Sentences with phrase «ecclesiastical institutions»

Commonly, as did Thomas Jefferson, they based their attack against existing ecclesiastical institutions on the pure religion and morals of Jesus — and hence were insofar «sectarian.»
At the same time it must be made clear that the history of religions is not merely a collective title for a number of related studies, such as the history of Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and primitive religion, or the comparative studies of doctrines, practices, and ecclesiastical institutions of various religions.
They are focused on the ecclesiastical institutions which are called churches, or, collectively, the Church.
Yet again and again the ecclesiastical institutions springing from the impulse given by Christ and professing loyalty to Him contradicted His Spirit in action.
But in this course of lectures ecclesiastical institutions hardly concern us at all.
In some quarters the wisdom of this was doubted in regions where there was yet only a tiny Church and virtually all Christian work was still in the narrower sense «missionary» work; in other quarters where it was felt that «Church» meant an absorption in the problems of the ecclesiastical institutions.
When these groups get strong enough to «organize» themselves, they become ecclesiastical institutions with corporate ambitions of their own.
The recovery of the church as the community of faith will not come out of the blue, but out of the existing, fragmented and outwardly dying ecclesiastical institutions of Christendom.
The concern with Christ and Scripture also prompts a concern with the church — identified both with ecclesiastical institutions and with emerging communities committed to the struggle for freedom.
Great cathedrals were no longer appropriate shapes or models for Christian ecclesiastical institutions.
Christian humanism, present to a minor extent in denominations and schools, but widely prevalent in the «latent» church which seems large and important in America, is strong in its devotion to the Son of Man; reliance upon the Son of God is more characteristic of the ecclesiastical institutions and of the majority movement in the community.
It is something other than political orders or ecclesiastical institutions.
Today, for various reasons that we can not explore here, many individuals have lost confidence in all formal ecclesiastical institutions.
This ongoing testimony has permitted historic Protestants to avoid political confrontations, overcome economic limitations, and preserve denominational coherence, while maintaining fraternal relations with churches and ecclesiastical institutions around the world.
Whatever confidence we may once have had in political, economic, educational or ecclesiastical institutions as bearers and guardians of value is fast evaporating.
«Respect for authority, tradition, station, and education eroded,» writes Hatch, and as a result, «American Protestantism has been skewed away from central ecclesiastical institutions and high culture; it has been pushed and pulled into its present shape by a democratic or populist orientation.»
When it is understood as a «stream of cultural influence», Christianity can be seen as something that already stretches far beyond its ecclesiastical institutions, and is likely to last longer than any of them.
Nativists and other theological liberals allowed their fear of ecclesiastical institutions to lead them into theological warfare against the Catholic Church and sometimes against all ecclesiastical bodies, and the legal results are ugly.
The Christian West polarised even further into a moderate form of fundamentalism at one end and, at the other, into a Christian humanism which showed decreasing interest in supporting the ecclesiastical institution.
What eventually emerged from the chrysalis of early Christianity was Christendom, ruled by an ecclesiastical institution which inherited the structures of imperial Rome.
I think what we are referencing when we speak of «church» on this blog is the ecclesiastical institution.
To be sure, the church succeeded in making the necessary adjustments, but it was difficult to ban a spirit of enlightenment which spread under the influence of foreign cultures upon the Christian civilization and which furthered the growth of skeptical attitudes toward the absolute validity of the ecclesiastical institution of redemption.
The task of maintaining prophetically critical positions over against such a society seemed much more important than ecclesiastical institution - maintenance.
Regardless of his formal affiliation with any ecclesiastical institution or adherence to a faith, he is never free from commitments on various issues, partly because of his upbringing and partly because of his fundamental decisions about life.
If there is ultimately to be no authoritative ecclesiastical institution, no definitive set of doctrines and no clearly definable personal figure to hold Christianity together and promote it, it may at first appear that Christianity will simply disappear.
Organized Christianity in the form of an ecclesiastical institution has already been greatly fragmented.

