Sentences with phrase «to eating meat»

And what I'm saying is that from what I see, people that don't eat meat don't get enough protein — often because carbs are substituted for protein.
I'd guess that most of us who eat meat do so because our bodies need it for optimal health.
If there is a danger in the move towards grass feeding, it is the danger of eating meat too lean.
Number one, I think an animal has to be killed and if we were to kill all our own meat, it would stop a lot of people from eating meat.
It was during that time, I stopped eating meat for a year, while working a job that became more demanding and stressful, my body felt like it was missing something.
It's funny because I don't eat meat on a bone, I've just never liked it.
He doesn't eat meat in the house, but likes it when we are out for food.
The key when eating meat is to not eat too much.
My husband is adamant about eating meat with every meal.
By not eating meat at least one day a week we help the environment, save animals and improve our health.
This is your guide to shopping smarter, cooking strategically, and feeling better about eating meat — and enjoying it more than ever.
It's important to know that wild dogs don't just eat the meat of the animal they kill.
My husband started eating meat again because he felt like it made him feel better.
I was just telling my husband how it's too bad that we don't eat meat because of how gorgeous your recipes (and photography) are!
I was a vegetarian for 18 years before I got sick, and started eating meat again after because of protein deficiency.
Hmm I struggle to make protein with eating meat so I'm sure it's tough without!
Most people are surprised when I tell them that I have never eaten meat in my life.
For me, everyone knows I LOVE meat, but to be honest I can go a day without eating meat, but I can't go a day without eating any veggies!
I hate to waste most of the fish after eating the meat.
We never eat meat more than one meal per day and often not even that.
If I'm going to eat meat sometimes, might as well be great meat.
Too many main stream health books encourage eating meat which to me goes against the philosophy of health... physical and spiritual.
I lost 16 lbs on it but I don't like just eating meat too much.
If you do not eat meat then you can substitute coconut oil.
I am not even vegetarian but we almost don't eat meat anymore as your recipes don't require them to taste yummy.
It's a light and refreshing lunch for those days you don't feel like eating meat.
Coming from a girl who rarely eats any meat, it is amazing!
Judging purely the archaeological evidence — the earliest found archaeological records show our ancestors had eaten meat since the dawn of civilization.
Sometimes, in their quest to eliminate dietary fat from their diet, trainees quit eating meat, this seems to occur a lot among female trainees.
«I loved eating meat, but I didn't like the way it was being produced,» he says.
Somehow my choice to not eat meat made many people defensive about their choice to eat it.
Someone who chooses to not eat meat often enjoys better health due to the fact they will eat more plant - based foods as well as being more active in making healthy choices.
That is so great that you are feeling better since eating meat free.
Now that we are no longer eating meat, I like to try and make sure that I add some plant - based protein to all of our meals.
But I would also always eat meat at each meal.
The researchers behind this work can't be sure whether eating meat directly caused the risk of high blood pressure.
No, we are not saying don't barbecue and don't eat meat today.
I was never against eating meat, but it was just not the right move for me during my time without it.
Buy meat in large amounts if your family eats meat most of the time.
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