Sentences with phrase «eccentric back squat»

On day one it will be slow eccentric back squat and bench.

Not exact matches

For example, when you do the squat, the eccentric phase is when you lower the bar to the bottom of the squat position, and the concentric phase is when you push it back up.
Pulling against the band will not only balance you as you descend into the pistol squat, but will also assist the eccentric part of the lift (the way back up).
Tempo training can get all kinds of complicated, but for a relatively simple example, here are some back squats with a 4 count eccentric (lowering), no pause in the bottom, explosive concentric (raising), and a 1 count pause up top.
Your client should be able to feel her glutes lengthen when she sits into a squat, if not, she will either overarch her back or tuck her butt under — both of these habits negate eccentric glute length.
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