Not exact matches

Canon 812 states that anyone teaching Catholic theology in a Catholic institution needs some form of ecclesiastical approval, a «mandate» to teach that comes from the «competent ecclesiastical authority.»
On this basis, Protestants could question all institutional forms of mediation as falling short of the living Word of God who called such institutions to account, whether they were ecclesiastical or political.
I believe that you are correct in supposing that Reformed Evangelical [Calvinism] Churches have a greater tendency to fall into authoritarian abuse; but a lot depends on the leadership and «old boy network» loyalties can trump accountability concerns in any human, not just ecclesiastical, institution.
If, therefore, we discuss future human structures and institutions of the Church which would make possible a more active participation of the laity in the decisions of ecclesiastical authorities, such efforts should not be discredited in advance by saying that they would remain in any case subject to the good pleasure of the hierarchy.
In the wake of the collapse of the ecclesiastical administration of the censura morum in the modern world, there is nowhere else to turn for the correction of morals than the institutions of law and politics.
Accordingly, in what follows the word «church» moves freely from reference to particular local institutions to ecclesiastical life generally.)
Mainstream churches and educational institutions have had in the past a disproportionate share of leaders who were reared in Holiness and Pentecostal contexts but whose theological development led them into other ecclesiastical fields of service.
The priests» shortcomings continually remind us that ultimate justice flows neither from human institutions nor ecclesiastical insight, nor even from the sensible practice of a moral life.
Ecclesiastical differences have to do with the Catholic willingness and the Protestant unwillingness to submit to an institution's opinion or order even when it contradicts one's own convictions.
That means not only ecclesiastical but also academic institutions.
Today, however, as the world grows smaller, as communications become swifter and more sophisticated, networks of support and interrelationships emerge which are not centered in the institution or controlled by the ecclesiastical hierarchy.
Second, there was a president determined to raise the institution to a higher cubit of excellence who saw the ecclesiastical establishment as a real or potential adversary to his project and rival to his power.
It appears that there is general though only implicit recognition of the fact that a call to the ministry includes at least these four elements (1) the call to be a Christian, which is variously described as the call to discipleship of Jesus Christ, to hearing and doing of the Word of God, to repentance and faith, et cetera; (2) the secret call, namely, that inner persuasion or experience whereby a person feels himself directly summoned or invited by God to take up the work of the ministry; (3) the providential call, which is that invitation and command to assume the work of the ministry which comes through the equipment of a person with the talents necessary for the exercise of the office and through the divine guidance of his life by all its circumstances; (4) the ecclesiastical call, that is, the summons and invitation extended to a man by some community or institution of the Church to engage in the work of the ministry.
But under John Paul II's 1979 Apostolic Constitution Sapientia Christiana, institutions granting ecclesiastical degrees were opened to all, whether clergy or lay, who met the academic prerequisites and could legally testify to leading a moral life.
There is the feeling that our institutions, both civil and ecclesiastical, and even the thinking that inspired them, are inadequate and insufficient to meet the future.
Broadly speaking, the regulation of the relation of the whole institution to its government or leadership, of its parts to the whole (the individual congregation), and of the individual to the higher sociological and ecclesiastical units may be either more democratic or more authoritarian.
Overall, I think Douthat's version of the conservative story pays too much attention to popes and bishops and ecclesiastical politics, and too little to the hows and whys and results of the collapse of the institutions and processes by which the faith had been passed on from one generation to the next.
But the new technologies might be subverting traditional ecclesiastical authority and empowering only selected dissenters within religious institutions.
The Church, especially the ecclesiastical wing of it comprising the formal councils and institutions, has always opposed any Marxist - Christian encounter.
Theologians are only a part, and very possibly not the major part, of the Church — and by that we do not mean the ecclesiastical, denominational, and sectarian institutions, but the Great Church of which it was said by its master that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.
It placed public instruction under the inspection of ecclesiastical authorities and gave financial support to some benevolent institutions of the Church.
In developing this argument I shall (1) take a close look at the notion of religious pluralism, finding it to mean much more than mere multiplicity of groups defined by ecclesiastical characteristics; (2) look at the historical form taken by pluralism in American society as a set of pressures to which responses were required; and (3) identify the «religiousness» of the response made by legal institutions.
Does not this statement, he asks, mean today «that human life in society, liberated as far as possible from alienations, constitutes the absolute value, and that all religious institutions, all dogmas, all the sacraments and all ecclesiastical authorities have only a relative, that is, a functional value?»
In general, the extant legends (the word is used in its primary sense, «matter to be read aloud» on commemorations of the saint) are charter myths, explaining and validating in pre-scientific terms the institutions, customs and beliefs prevailing at a particular time in a particular area of ecclesiastical influence.
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