Sentences with phrase «ecological effects»

Notes: No possible ecological effects of video investigations and rescues have been carefully studied.
Though technically possible, this will be immensely expensive in resources and in ecological effects.
Continuing to build homes with ONLY the traditional model causes negative ecological effects, but that's not all that is affected by the build big model.
It also suggests that the sudden drop in the local population had dramatic ecological effects, including an increase in forest fires.
The Trump Administration budget would eliminate funding for research on ecological effects of unconventional oil and gas development.
This focus on the potential ecological effects from pharmaceuticals largely began as a result of a growing number of technical papers published from the late 1990s until the present that have reported the detection of low levels of pharmaceuticals in wastewater treatment plant effluent, manufacturing plant effluent and surface water and, to a more limited extent, groundwater, drinking water, soils, and sediment.
Sustained melt has also opened the region to more ship traffic and oil exploration, which pits economic opportunity against potential ecological effects.
This shift results in significant changes in forest species composition with their accompanying ecological effects and, moreover, affects the capacity of forest biomass (the mass of living trees) to store carbon.
«Many chemicals banned in the U.S. are still being widely used elsewhere, despite the fact that in many cases we know little about their long - term ecological effects
As far as the effects are concerned, I'd guess things like ecological effects could take a lot longer than the time we've had historically unusual warming (only the last 20 or so years) because life - cycles of forest trees, for example, take decades.
These early linkages focused on «brown issues,» such as industrial waste, air and water pollution, and other ecological effects of economic growth.
The researchers found that global warming «benefits» not only mammals but amphibians, birds, butterflies and insects also benefit from its myriad ecological effects.
Climate change has many ecological effects, such as altering flowering phenology, or the blooming time of wildflowers, across the world.
After hearing evidence and considering submissions for 180 days, the Board arrived on 209 conditions it deemed necessary to mitigate the risks and adverse socio - ecological effects associated with the pipeline and its associated infrastructure to ensure the project is in the public interest.
Walker, Milwaukee County executive, said the Wisconsin Department of Transportation has not held a meeting on the project's ecological effects since 2001.
More recently Michael Soulé and his colleagues proposed the term strongly interacting species for those that have a strong ecological effect on communities.
By studying small meadows in the Swedish mountains, formed by historical traditional reindeer herding practices, Dagmar Egelkraut revealed long - lasting ecological effects induced by reindeer grazing in her doctoral research.
These unfolding discoveries suggest that complex biology is at work, leading the EPA's advisors to say that the «potential scale» of RNA used in agriculture «warrants exploration of the potential for unintended ecological effects
Inevitably these debates raise questions of the past ecological effects of Aboriginal fire usage.
Dr Green is the lead author on a paper just published in Environmental Science and Technology, which describes the worrying ecological effects of discarded plastic carrier bags.
or maybe the various ecological effects (such as bark beetle) might be worth of note?
[1] Ecological effects.
Biography: Sue - Ann's research focuses on key ecological effects of global change, particularly ocean acidification, on marine organisms including invertebrates and fishes.
Andy: I heard Professor Wally Broecker — a guy who knows a thing or two about the oceans on this planet — say something like «we shouldn't mess with the oceans [by attempting large - scale iron fertilization] unless we know for sure that it won't have unforeseen ecological effects».
agriculture (its direct ecological effects, excluding land use change); 3.
An important ecological effect on the maintenance of Aristeus antennatus populations in the northwestern Mediterranean has been linked to the episodic events of dense water cascading on the Gulf of Lions [260].
Ecological effects include increasing crop yields, improving adaptive responses of aquatic life, and health benefits for both people and animals.
The cost to cover the area of Spain in solar panels would be multiple trillions of dollars and would have serious ecological effects of their own.
Some of these events expose a layer of earth — perhaps a very salty layer — on which nothing can grow for years, resulting in «profound ecological effects,» Lewkowicz said.
As Inverse reporter Yasmin Tayag pointed out, this chemical shift could result in big upstream ecological effects.
«The ongoing pH changes in the ocean have detectable ecological effects in nature, including impacts on important habitat - forming and harvested species,» said Wootton.
Negative ecological effects deserve detailed analyses as well, but have received less attention than co-benefits.
WASHINGTON — According to a report released this week by the Center for Global Development, climate change, the popular mid-2000s issue that raised awareness of the fact that the earth's continuous rise in temperature will have catastrophic ecological effects, has apparently not been resolved, and may still be a problem.
If you're curious what kind of ecological effect solar panels floating on the water might have on the Tengeh Reservoir, the project actually comes with some desired side effects.
For the stratospheric sulphate idea, these fall into two classes - changes to the physical climate as a function of the changes in heating profiles in solar and longwave radiation, and chemical and ecological effects from the addition of so much sulphur to the system.
This shift results in significant changes in forest species composition with their accompanying ecological effects and, moreover, affects the capacity of forest biomass (the mass of living trees) to store carbon.
For more information on the effects of last year's spill and to further consider what is happening in the Gulf today, watch this 4 minute video on the science of last year's spill, where one year after the largest oil spill in the history of the Gulf of Mexico, scientists are trying to determine the long - term ecological effects.
And if the rodent population shot up, this would of course trigger a cascade of other ecological effects.
The most comprehensive analysis to - date, the IPCC third assessment report (Kauppi et al. 2001), included the sequestration capacity and potential ecosystem effects of various BCDR strategies, but had a relatively brief treatment of potential negative ecological effects.
The continuing study will yield useful information on ecological effects, although not necessarily on fire risk, as it will not study wildfire directly, according to forest scientist Philip Omi of Colorado State University in Fort Collins.
Organisation and dynamics of biocoenosis; biodiversity patterns at various scales; hydrobiology of running and standing waters and wetlands; ecological effects of climate and land use changes; conservation biology and restoration ecology; new plant resources; natural vegetation in Hungary; maintenance of the Botanical Garden.
My concern is that this project was given the green light despite so many uncertainties concerning these socio - ecological effects.
Every day we read about some real or contrived environmental or ecological effect «proven» to arise from global warming.
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