Sentences with phrase «ebook costs»

I do not like ebooks costing more than physical books.
I don't have a problem with ebooks costing as much as print books or, in general, costing a lot.
A new eBook costs only around $ 10, where the print version is normally $ 20 to $ 30.
Credit cart fees are probably the largest per - ebook cost for each incremental sale.
The common rationale is that since ebooks cost a fraction of printing a real book, they should also be priced much less than what it is right now.
The issue from my perspective isn't as much about ebook cost as it is about quality.
The new Rick Riordan eBook costs $ 10 under the «agency» model, and is so riddled with errors it's almost unreadable unless you can figure out, on the fly, that, for example, «trus thim» was intended as «trust him» WITHOUT it distracting you from the story.
That's the key underlying point, in fact, to the whole argument: Amazon could sell ebooks for $ 9.99 and break even or make a bit of money even if they pay their wholesale pulp brink price to the publishers, and the publishers make money on the ebooks even if they do take some discount, because ebooks cost nothing on the margin to produce.
Readers were vocal about the high ebook costs of the Sookie books as their enjoyment of the series declined.
Why do ebooks cost so much (there are huge fixed costs to publishing a book in any format, but surely somebody can figure out the incremental cost in printing and distribution and inventory and apply that to pricing)?
Michael Hyatt, the former CEO of publisher Thomas Nelson, wrote a 2010 article called «Why Do eBooks Cost So Much?
And lastly, the Ezy eBook costs just $ 199.
At the same time, price points on ebooks at the present time don't make the hassle of downloading dozens of apps worth it, with most ebooks costing nearly 80 % of the print price.
Their data suggests 26 % of consumers who have bought an eBook in the last year are reading more than they used to, because eBooks cost less than paperbacks, a figure that rises to 38 % of 16 to 24 - year - olds.
As the gentleman on top who comment «Ebooks cost roughly the same as a paperback, have less production costs and yet the royalty rates for writers remain the same.»
We would not recommend having your price more than that because higher ebook costs are normally reserved for authors who have a few / many ebooks under their belt, and an established track record.
Ebooks cost minimal time and effort to produce, and once you produce a master version, you simply copy it.
Due to the relatively low prices for English ebooks (German ebooks cost mostly the same than the print edition), this trend will increase.
Legitimate ebooks cost hundreds of dollars or more to create., so another $ 50 isn't going to deter them.
A large portion of the settlement will go to refund the consumers for artificially over-inflated ebook costs, payouts which should begin some time this summer.
Smashwords ebooks cost a fraction of paper books.
eBooks cost virtually nothing to copy and distribute after they are developed.
That idea is even more tempting when you consider eBooks cost nothing to manufacture beyond the cost to create the first copy.
Plus ebooks cost almost as much as real books, you are not really saving money on books when you buy an ebooks - unless if you go to the Pirate sites
The cost for this ebook doesn't reflect economic reality in today's market given most consumer's budgets and it doesn't reflect how little ebooks cost to produce as compared to paperbacks - let alone hardcover.
Normally, Barnes and Noble's classic ebooks cost $ 1.99.
If Publishers did figure out a way to cut eBook costs they would be very unlikely to pass on the savings to readers.
«Not only do ebooks cost too much, DRM is a disgrace, for a myriad of reasons, and the «text to speech» feature is not something the publishing world should be concerned about,» Konrath wrote to Kindle Nation last week.
eBooks cost publishers far less to produce, hence the «correct» price is lower than the paperback, always.
The plain Cloud Atlas Kindle ebook costs $ 10, the enhanced one is $ 16.
Library ebooks costs four to six times as much as print books, are sold under expiring licenses, and require annual maintenance fees.
So now that ebook costs more than Shear Murder at $ 3.19.
Ebooks costs for libraries are notoriously higher than consumer prices (such that a bestseller from Random House sells to public libraries for $ 84).
If print cost $ 20 and eBook cost $ 15 how can you justify that eBook price as worth $ 1?
Jay, I respect your point of view, but I think your a bit naive if you really think that ebooks cost only 10 % less then physical books to produce and distribute, but thats your opinion, I am assuming its due to information your publisher gave you to prove how bad they are being screwed by lower ebook prices.
Ebooks cost roughly the same as a paperback, have less production costs and yet the royalty rates for writers remain the same.
The common rationale is that since ebooks cost a fraction of... [Read more...]
If you want more tips and insights from Cottle and other industry experts then you should check our ebook The Cost of Coworking out.
Last week, my Bookish Rant on How Much Does an Ebook Cost?
So the question my wallet has been asking me is, how much should an ebook cost?
Unless otherwise noted, the ebooks cost $ 2.99 and the bundles cost $ 3.99.
Ever since the rise in popularity of electronic reading, the standard argument has been that ebooks cost less to make and do not require additional expense or material to duplicate, therefore, the price should logically be far less than the price of a print edition.
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