Sentences with phrase «economic enterprise»

The unique nature of Indigenous connection to the land provides the basis for economic enterprises such as wildlife harvesting, natural resource management, fishing, cultural tourism and art produced for sale.
Our revolution prepared the way for two centuries of free economic enterprise with minimal checks on private centers of economic power.
We can fight if necessary, but [what] will really help is getting some sustainable economic enterprise within the communities to help resolve a lot of the issues.»
This amount is separate from the revenue the IRGC brings in from the major economic enterprises in which it is involved.
When the Rosendale Town Board passed a new local law at the end of last year allowing the creation of Economic Enterprise Overlay (EEO) zones, one of the examples most frequently cited of a long - vacant building in need of a change in zoning in order to be redeveloped was the former Tillson School, located at 56 Grist Mill Road.
As European colonists began to settle along the coast, introducing new economic enterprises, exploiting the marine resources, and establishing Catholic missions, the native food sources were depleted, native economies were altered, and island populations declined even further.
They're collaborating with the community land trust to refurbish vacant housing, establish new public spaces and use the neighbourhood's space and resources to jumpstart economic enterprises.
Absent legislative intervention, it will continue to operate in the short term as a courtregulated economic enterprise.
Thomson - Reuters Corporation and Thomson - Reuters PLC will be separate legal entities but will be managed and operated as if they were a single economic enterprise.
As Philip Pettit argues in his contribution to this series, republicans see the economy as a politically created arena of human activity, with an associated institutional infrastructure (such as the legal codes, tort, property rights, legal framework for economic enterprises, legal rules governing trade and exchange, etc.).
There are lots of disputes over rights and title, but we're trying to focus on sustainable economic enterprise
Every people has its culture, whether primitive or advanced, and this culture is discerned in the folkways and moral standards, forms of family life, economic enterprises, laws and modes of dealing with lawbreakers, forms of recreation, religion, art, education, science, and philosophy that constitute the social aspects of human existence as contrasted with the bare biological fact of living.
I personally have been particularly disturbed by the way this modern vision leads economists (and policy makers) to see the economic enterprise as a self - contained feature of reality such that what happens in the physical world is not relevant to its theory or practice.
In a time of change such as we now find ourselves in, creating a fair food system that offers opportunity to small - to - medium farming and economic enterprises, to the people with ideas and for our citizens is a matter of personal, community, economic and national security.
But since the early ones would most likely be economic enterprises, investors or business owners would probably pay for their construction.
Farms, after all, are economic enterprises.
Osage Casinos are an economic enterprise of the Osage Nation.
The release of waste products from domestic and economic enterprises (burning fossil fuels, synthetic chemical use, trash production, etc.) alters the composition of the atmosphere, and gases and particulates related to these activities travel to all parts of the globe.
This is not to suggest that business or economic enterprises are required to solve the social issues in a community.
What once was an economic enterprise, an exchange of property made between -LSB-...]
What once was an economic enterprise, an exchange of property made between families, is now something else entirely.
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