Sentences with phrase «economic forces into»

It could be [insert presidential candidate you dislike] winning the election and throws economic forces into chaos.
By incorporating the inherent impacts of different economic forces into every investment decision, this approach addresses what Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) fails to consider: external economic forces ultimately drive asset class returns and correlations.

Not exact matches

Though some analysts have worried that the intransigence of European lenders would force Greece into Russia's sphere of influence, it's not clear just what Russia could do for the Greeks, given Russia's own economic troubles amid low oil prices and Western sanctions.
Recruiting women into the work force is an important element of Saudi Arabia's economic reform, known as Vision 2030.
They saw the project as the next step in Nashville's transformation from country - music capital into a regional and even national economic force.
People retire on little more than luck and a prayer and are forced back into the workforce by the cold, biting wind of economic reality.
If the Canadian government begins FTA negotiations with China, it needs to take into account not only the political, economic, and social forces that are transforming the world we live in today, but also those that will shape the world we will live in tomorrow.
These economies are «starting from an extremely low economic base and have the ability to embrace technology and tap into an increasingly urbanized work force, which can lead to a relatively long period of rapid growth,» Mordy says.
With our global reach yet local presence around the world, you can benefit from valuable insights into the regulations and economic forces that may influence how you borrow and invest.
In reality, many commercial mortgage brokerages that focus only on one niche take the risk of being forced out of business when the industry stumbles into a tough economic stretch.
Surprisingly, only 40 % of respondents are familiar with recent trade deals such as the Canada - EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), which will open up a market of more than 500 million customers by reducing 98 % of tariffs when it comes into force later this year.
The agreement started out as a little - noticed negotiation among three, later four, «like - minded» parties (Brunei, Chile, New Zealand, and Singapore) of a Trans - Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (a.k.a. P4), which came into force in 2006.
With his backing, the policy chief will be able to resist his critics into 2016 before the worsening economic slump eventually forces him to capitulate, according to Standard Chartered Plc and Bank of America Corp. «They could probably hold out for at least six months, maybe even a year,» said Ayodele Salami, chief -LSB-...]
Moreover, Bitcoin generally can be a powerful force to bring a much larger number of people around the world into the modern economic system.
The Jews» wanderings allowed them to establish trade - route networks among far - flung kinsmen; being forced into moneylending and merchandising established a tradition of economic literacy and experience that gave Jews portable skill sets.
Our lowest skill workers already have a relatively low labor force participation rate and high unemployment even six years into the economic recovery.
International economic enti / ties like the World Bank and IMF originally conceived to be non-partisan forces for good have been co-opted into profit engines for the corporate regime — a empire that is nearly nameless, conscionseless, leaderless yet ubiquitous.
The conventional wisdom, then, has it backwards: cultural affinities constitute the long - term basis of electoral alignments, introducing fundamental values into politics and structuring the debate over them, while economic forces generate temporary disruptions of these culturally defined alignments.
If the barbarian hordes could by economic necessity be forced into the government schools, teachers with the proper training might lure them from their native superstitions and win them to the American faith.
Economic expansion in this core was associated with two other dominant trends: growth in population (the so - called demographic transition, which both facilitated, and was facilitated by, industrialization) and the geographic inclusion of previously isolated, local, and ethnic sectors of the population into the commercial and industrial labor force.
And when we locate one of those underlying forces — an economic drive, a blind libido — with a clarity that allows us to let go our overt harmonies and relate directly to their components, those components themselves in turn begin to dissolve into thin films covering even more alien vortices of strange harmonies.
In recent weeks, the government has been forced to reconsider its plan to set up Chinesestyle Special Economic Zones for foreign companies after the project ran into violent opposition from farmers facing eviction from their lands.9
We are almost six years into our economic recovery and the unemployment rate for our lowest - skill workers is still 8.4 percent, while the labor force participation rate for that population is 46.3 percent.
However, whereas for the mainline broadcasters their content was a result of theological intent in line with their perception of the appropriate use of television, the evangelicals have been forced into a similar situation almost solely for economic reasons, a factor illustrating again the awesome levelling and censoring power of the commercial television industry.
He also spoke with senior researchers and staff from the Regional Australia Institute about the role of the regions on the national policy agenda and where core issues like labour force demands and decentralisation fit into the overall economic picture.
But the question that needs to be asked is, how many of those stay - at - home dads actively chose that role and how many were forced into it by the economic recession, the «unemployed job - seekers, the underemployed, and discouraged workers»?
