Sentences with phrase «echo chambers»

"Echo chambers" refer to situations where people only hear, see, or interact with ideas and opinions that are similar to their own. It creates a closed-off and self-reinforcing environment where their existing beliefs are constantly echoed and reinforced. Full definition
When a leader steps into the arena, especially in today's loud echo chamber of social media, he or she can be tempted to make decisions that will result in instant gratification.
This is one of the reasons that the social media echo chamber is so effective.
Maybe we should stick to our own echo chambers after all.
Who outside the left - wing echo chamber believes anything they say?
In fact most people use multiple media outlets and social media platforms, meaning that only a small proportion of the population, at most, is influenced by echo chambers.
The more I read about echo chambers the more I realise how much more research needs to be done.
The internet echo chamber has presented an unparalleled threat to truth and objectivity.
They believe they can because in their own little echo chamber the tell each other that the science is settled.
You seem to need the take of some third party that you do trust for some reason (see echo chamber).
The only question now is how far this nonsense will go in the contrarian echo chamber.
We have anecdotal evidence about the impact of the digital echo chamber in 2016, but we don't know the exact cause nor the exact effect.
But the government is tempted by all that activity it's hearing in the cryptocurrency echo chamber.
Some people out there who are still searching, can benefit from hearing an opposing point of view to the standard Christian echo chamber.
The more media outlets people used, the more they tended to avoid echo chambers.
Just ordinary folks willing to think for themselves outside of the medical echo chamber can easily out pace the doctors.
The one thing I think this «Saga» event drove home is how big a fan base there is for comic books outside our immediate echo chamber.
I think what's happening is the typical echo chamber you see sometimes in politics.
Continuing to deny what is becoming more and more obvious might seem OK within a carefully constructed echo chamber, but this chamber is crumbling as the facts come out.
Hiring committees at Canadian universities are not concerned with innovation, they are concerned with maintaining the pristine void of the hollow liberal echo chamber.
Don't get lost in the social media echo chamber.
So take your laughable talking points to some right - wing echo chamber.
But the government is tempted by all that activity it's hearing in the cryptocurrency echo chamber.
@ David, Actually, aside from the «religions is alway bad» blogging atheists, most atheists don't live in echo chambers at all.
If you have heard the penetrating, haunting call of a crane — it carries for several kilometres — you might suspect that the trachea is some sort of echo chamber for amplifying the cry, a kind of biological trombone.
Whether it is through the oblique nature of our informational channels which function as echo chambers reminiscent of the earliest ways Nationalism spread through print media or the conflation of meaning with sacrifice, it is clear that there are precedents for how Nationalism as a construct has led to and sustained cycles of violence.
One of the many accusations about the trouble with Facebook — amid its data privacy concerns and enabling of Russian trolls — is that it keeps people locked into echo chambers where access to other viewpoints are limited.
Inside jail there is a nonstop barrage of buzzing metal doors, people yelling, daily announcements over loud speakers and CO's shouting out updates — all of it bouncing off concrete walls and down long hallways that are like echo chambers.
However, social media has allowed for the amplification of conversation - killing cultural outrage inside and outside the Church, turning spaces for sharing rhetoric into echo chambers with a cacophony of voices declaring, in so many words, «it's us versus them!»
I'm trying to avoid the marketing echo chamber effect that seems to focus on vanity metrics (clicks).
A team of researchers set out to determine if the social media echo chamber on Twitter was keeping Democrats and Republicans...
1) «At least 20 organizations central to the global echo chamber which have repeatedly rebroadcast, referenced and appeared as media spokespeople» in reference to Climategate.
She illustrates how the best partners aren't echo chambers — and how great research teams, relationships and businesses allow people to deeply disagree.
But how would you know, what with the cat videos, bloviations from political echo chambers and ginned - up controversies on ESPN's First Take making a claim on your time?
«It was a breath of fresh air outside echo chambers, Democratic committees and Indivisible groups.»
«To enable... meaningful conversations» reflects Facebook's tacit understanding that its platform is more echo chamber than discovery mechanism.
But there are way too many people in the Silicon Valley echo chamber who have never touched hands on a patient and don't understand how hard digital health is.»
It is not good enough to get their story published in the ideological bubble of an outlet like Brietbart News or the conspiracy theory echo chamber over at InfoWars.
We have witnessed abuse, harassment, troll armies, manipulation through bots and human - coordination, misinformation campaigns, and increasingly divisive echo chambers.
Don't let the tech blog echo chamber confuse you as to the reality of what consumers do.
And more AOB echo chamber comments to follow...
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