Sentences with phrase «ecological sustainability»

Ecological sustainability is about ensuring that the resources we use and the way we live doesn't harm the environment or deplete its natural resources. It means balancing our needs with the Earth's capacity to support us, so both current and future generations can thrive in a healthy and balanced ecosystem. Full definition
Along with its distinctive coffee, a century of history has also helped to shape the farm into a model of ecological sustainability & social responsibility.
With every issue we try to draw the connections between ecological sustainability and other pressing social issues and encourage people to better understand their place on the planet.
Even better, the resort's commitment to ecological sustainability means you can enjoy its beautiful reefs, knowing they'll be there for decades to come.
We are structured to support ecological sustainability, responsible social development and respect for the culture and local community, enjoying transparent relationship with regulatory bodies.
Students of all majors learn about the importance of social and ecological sustainability through coursework that stresses critical thinking, analysis and written expression.
I wish every new building was designed on the principles of ecological sustainability and not just naked greed.
Simonitsch is credited with pioneering the pairing of luxury resorts with ecological sustainability and community benefit approaches.
USA About Blog The Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability at Michigan State University integrates ecology with socioeconomics, demography and other disciplines for ecological sustainability from local, national to global scales.
Those who emphasize human justice sometimes see ecological sustainability as the cry of those who benefit from the present structures of society and who want to distance themselves from the abuses of power within it.
Arjen Wals is a Professor of Transformative Learning for Socio - Ecological Sustainability at Wageningen University in The Netherlands.
The ultimate goal of this campaign is to replace the industrial agriculture model with a new vision of organic agro-ecological farming and the natural world being in harmony to achieve global ecological sustainability.
As Birch and Cobb would put it, can Christians develop ways of thinking about God and the world that encourage ecological sustainability and social justice?
The Vantra philosophy is to make a difference in the world by bringing together ecological sustainability, compassionate lifestyles, harmonious social life, ancient dietary principles and advanced modern nutrition.
I don't see how this homegenization of standards and «race to the bottom» offers any incentive for serious improvements to exceptional ecological sustainability.
Public health should take advantage of the newly shifted terrain to make the case that any trade or investment policy that prizes economic growth over reducing health inequities and enhancing ecological sustainability is bad policy.»
Among other activities, the programme teaches agriculture to help members of the community improve the yield of their kitchen gardens, facilitates ecological sustainability and broadens educational options for marginalized community members helping the Roma settle and become part of local communities.
«This can't be done unless the timetable for the school day shows direct recognition of this value, and ensures teachers have ecological sustainability within the foundation of nearly all activity and learning.»
The ability of communities and humanity as a whole, to respond, adapt, and sustain the resilience needed to maintain ecological sustainability and equity in the face of external and internal forces of change, including through respecting conditions, like diversity, enabling the resilience of nature.
this is a historic epistle written by the nobel prize laureate of Kenya regarding her all round approach to promoting ecological sustainability as the key to expanding social justice.
Traveling on passive energy collected from the wind and sun, his mile - long geodesic balloon foregrounds ecological sustainability, and does not rely on impositions upon or obliterations of the natural landscape to exist.
Art historian T. J. Demos analyzes different proposals to combine ecological sustainability, climate justice, and radical democracy.
«The more than one million organizations and the one hundred million individuals who actively work towards ecological sustainability, economic justice, human rights, and political accountability work on issues that are systemically interconnected and intertwined.
By promoting social and ecological sustainability in all our festival operations, and forging relationships with organizations and individuals who have similar goals Planet In Focus is walking the talk on the environment.»
To enforce, in the name of ecological sustainability, policies that violate the sense of justice of the people involved introduces an element that is very likely to make those policies unsustainable.24
Concern for ecological sustainability and human justice for the poor and oppressed are, as I have already indicated, closely linked.
Although it is true that the constitution of the United Nations represented itself as an effort of intergovernmental cooperation and plural unity of human diversity, creating a planetary consciousness of belonging to a community with a common destiny, the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) forces us to create new symbiosis between ecological sustainability and human rights.
I think the proper goal is summed up in Professor Schor's remark, ``... [we] should opt for a new economic and social vision based on quality of life, rather than quantity of stuff, with reduced work time and ecological sustainability at its core.»
And Yale's own Gus Speth questioned whether capitalism itself was compatible with ecological sustainability and suggested a radical shift in values was required to deal with the problem.
• Promote reform of industrial agriculture to agro-ecological systems such as permaculture, within the context of protecting and restoring adequate terrestrial systems necessary to maintain biodiversity, ecosystems and achieve global ecological sustainability.
SUSTAINABILITY X DESIGN How can we design products, environments, and services that comply with the principles of social, economic, and ecological sustainability?
Birch and Cobb propose that to live out such an ethic one must act personally and politically to promote two complementary ideals: ecological sustainability in our relations to the rest of nature, and social justice among humans.
We need to create an alternative society based on gender justice, ecological sustainability and local - global democracy.
The primary meaning, in contemporary discourse, is ecological sustainability.
Even those in the WTO who recognize that ecological sustainability is important do not want responsibility for it.
On the other side, a society many of whose members find themselves oppressed is inherently unstable, and without social stability there can be no ecological sustainability either.
What is needed is an alternative society based on gender justice, ecological sustainability and local - global democracy.
This deep, visionary and unconditional caring for what is yet to come, is the love of life embedded in ecological sustainability.
It is particularly painful to me that my own nation, from which I once hoped so much, far from leading the world into a just peace and ecological sustainability, has become the greatest obstacle to realizing such a future.
The vanguard of reformers for peace, justice and ecological sustainability are not the political leaders.
How does all this bear upon the questions we set out at the beginning of this chapter, namely how a postmodern worldview may illumine the momentous problems of our time: peace, justice and ecological sustainability?
It was clear to many of us that peace and ecological sustainability were to be forever closely related.
Ours is a time of three momentous tensions: the tension between war and peace, between social injustice and social justice, and between industrialization and ecological sustainability.
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