Sentences with phrase «ecological balance»

Ecological balance refers to the natural harmony and stability in an ecosystem, where different living organisms coexist and interact with their environment without causing harm or imbalance. It is like a delicate scale where all the components, such as plants, animals, and their surroundings, are in proper proportion and support each other for a healthy and sustainable environment. Full definition
Some see these as nature's way of restoring ecological balance when the numbers of one species increase beyond the capacity of the environment to support it.
They are for industry, but not industry that destroys ecological balance and causes pollution.
Wolf Education Project — Julian To increase public awareness and understanding as to the true nature of wolves and the critical role they play in maintaining ecological balance in their natural habitat.
Process thought, reflecting upon the mutual interaction among God, humanity, and natural actualities, conveys a sense of ecological balance between both nature and God.
USDA regulations require that organic farms be «managed in accordance with the Act and regulations in this part to respond to site - specific conditions by integrating cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity» (USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, 2000).
It's estimated that about 20 billion birds migrate each year, of which roughly half survive; some succumb to predators like domestic cats, typed here as an «invasive species» that have upset ecological balances everywhere they've been introduced.
Ecological balance on property includes sensitive species Coastal Boa Snake and Golden Eagle
As Australia's top predator, the dingo is considered important in helping to keep a natural ecological balance in the environment but increased contact with people has in many places — including Fraser Island — turned dingoes into a problem.
«Political sway is a big problem for wildlife agencies,» says Lance Fisher, a professional fisherman and fishing guide based in Portland, Ore. «You would find better ecological balance if the experts at these agencies were left alone to do their jobs, but that's not how it goes down.»
Aside from the rapid and immediate mortality of marine life, the loss of herbivorous fish will also set the stage for seaweed to potentially overwhelm the coral reefs and disrupt the delicate ecological balance in which they exist.
It not only harms the local ecological balance, it also damages fishing gear and costs the industry time and money.
He is best known for large scale abstractions that express concerns about the destruction of the global ecological balance — from painterly musings on the destruction of the Mesoamerican Olmec, Maya, and Toltec cultures, to beautifully depicted visions of the natural world seen in his «Cosmos» canvases of galaxies against the inky darkness of the night skies, to brilliant portraits of birds, some of which are on the brink of extinction.
«Sustainability» is a catch - all phrase that refers to the science, or practice, of acting so as not to harm the environment, protecting (rather than depleting) natural resources and supporting long - term ecological balance.
The pattern of development that is capital intensive and the lifestyle propagated by the media together create a situation where ecological balance and sustaining power of the earth for nurturing life is being destroyed.
But Pandora itself, in its flourishing ecological balance, does not come with natural meaning built in.
Organic Agriculture should attain ecological balance through the design of farming systems, establishment of habitats and maintenance of genetic and agricultural diversity.
As organic farmers can not use synthetic substances (e.g. fertilizers, pesticides, pharmaceuticals) they need to restore the natural ecological balance because ecosystem functions are their main productive «input».
Through the Blanding's Turtles Restoration Project, the Nature Museum is committed to restoring the population of this endangered, native species and help reestablish ecological balance to the area.
Since the crabs ordinarily consume plant matter on the rain forest floor, a crucial ecological balance was upset.
«Conservation on this scale,» said Pew's Kallick, «helps assure that growth can not overdraft ecological balances, that an ample reserve of natural resource capital will remain in the bank for future generations to use.»
Because of localized water sources, the island maintains excellent ecological balance.
But the burrows are a tripping hazard, school officials say, and the rabbits are eating lots of shrubbery and clearly not in any kind of ecological balance anytime soon (unless perhaps the cougars get busy).
As one of the Refuge's founders, Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas declared «This last American living wilderness must remain sacrosanct... This is — and must forever remain — a roadless, primitive area where all food chains are unbroken, where the ancient ecological balance provided by nature is maintained.»
Pollution from excess nutrients Modern agricultural practices result in some of the nitrates and phosphates applied to the land being washed into waterways and causing problems such as toxic algal blooms and changing ecological balances.
To save money, landscape designer Barbara Stock of Stock & Hill Landscapes Inc. in Seattle says, home owners can contact their local land department, since many offer native plants for free to reintroduce ecological balance to their area.
Plus, Australian Certified Organic products are not tested on animals and certified organic ingredients have been produced through approved methods that integrate cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity.
It's where some of the world's greatest predators — cougars, wolves, bears and killer whales — maintain ecological balance in pristine waters and vast rainforests.
Here in the Daintree, keystone species play a critical role in maintaining ecological balance.
Participation in a real work project allows students to contribute to ongoing efforts to help restore ecological balance to Wave Hill's woodlands.
While cats are cuter than Burmese pythons, both are nonnatives that prey on native species, potentially disrupting a delicate ecological balance.
And the local ecological balance can become seriously disturbed without the overall balance in Britain becoming disrupted.
He is best known for large scale abstractions that express concerns about the destruction of the global ecological balance — from painterly musings on the destruction of the Mesoamerican Olmec, Maya...
Social justice and the ecological balance of humanity with the environment were in conflict.
They are for industry but not industry that destroys the ecological balance and causes pollution.
The fast - increasing population also upsets the ecological balance between various species and their source of sustenance, by putting added strain on the natural resources of the earth.
Once a new reality is introduced into history, the ecological balance is disturbed.
That will disturb the ecological balance.
In 1999 the Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre was set up to conserve the ecological balance, protect the landscape and safeguard the anthropological values of the location.
Pacari farming practices actively conserve an ecological balance between animals, soil, plants and humans.
In the United States, organic is defined as a production system managed in accordance with the Organic Foods Production Act and the National Organic Program to respond to site - specific conditions by integrating cultural, biological and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance and conserve biodiversity.
Organic farming, pastoral and wild harvest systems should fit the cycles and ecological balances in nature.
This is why QAI strongly believes that the organic certification process serves as an important hurdle in ensuring that all ingredients used in consumer products are validated through a rigorous third - party process focused on core principles of organic certification: cultural, biological and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance and conserve biodiversity.
Production systems should integrate practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance and conserve biodiversity.
It aims to produce food while establishing an ecological balance to prevent soil fertility or pest problems.
Organic production is designed to promote ecological balance, foster the cycling of resources, and conserve biodiversity.
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