Sentences with phrase «echo chambers where»

One of the many accusations about the trouble with Facebook — amid its data privacy concerns and enabling of Russian trolls — is that it keeps people locked into echo chambers where access
Because we are often connected with like - minded friends on social media, many of us have locked ourselves into echo chambers where most of the news we read or watch simply confirms what we already believe.
«For the friend collector, Facebook is just an echo chamber where they're choosing to engage with like - minded people and having those opinions reinforced,» Miller said.
Our hyper - rationalism of modern technology has paradoxically produced its opposite, an «irrational» magical realm — or as Marshall McLuhan, communication theorist, described «a resonating world akin to the old tribal echo chamber where magic will live again».
For Matsuo, the main aim is to bring anthropologists, sociologists, scientists and legal experts into the bitcoin community, which in the minds of many has turned into a pro-bitcoin echo chamber where critical assessments are often times met with scorn.

Not exact matches

I've written before about how Twitter has a tendency to become an echo chamber, where certain points of views on issues are blown up while other perspectives aren't heard at all.
We can be angry for bad reasons; we can be angry in an echo chamber, as it sounds like he was; but rectifying societal injustices requires us, sometimes, to use our anger in places where love may not be wholly adequate.
Largely reduced to an echo chamber, where an elite minority seems increasingly to hear mainly its own voice, the urban press is partly responsible for a new privileged generation of Indians lacking, as Nussbaum points out, any «identification with the poor.»
On a completely unrelated note, there are supportive online communities and then there are echo chambers of lunacy, where members appear unable to spot actual neglect and child abuse, but get all het up about safe, accepted and necessary standard medical care.
Preaching to the choir and echo chambers like this one where you all +1 each other don't count as a tactic of «getting the message out in a productive and honest way.»
But it is also an arena where conspiracy theories and polarizing echo chambers thrive.
In today's absurdly polarized politics, where everyone gets dubbed an ally or an enemy and either embraced or scorned 24/7, regardless of the issue, where we inhabit echo chambers, and where collaboration and comradeship seem possible only within them, a major reason we don't get much done is because we don't have enough people like Al..
As is so often the case, this concentrated effort in the right - wing echo chamber spilled over into the so - called liberal media, where, we are told, fake news abounds.
The small area where dogs are kept is like an echo chamber, prompting a sign on the door that warns visitors of the loud noise that awaits them.
Alternatively, paddle the mystic river through Barton Creek Cave, listening to your oar strokes echo through chambers where the Maya once buried their dead.
It is not surprising that you find such conspiracy theories on Anthony Watts» sectarian blog WUWT, a place where climate science amateurs present earth - shattering insights to their echo chamber like: The CO2 increase is not due to burning fossil fuels, but to insects!
I'm not sure where in this post I implied that there is any substance in the echo chamber, although indeed I think that chance should never be completely discarded.
Flashback 2006: Morano Debates Pachauri at UN Conference in Kenya — Calls UN an «echo chamber» where «dissent was being suppressed and demonized»
They explain that the practice of law includes very little «arguing» in thje conventional sense and «if arguing is really why you want to go to law school, save your money and start a blog about American politics where you can shout into the echo chamber of imbeciles all you want without bothering anyone smart who has shit to do.»
He draws distinctions between statistical groups (Surowiecki's Wisdom of Crowds) and deliberating groups (where positions can become more entrenched through things like information cocooning and the echo chambers of thought created by homogenous cognitive models).
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