Sentences with phrase «eclipsing binary variable»

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Light curve of Algol (Beta Persei), an eclipsing variable, or eclipsing binary, star system.
Such an eclipsing variable is perhaps best exemplified by the binary star Algol, whose name means «blinking demon.»
In an eclipsing variable, one member of a double, or binary, star system partially blocks the light of its companion as it passes in front of the latter, as observed from Earth.
Unlike eclipsing binaries, the other two types of variable stars are intrinsically variable — that is to say, their own output of radiant energy fluctuates with time.
Some are geometric variables, as in the eclipsing binaries considered earlier.
This paper is intended as a rapid release of planet candidates, eclipsing binaries and other interesting periodic variables to maximize the scientific yield of this campaign, and as a test run for the upcoming TESS mission, whose frequent data releases call for similarly rapid candidate identification and efficient follow - up.
44 Boötis is classified as an eclipsing variable of W Ursae Majoris type (that also resembles U Pegasi) because Star B has a double - lined, spectroscopic companion that is close enough to be considered a (weak thermal) shallow contact binary (Hill et al, 1989, page 96; and Jan Schilt, 1926).
We provide a complete catalog of all variables, which includes eclipsing / ellipsoidal binaries, miscellaneous pulsators (mostly δ Scuti - type variables), stars with flares, and other (irregular and likely long - period) variables.
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