Sentences with phrase «ecclesiastical authority»

"Ecclesiastical authority" refers to the power or control that the church or religious leaders have over religious matters and the people within their religious community. Full definition
The Catholics retained celibacy, the sacramental character of marriage, and the principle of ecclesiastical authority over it.
Karl Barth (not a Catholic theologian, of course) had a different view of the relation with ecclesiastical authority.
Copernicus knew that his conclusions were likely to meet with violent opposition from ecclesiastical authorities.
Another possible improvement on the Bevilacqua proposal relates to the person designated as the competent ecclesiastical authority.
It is at the point of conflict with the ruling ecclesiastical authorities who tried to silence the witness of Christians to their faith that the question of fidelity to the higher authority of God became most overt.
A church which once exercised ecclesiastical authority over more of the earth than any other church in the world, lay in ruin by the end of the fifteenth century.
Indeed, the theologically liberal attack on ecclesiastical authority has become the preeminent fact of American religious life, and as theological liberals became numerous enough to enjoy political power, they used Blaine Amendments to restrict not merely the Catholic Church, but other ecclesiastical institutions.
But then the Nestorian church (as most of the early Asian Christian communities came to be called) exercised ecclesiastical authority over more of the earth than either Rome or Constantinople.
Similarly in the church order of Hesse (first introduced in 1531 and revised in 1537,1539, and 1566), the highest ecclesiastical authority lay in the hands of the prince, but it was less bureaucratic and more representative in character.
As a consequence, ecclesiastical authorities felt an even stronger need to call yen Jews and others.
Far from merely discriminating between what is religious and what is not, the Blaine Amendments discriminate against Catholic and other ecclesiastical authority and thereby carry out theologically liberal animosities.
Politics: For close to a millennium, the most important political question for European political philosophers was the relationship between ecclesiastical authorities and their royal rivals, whose authority was also assumed to come from God.
However, to their dismay, and naturally to his own at the time, he was refused permission to do a doctorate by ecclesiastical authority which was suspicious of his originality and fearful of his ability to communicate with and inspire especially the young.
But the new technologies might be subverting traditional ecclesiastical authority and empowering only selected dissenters within religious institutions.
I prefer Von Campenhausen's scholarly Ecclesiastical Authority and Spiritual Power, which comes to some similar conclusions about the post-apostolic early church.)
But what is likely to happen (indeed, is happening already) if at the very moment when an added component begins to arise in the anima naturaliter christiana, and one so compelling as the awareness of a terrestrial «ultra-humanity», ecclesiastical authority ignores, disdains and even condemns this new aspiration without seeking to understand it?
This reflects Spinoza's broader antipathy to independent ecclesiastical authority.
It was an introduction to political and ecclesiastical authority en route and at Heidelberg.
While ecclesiastical authority normally held itself aloof from giving its favour to such translations, in some places, particularly Florence, no stigma attached to the practice of reading the Bible in groups in ones own language, and very occasionally as by Bishop Briconnet in Meaux, twenty miles east of Paris, it was actually encouraged.
He got the Pope to issue a letter encouraging ecclesiastical authorities, bishops, abbots and others to hand over relics to his safe - keeping.
Mormon women exercise very little ecclesiastical authority, especially at the highest levels of the Church.
As far as ecclesiastical authority goes, the writings of Clement, Ignatius and Polycarp stand on a level higher than that of the other authors, though admittedly both the Didache and Barnabas were ascribed to apostles.
a) Revolt against Wittenberg: Muentzer «s theological reflection culminating in a theology of society and political action received its first impetus from Luther's opposition to medieval ecclesiastical authority.
They are not even acting like scientists in this, more like ecclesiastical authorities on the climate consensus.
The formal establishment of relatively orthodox churches came to an end in the early nineteenth century, and the Blaine Amendments mark the political ascendancy and establishment of theological liberalism — an establishment not of any particular, let alone orthodox church, but of a vision of individual spirituality unimpeded by ecclesiastical authority.
Alternatively, if bishops were included on the committee, this might be the «competent ecclesiastical authority
The Freedom From Religion Foundation has a monthly newsletter in which the is a section entitled «Black Collar Crime Blotter» where those in positions is ecclesiastical authority who have been found guilty of crimes against their parishioners, not just accused, are listed along with their crimes.
The Leipzig debate was preceded by long drawn out attempts by both the local Bishop and the University to prevent it occurring — neither wanted to risk trouble with high ecclesiastical authority.
If a church can not tell its flock «what to do with my body,» as the saying goes, with regard to contraception, then other uses of that body will quickly prove to be similarly off - limits to ecclesiastical authority.
They thereby more consistently establish a theologically liberal vision of individual spirituality unimpeded by ecclesiastical authority.
Canon 812 states that anyone teaching Catholic theology in a Catholic institution needs some form of ecclesiastical approval, a «mandate» to teach that comes from the «competent ecclesiastical authority
For most of this essay, however, I will assume that the local bishop is indeed the competent ecclesiastical authority.
The authorization comes from «the competent ecclesiastical authority,» which usually means the local bishop (in canon law often called «the ordinary»), although the wording of the law does allow the bishops» conference to suggest another competent authority.
But we must not allow the routines of pastoral care to go uncriticized, whether or not they have the prestige of ecclesiastical authority and tradition behind them.
But this can not exist if one conceives it as a unanimous applause for whatever the ecclesiastical authorities decide or desire.
But «no ecclesiastical authority should be allowed by theology to hinder it from honestly pursuing its critical task....
The ecclesiastical authorities have certainly the last word and are entitled to expect willing obedience.
Of course, such discussions must be carried on with tact and discretion and will rightly and inevitably be guided by the ecclesiastical authorities.
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