The economic downturn in recent years, which led to higher unemployment levels among fathers; the re-entry of mothers into the labor force; a growing number of parents working different schedules; and the escalating costs of child care are all cited as factors that have made fathers» increased child - rearing role more feasible and more necessary.
It is as though the force of the economic crisis has thrown the entire political class into a gigantic lake of treacle.
Being forced into sex work because of economic necessity and forced prostitution are not the same.
[4] However, many others from similar demographics are forced into potentially undesirable occupations, due to economic circumstances, and are also vulnerable to exploitation — yet few seek to criminalize their work.
The newspaper won a lawsuit in 2007 - six years into the program — forcing the state Department of Economic Development to disclose for the first time how much each of the nearly 10,000 businesses planned to claim in tax breaks.
The European Economic Area Agreement came into force back in 1994: Norway and Iceland (and Lichtenstein) are currently members.
Alex Balch has received funding from the Economic and Social Research Council, EU and Joseph Rowntree Foundation for research into policy on labour migration and efforts to tackle forced labour and human trafficking.
We assign priority to the internal factors, to the socio - economic conditions that reproduce opportunism on the basis of socialist construction, without of course underestimating the long - term effect and the multi-faceted interference of imperialism in the development of opportunism and its evolution into a counterrevolutionary force.
The ECIDA is designed to spur economic development but has partially devolved into a regulatory authority - forcing absurd demands on local businesses.
In summary, if UKIP moved their economic policy to the left, not too far to the left as I mentioned before, just away from the supply side tosh, they could become a major electoral force and convert those 15 to 17 per cent poll numbers into actual votes on the ground.
«This lack of lodging, this lack of an economic driver that really translates into economic success is a chicken and egg debate we haven't quite conquered,» said Hamilton County Board of Supervisors Chairman Bill Farber, who sat on the task force
The acting chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Ibrahim Magu has said he will make a statement on the controversies surrounding the wanted former chairman of the Presidential Task Force on Pension Reforms (PTFPR), Abdulrasheed Maina particularly on how he made his way back into the country.
Yet today, millions of people on both sides of the Atlantic have good reason to wonder why governments led us into the economic maelstrom, and a good deal of Gideon Rachman's admirable book deals with the conflicts and forces that took us from the relatively benign world of post-war consensus to where we are today.
At a time of economic austerity and unemployment how does making 1,500 disabled people redundant fit with the government's determination to force those same disabled people into work and claims that «we're all in this together»?
State GOP delegates voted to place both David Malpass — former chief economist for Bear Stearns, president of an economic research firm, veteran of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations — and Bruce Blakeman — lawyer, ex-husband of Paul McCartney's current girlfriend, owner of terrifying talking dog — onto the ballot in the race against Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, forcing the two into a primary.
Shadow cabinet sources indicate it was only the combined pressure of the leader's office, the shadow cabinet and Labour's disastrous polling on economic trust that forced Ed Balls into making the June statement committing to Tory spending plans for 2015/16.
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 6ILM 360 (1967); 993 UNTS 3, adopted on 16 December 1966, entered into force on 3 January 1976.
Given the tremendous economic contribution by upwards of one million illegal Burmese migrants to the Thai economy — which was reported in 2007 to total roughly US $ 53 million (3) per year — forcing refugees into dependence is a waste of human productivity not to mention a denigration of human rights and social well being for the population.
The absurd irrationality of social and economic systems that despise the living community for the profit of a minority human elite, converting all source of life into market products, has forced us to migrate to distant planets to safeguard human survival.
From San Diego to Baltimore, districts are being forced to make painful budget cuts as political and economic forces converge into one of the deepest school fiscal crises in decades.
A significant proportion of the economic growth experienced in the US and in Europe during the 20th century was caused by the entry of women into the labor force.
Mazda attempted something similar with the introduction of the overhauled Mazda6 — going for broke on an updated, U.S. - specific chassis and launching it headlong into the hurricane - force gale that was the economic collapse of 2008 - 2009.
While no apologist for the man who became synonymous with the Great Depression, Whyte details how Hoover was up against worldwide economic forces that he had no way of controlling and points out that the hard times continued long into Roosevelt's presidency.
*** «Perhaps concern over «uncertainty» in complex, adaptive, open systems should be investigated by inductive generalization from observations of the dynamics of a wide range of such systems: ecosystems, social systems, computer systems, immune systems, economic systems... It is curious that the following things are never admitted as «facts about the world,» but here goes: the observer would note of all of these systems that they undergo oscillations within apparent parameters and occasionally flip into new regimes; they often demonstrate novel emergence; and that increased forcing, whether of native elements or exotic ones, increases the rates of oscillation and catastrophic shifts, sometimes after a quieter period of sub-threshold build - up.
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