Sentences with phrase «ebook publishing companies»

Not many ebook publishing companies allow you to issue your book as a pre-order with their self - publishing systems.
They have great tools to conform your ebook to popular industry standards and will submit it to more websites than any other direct ebook publishing company.
Personville Press: I am founder and editor of Personville Press, a Texas - based ebook publishing company started in 2010.
Richard Curtis, literary agent and founder of the oldest independent ebook publishing company E-Reads, recently posted an article for Digital Book World on where print - on - demand can potentially take the publishing industry and what price barriers are currently stopping it from faring as well as it potentially can.
Online magazine and eBook publishing company Blurb has been busy of late.
3M has just signed on a number of eBook publishing companies that expand its vast repertoire of eBooks to over 200,000.
As a result, many ebook publishing companies emerged to help budding authors.
I plan to finish Poqom, my Chinese language based ebook publishing company before then, but time is running out so fast!)
Paul Chan is an American artist, writer and founder of the art and ebook publishing company Badlands Unlimited, based in New York City.
Be very weary of just how diligent an ebook publishing company is going to properly manage sales and report taxes, if they do not make any percent on your sales.
After he added the numbers and weighed the effort, Ratliff started Flatbooks, an ebook publishing company that focuses on instructional books.
Your ebook publishing company specializes in mysteries, although you began with enhanced ebooks.
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