Sentences with phrase «ecological validity»

Another criticism of the study is that it has low ecological validity, and the results may not be applicable outside of the lab.
One strength of this study is that it had high ecological validity compared with lab studies which tend to control variables and use student populations as research participants.
Ultimately, real - world observational studies like this have to sacrifice some control in exchange for greater ecological validity.
While the use of an observational design to measure parent - child interactions has several advantages (e.g. ecological validity, qualitative data collection), it also bears some limitations.
However, prior studies have mainly used questionnaires to measure empathy or experimental paradigms that are lacking in ecological validity.
The attachment system is a composite paradigm for understanding relationship processes, traditionally assessed by valid and reliable interview, projective, or self - report measures (Ravitz et al., 2010), but with a limited ecological validity in the assessment of real attachment behaviors.
Of course, what ecological validity brings, unavoidable confounding variables undermine... I certainly believe however that the changes to introducing interleaving throughout the course and department wide are the most siginificant changes, by far, that we have made between these data sets which could explain the differences in shapes (and gradients) of progress flight paths.
Highlights the focus of PBS on ecological validity; that is, the practical application and translation of science - based knowledge to natural agents of change in natural settings under natural conditions (e.g., teachers and administrators in school, parents and family members at home and in the community).
Virtual reality for enhanced ecological validity and experimental control in the clinical, affective and social neurosciences.
In this framework, VR could advocate as a powerful assessing tool to improve ecological validity, maintaining experimental control, and to approach research themes that could be answered together with the traditional method, thanks to the technical capacity needed to approach behavioral topics.
Strengths of our evaluation include internal validity and ecological validity through a rigorous design (cluster random assignment with multiple outcome informants and longitudinal follow - up) to evaluate ROE under real - world conditions.
As a first step, and in order to illustrate the emotion regulation strategies by situations and terms which speak to 5th and 6th graders, and, thereby, provide ecological validity, we interviewed 40 5th and 6th graders in groups of five to six students, drawn from sample 1.
Whilst observational tasks tend to have more ecological validity, the laboratory setting is contrived and the contrived environment may have exerted an influence on participants» expectations and behaviours.
In order to investigate whether participants are able to track changes in emotional intensity and address the issue of low ecological validity in previous work, as well as exploring recognition of dynamic stimuli and affective empathy, the present study employed a modified version of the EA task developed by Zaki et al. (2009).
Naturalistic designs are clinically useful and have high ecological validity, which can allow results to be generalized to patients generally seen in typical clinical settings (i.e., community mental health teams, hospital wards).
Besides, we have kept in mind the importance of personalization and ecological validity.
While this method has several advantages (e.g., ecological validity, qualitative data collection, etc.), it is time - consuming and generally restricted to one interaction.
Laboratories certainly have their advantages, but the effects of rejection on self - esteem are likely underestimated in lab studies due to their lack of ecological validity (or similarity to the real world).
Although, as Melhuish (1993) suggests, the Strange Situation is the most widely used method for assessing infant attachment to a caregiver, Lamb et al. (1985) have criticized it for being highly artificial and therefore lacking ecological validity.
External validity refers to the extent to which the results of a study can be generalized to other settings (ecological validity), other people (population validity) and over time (historical validity).
Humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers believes that the use of laboratory experiments by cognitive psychology have low ecological validity and create an artificial environment due to the control over variables.
In addition, humanism (e.g., Carl Rogers) rejects the scientific method of using experiments to measure and control variables because it creates an artificial environment and has low ecological validity.
The fact that these findings are based on different types of real - life relationships (e.g., personal and work relationships, and even nonsocial commitments) supports the ecological validity of the link between relationship returns and relationship maintenance.
Furthermore, they have also been criticized as limited in the ecological validity, referring to the degree of correspondence that a test has relative to the real world or real behaviors in context or situation.
VR and SA provide a new approach and method to measure them in real - time, allowing to simulate various attachment situations, maintaining high levels of experimental control and ecological validity.
Keywords: attachment, virtual reality, presence, ecological validity, stealth assessment, evidence - centered design
Also, our study is limited in its ecological validity because the activity of student groups was performed in laboratory, not in real life environment.
The ecological validity of delay aversion and response inhibition as measures of impulsivity in AD / HD: a supplement to the NIMH multimodal treatment study of AD / HD
Ecological validity and cultural sensitivity for outcome research: Issues for the cultural adaptation and development of psychosocial treatments for Hispanics
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