably the oldest 4081 - 3 in my collection, dating back to the year it was first introduced (serial number places it to Do you follow the five - second rule - the guideline that says it's okay to eat food from the floor if you pick it up straight away?
Just eating the food from the garden isn't enough.
Yes, every time I read a book that has characters who eat foods from different countries (or even different parts of the US) I am intrigued.
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