Sentences with phrase «economic dynamics at»

But while much scholarly attention has been given to the conventional security and economic dynamics at work in the relationship, emotion has generally been treated as a dark matter, both ubiquitous and intangible.
If now - President Trump wants to do things right, he needs to wait and consider all the various political and economic dynamics at stake before he makes another mistake trying to do a «deal» in an industry that he knows nothing about.

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Beyond that, we now have the evidence that reinforces earlier findings on the effects of ambient pollution at large and can say that these effects are very likely real, not just loosely correlated or tied up with other economic issues like household migration dynamics
Co-author Gérard Liger - Belair, University Professor of chemical physics at the University of Reims Champagne - Ardenne, who studies dissolved gases and bubble dynamics in champagne and sparkling wine, said that the researchers» work applies to numerous areas of scientific and economic interest.
And so, paying up is often required — well, at least from a traditional value perspective — which, almost inevitably needs to be justified via comprehensive study of the company & its management, its capital allocation, its products & business model, its industry dynamics, and (most of all) whether it enjoys a significant, sustainable & (ideally) an expanding competitive advantage (i.e. an economic moat).
The starting point for the artists featured in You Don't Need a Weatherman are investigations aimed at revealing social dynamics, economic systems, and political relations within an increasingly complex world of virtual representation, infinite sources of information, and invisible data flows.
My point is simply that, in all suggested plans to cut fossil fuel use, one needs to look seriously and closely at the economic dynamics that operates in the real world, and not rely on simplistic «thought bubbles» that sound good on the surface, until one starts to dig a bit.
Another book that might be useful is Tim Wise's Under the Affluence, where he really takes a hard look at the economic structures in this country and their connection to racial dynamics.
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