Sentences with phrase «eating normal amounts of food»

Be sure to monitor that your pet is eating their normal amounts of food.
However, purging can be present in teens who eat normal amounts of food, or those with anorexia nervosa.
Under normal conditions, these mice ate a normal amount of food.
When you come off of your diet and begin to eat a normal amount of food again you will gain back most, if not all, of the fat that you might have lost, and your body will become more resistant to your next diet.
You've either lost a ton of weight because of your restrictive diet or you've gained weight despite feeling like you're eating a normal amount of food...
We would assign the other half of our subjects to a group that keeps eating their normal amount of food.
Participants were instructed to eat their normal amounts of food in addition to the dietary supplement.
This occurs despite the fact that they're eating a normal amount of food.
Specifically, sleep - restricted rodents lost weight even though they ate more (24) and rats with sleep disturbance because of ventrolateral preoptic area of the hypothalamus lesions (25) gained less weight even though they ate normal amounts of food.
But there are other medical situations that will cause your cat to lose weight, even if she continues to eat her normal amount of food.

Not exact matches

Keep an eye on your child's energy levels; even if he is eating only small amounts of healthy food, if his energy levels seem normal, then he's probably fine.
During the last three to four weeks and while nursing, a pregnant cat should eat about two to four times her normal amount of food.
If you know that she's eating normal amounts of solid foods, then you'll want to think about other reasons that could be causing her to drink less breastmilk or formula (like illness, or teething).
Rats deprived of sleep lose the ability to regulate metabolism — they eat twice the normal amount of food, but still lose weight.
These normal reflex mechanisms, which help limit the amount of food we eat, can malfunction and become less sensitive in obesity.
One group consumed normal amounts of vitamin A («sufficient»), while the other group ate food that lacked the nutrient («deficient»).
For some reason, many people (me included in the past) feel like vacation is a time to completely disregard normal eating habits and budget constraints and spend enormous amounts of money eating processed foods at overpriced restaurants.
Pets will travel better with small amounts of food and water in their system frequently rather than allowing the pet to eat his or her normal ration.
After 36 hours, the dog is fed small amounts of food and water and gradually allowed to eat normal amounts if there is no further trouble.
One study showed that dogs who received 25 % fewer calories than what was considered «normal» for their size lived an average of 2 years longer than those who ate a «normal» amount of food.
Pets typically require less food during colder months, so do not be alarmed if your pet is not eating as much, as long as he or she is eating an adequate amount of food and having normal urine and bowel output.
Binge eating is when a person consumes food in amounts much longer than is normal in a given amount of time.
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