Sentences with phrase «economic evidence»

Second, there is a substantial body of economic evidence suggesting that taxation of the return to savings can harm the prospects for economic growth, investment and efficiency.
Second, there is a substantial body of economic evidence suggesting that taxation of the return to savings can harm the prospects for economic growth, investment and efficiency.
It will also add to the limited economic evidence for an intervention targeting parents of children with ASD and provide longer term data, an important component for evaluations of parenting programmes.
Shouldn't the «skeptics» be as careful in examining the policy and economic evidence as they pretend to be about the science?
Based on economic evidence that included program - based findings, earnings, and educational achievement, the authors found that all assessed programs demonstrated measurable benefits that exceeded their costs, noting, «On average, for every dollar invested equally across the six SEL interventions, there is a return of eleven dollars, a substantial economic return.»
Economic evidence showed a typical B.C. middle class family couldn't afford to pay the fees and it was worse for single women.
New economic evidence commissioned by India Consensus, a collaboration between Tata Trusts and the Copenhagen Consensus, shows that Prime Minister Modi is entirely right to focus on tuberculosis.
OMB's 3 percent projections do not appear justified by economic evidence and are far outside the mainstream.
Needless to say, we consider a great deal of additional economic evidence, but our reliance on subsequently revised payroll data, and the need to place stronger emphasis on market internals (which we imposed on our methods in mid-2014) was our Achilles» heel in that instance.
While U.S. data continue to be mixed (durable goods and the Chicago Fed's National Activity Index were both soft last week), most of the recent economic evidence suggests the U.S. has recovered from its first quarter economic contraction.
Suffice it to say that the improvement in new unemployment claims strikes me as a legitimately hopeful development, but there is too much short - term noise, and inconsistency with other economic evidence (reliable leading indicators, falling tax withholdings) to draw a convincing signal.
«If the government wants to implement Plan B, we need to see independent economic evidence, another parliamentary inquiry and new legislation,» Mr Clare said in a statement.
At Seafish, we achieve these objectives by providing expert, relevant, impartial and trusted economic evidence, analysis and evidence.
Willetts nods, satisfied, as he explains how the «hard economic evidence» backs up this claim that the younger generations have had a «rawer deal».
If sentiment remains restrained, there are some conditions - largely related to improved market action - that could move us to a modestly constructive investment stance despite unfavorable economic evidence and rich valuations.
After the boarding facility appealed, the Court of Appeals upheld the trial court's decision, rejecting a market value cap but ruling that Lola's value could be proved only through economic evidence.
This activity report aimed at readers who seek to build economic evidence in support of the inclusion of actions on agriculture in climate change plans and programmes, particularly at the national level under the umbrella of nationally determined contributions to the December 2015 Paris Agreement, which aims to restrict a rise in global temperatures and manage risks.
This guidance document estimates these economic values, by means of best international analytical practices and environmental and economic evidence from Kenya, and shows that montane forests have consistently been undervalued in conventional national accounting.
In subsequent cases, plaintiffs evolved three techniques of avoiding Chadha: (a) combining direct and indirect purchasers into one class; (b) relying on causes of action that may not require proof of loss, in order to invoke aggregate assessment of damages; and (c) leading economic evidence regarding pass on.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit historically has afforded litigants substantial leeway in applying economic theory to establish damages in patent infringement cases, as long as the theories are based on reliable economic evidence and establish direct causation of loss.
The Respondents provided expert economic evidence that there was a large group of people who were not exempt from hearing fees, but who would not reasonably be able to pay them.
A significant thrust and recommendation of the Hargreaves Report is that policy must be made on the basis of actual evidence, principally economic evidence, rather than the urgings of lobbyists as has been too often the case.
Some of the world's top economists have assessed the targets from the 11th session Open Working Group document into one of five categories, based on economic evidence: Phenomenal, Good, Fair, Poor and Uncertain.
As part of the EC funded DataPrev project, a systematic review was conducted to identify the state of the evidence base on the use of economic evidence in helping to make the case for investment in mental health and well - being in the four areas of focus to the project: early years and parenting interventions, actions set in schools and workplaces and measures targeted at older people.
The goal of Copenhagen Consensus is to provide a base of economic evidence on which we can improve our decisions.
But taken as a whole, the economic evidence over the past few months has offered every reason for optimism.
The report was hotly anticipated, mainly because it represents the last major piece of economic evidence the central bank will have on hand before its long - awaited meeting on Sept. 16 and 17.
There's no economic evidence to this effect.
Despite several years of research providing the medical and economic evidence that feeding a mother's own milk to very low birth weight infants improves clinical and financial outcomes, multiple barriers to mothers» providing their own breast milk for infants in the neonatal intensive care unit to persist.
«Constantly threatening an independence referendum without any economic evidence to back a vote for separation and without any credible answers to reasonable questions doesn't enhance the first minister's credibility for the discussions ahead - it diminishes it.»
«There is not a shred of economic evidence to support this austerity addiction but plenty to warn about the dire outcomes for ordinary people.
All of our work, from the engineering of landmark buildings and critical infrastructure to the spatial planning and economic evidence in support of development, is evidence - based and informed by a deep understanding of what it takes to deliver construction.
There's no economic evidence to support your claims, so spare us your recitation of myths perpetrated by greedy f**k s.
Despite several years of research providing the medical and economic evidence that feeding a mother's own milk to very low birth weight infants improves clinical and financial outcomes, multiple barriers to mothers» providing their own breast milk for infants in the neonatal intensive care unit to persist.
Dr. Crowley has received numerous national awards recognizing this work and he chairs the Society for Prevention Research's Taskforce on Economic Analyses of Prevention, in an external reviewer for the Washington State Institute for Public Policy's Cost - Benefit model and sits on the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine's Committee on The Use of Economic Evidence to Inform Investment in Children Youth and Families.
This paper explores both the condition of education in the United States and the economic evidence on several promising K - 12 interventions that could improve the lives of Americans.
And most maliciously, much of the damage to stock prices is often done in a recession's early stages, when the economic evidence is the foggiest.
The question asked here — «Can humans overcome their deep need to «get mine» based on the weight of scientific and economic evidence
That leaves just one big question: Can humans overcome their deep need to «get mine» based on the weight of scientific and economic evidence?
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