Sentences with phrase «ecological justice»

The document appeals for the creation of an ethic of sharing as the expression of ecological justice in the area of energy use.
We can only briefly highlight some of the issues addressed by the policy statement in this area of ecological justice.
The policy statement zeroes in on ecological justice's demand for appropriate patterns of energy use.
Human rights holism must be read in the light of environmental and ecological justice because man can survive only under appropriate environment and ecological milieu whereunder sustainable development and growth with justice may be possible.
Having advanced the ideal of ecological justice based on the ethical implications of the Christian tradition, the statement concludes with a challenge to the churches — one that is appropriately set in visionary terms.
Ecological justice stresses the interrelationship of these concerns.
It is the means for pursuing ecological economic growth, building locally owned assets in the renewably powered economy and for the pursuit of social and ecological justice manifested in concrete plans and to take action as consumers, workers, business people, investors, neighbors.
Such high stakes force those concerned for ecological justice to seek the development and use of lower - risk technologies such as solar energy.
The organizations sent a joint letter to Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland outlining their shared principles and priorities for a new trade model rooted in principles of equity, the primacy of human rights — including the rights of Indigenous peoples, women and girls, workers, migrants, farmers, and communities — and social and ecological justice.
In concrete fashion the document advances three values against which energy policies and technologies may be measured for their consistency with the goal of ecological justice: sustainability, equity and participation.
Any energy policy which tries to play one area of concern against the other can not be encompassed in an ethic of ecological justice.
Perhaps the policy statement's most substantive contribution to the churches» discussion of energy ethics is its development of an «ethic of ecological justice
Using these three value areas as a measure of ecological justice, the policy statement turns to an assessment of specific issues.
We pursue the Puritan vision of comprehending and utilizing the earth's secrets and energies but have lost the Puritan corrective value of ecological justice.
Dr. Thomas proposes a new ideology of struggle for both social and ecological justice — a spiritual framework for a post modern holistic humanism based on an understanding of Christ as the Suffering Servant.
Issues of ecological justice, and justice to the weaker sections of society and specifically development of social institutions can not be taken up by the economy directed only by the market - profit mechanism in which the social objectives of the peoples are destroyed for the sake of economic growth.
The current working title for the Gehry structure is the Centre for Human Dignity and Ecological Justice.
Friends of the Earth US presented on the state of play of the GCF, while colleagues from the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities, Aksi — for gender, social and ecological justice, and Gender Action presented case studies on experiences with the CIFs in the Philippines (Clean Technology Fund and the Asian Development Bank) and Indonesia (Forest Investment Program) and on the gender impacts of the Pilot Program on Climate Resilience.
3 tons per person per year of carbon dioxide equivalent is the basis for global convergence on sustainable conduct, for a global technological and social revolution based on making economic growth mean ecological improvement and for the pursuit of social and ecological justice and an end to poverty.
It is the basis for a plan for social and ecological justice and an end to poverty.
Technologically, a comprehensive and economic series of changes are available to transform the self - destructive industrial present to make economic growth men ecological improvement in the context of a global pursuit of social and ecological justice.
We're a grassroots organization passionate about climate action and ecological justice.
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