Sentences with phrase «economic facts»

I once wrote somewhere that the oil sands are the most important Canadian economic fact of our time, and I jumped at the offer to join the tour.
I'm surprised that the impact of this basic economic fact — expected future prices — isn't talked about more.
In economic fact, there are many liabilities that have an equity component.
These simple economic facts put the political backers of fossil fuels at a disadvantage on the issue of base economics.
While the kinds of things people want do change as goods become more abundant, the fundamental economic fact of scarcity continues to operate.
However it is not a hard economic fact that reducing a customer base automatically raises the marginal cost of the operation.
This book includes critical economic facts and key percentages that put the climate debate in a whole new light.
The Hamilton Project released a series of economic facts about K - 12 education in addition to three new discussion papers by outside authors — «Staying in School: A Proposal to Raise High School Graduation Rates,» «Learning from the Successes and Failures of Charter Schools,» and «Harnessing Technology to Improve K - 12 Education.»
Prime Minister Stephen Harper: «These kinds of decisions are made on the basis of facts — not just economic facts, but also environmental facts...» (Globe and Mail, Feb. 22, 2011)
Such economic facts render untenable any picture of man as a purely mental or spiritual being.
Tuesday, September 25 at 4:00 p.m. ET — Call with Hamilton Project Director Michael Greenstone and Policy Director Adam Looney to walk through new data included in The Hamilton Project's forthcoming policy memo, «A Dozen Economic Facts about Education.»
Michael Greenstone et al, Thirteen Economic Facts about Social Mobility and the Role of Education, The Hamilton Project (2013) The Pell Institute, Indicators of Higher Education Equity in the United States: 45 Year Trend Report (2015).
Here are some quick economic facts about the Baja California peninsula.
A multi-disciplinary collaborative team, IPO examines how the intuitive, fluid nature of the artistic process is both disrupted and energized by banal economic facts.
Just as you prefer to post «axioms» about the economics of deploying photovoltaics today while ignoring actual economic facts that have led numerous major corporations to invest heavily in large - scale PV deployments, you prefer to ignore what I actually write here, and instead just make stuff up, pretend that I said it, and make bullying demands that I substantiate YOUR nonsense with citations.
To say that clean energy «costs more» is not a statement of objective economic fact; it's a political statement that makes sense only given a contingent set of laws, practices, and market institutions.
Buyers who are still waiting on the sidelines must learn a basic economic fact of life: if fundamentals aren't supporting a market decline, then it's not going to decline for very long.
With Oligarchs and Sheikhs popping up all over the place the simple economic fact is it will lead to increased demand.
«Too small» may be a mindset as much as an economic fact.
Dispelling these myths — with the help of economic facts, reliable financial measures and an understanding of big - picture secular dynamics — can help investors better discern the direction of the economy and markets.
For the first time it began to dawn on me in what sense moral values may be recognized as interwoven with, and «dialectically» exemplified by, the massive order of economic facts.
It is totally unenforceable, which renders it useless, and is another attempt by politicians to place a «legal fix» upon what is really just an economic fact of life brought on by changing times, NAFTA, and the ability of farmers in other countries to grow New Mexican varieties to meet the demand here.
The multitudes remained plunged in ignorance of the simplest economic facts, and their leaders, seeking their votes, did not dare to undeceive them...
Academics, however, tend to look at the fundamental factors underlying political races, usually putting more weight on basic economic facts and core trends in public opinion than on the transient efforts of campaigns themselves.
This is not because politicians should be expected to regurgitate every economic fact and figure, it is more because Labour wants to be seen as the government - in - waiting.
It demonstrates ignorance of economic facts and recent history.
IF you don't want to loe them in their hundreds of thousands — if not millions — you need to educate them in the economic facts of life..
«Simply put, these are the economic facts of life for all of us, Westchester is one of the only counties in New York that doesn't require employees to contribute to the cost of health care benefits,» said Testa.
It is simply an economic fact of life that the public and private sectors must change the way they operate and find new cost effective models to fit these times.
Indeed, all the talk of «austerity» and «savage cuts» provides the coalition with the alibi to the markets that they have a deficit reduction plan that is being vigorously stuck to (not borne out by the economic facts) whilst Labour can take comfort in playing their familiar «heartless Tories» card in drumming up support from swing voters, without having any plausible alternative.
The economic fact comes from a new report in Variety about movie star salaries which...
This economic fact made any regionalization of district systems (or even redistricting of individual systems) bureaucratically difficult and politically hazardous.
«A Dozen Economic Facts about Education»: These economic facts about education help illustrate the state of educational attainment in the United States and the growing importance of education in determining people's well - being.
You'd use Design Question 2, Helping Students Interact with New Knowledge, and Design Question 3, Helping Students Practice and Deepen New Knowledge, to teach the basic economic facts and terms: fiscal and monetary policy, interest rates, money supply, government securities, depression, inflation, and recession, etc..
It's an economic fact.
«Considering the wall - to - wall media coverage of the financial crisis, it is startling to see how few Americans have a grasp on the most basic economic facts,» says James Bowers, managing director for CEEL.
This economic fact is much different than the First and Second Arab Oil Shocks of the 1970s.
Taking climate action can bring significant benefits to the United States, and the economic facts clearly support U.S. action to curb global warming emissions — including the prohibitive costs of doing nothing.
Still, it» very useful, also for the general public, in trying to grasp all sorts of economic facts and development.
In this case, mixing up the object and effect categories in trying to answer a preliminary reference that simply does not contain the necessary legal and economic facts has resulted in a judgment that only complicates what could have been a perfectly clear dichotomy: Firstly, market sharing, horizontal and vertical price fixing is prohibited per se, irrespective of the effects this may or may not have had.
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