Sentences with phrase «economic idea at»

Theres much to be said for experimenting with different social and economic ideas at local scale rather than globally, because this enables them to then be evaluated.

Not exact matches

We all have a pretty good idea of the economic impact of what you see and eat on Super Bowl Sunday, but here is a look at the economic impact of what folks are wearing on their heads and backs.
His job is to look at economic trends, set the macro strategy and then find managers who have the expertise to take advantage of his big - picture ideas.
(How many economic experts scoffed at the very idea of a recession?)
Clearly, as a populace we're ready for any idea that might improve the overall economic picture, and the folks at the Kauffmann Foundation think they have one: Getting members of Congress to get off their butts and pass a startup visa to help bring more immigrant entrepreneurs into the country.
But Summers, speaking at an event sponsored by the Peterson Institute for International Economics, said the idea that all major US banks would be totally fine if economic and financial conditions deteriorate as sharply as some of the tests posit is simply not credible.
'' [The BDC] really had from the beginning an idea that there would be economic benefits to doing something like this,» Tillett says, citing an early economic impact projection the BDC made at the time of the ETC's founding that estimated 120 jobs would be created by ETC startups over five years.
The idea of order was made more difficult by wealthy families asserting their economic interests at the expense of society at large.
The group's vice president for international economic affairs, Linda Menghetti Dempsey, told a congressional subcommittee in April that such an effort would be «at once both a radical idea and, in our estimation, the most pragmatic and effective way forward» on trade with China.
In yet another email exchange, Parrott notes that «all the investors will get this very quickly» in response to a message from Mary Goodman, a managing director at James Caird Asset Management (and a former Senior Advisor to Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner who later served as Special Assistant to the President for Financial Markets at the National Economic Council), who stated that the Net Worth Sweep «should lay to rest permanently the idea that the outstanding privately held pref will ever get turned back on.»
«The tax plan is just the latest in a long line of really bad economic policies that are based on an idea of how corporations work that has nothing to do with how corporations actually work today,» Nell Abernathy, vice president of research and policy at the liberal - leaning think tank the Roosevelt Institute, told me.
Using a Lean Startup Methodology tailored for communities of color, DID excels at 1) finding Black and Latina women entrepreneurs with high growth companies and game changing ideas, 2) connecting them to an unmatched network of investors, mentors, and influencers, 3) developing their start - up toolkit and leadership skills, and 4) supporting their entrepreneurship journey from the build phase to exit with the goal of helping create companies that have a strong positive impact on the economic health of their local communities.
Many scholars have suggested that there are two distinct phases in Marx's writings: early Marx, which includes at least the rather humanistic ideas of the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts (1844) and The Communist Manifesto (1848); and later Marx which has the much more technical and «scientific» economics of Das Capital, the first volume of which was published in 1867.
In the end, the failure to sell the war as a necessary response to the real national and economic threat foreshadowed Wilson's difficulty in selling the idea of the league at home.
At least some of our citizens have come to see that the present organization of our economic life, including the corporation, threatens not only our democratic government, because of its inordinate political influence, but also our national character and form of life, because of its propagation of the idea of wealth as merely the accumulation of consumer goods.
I always remember that our imperfect institutions, from the church to the academy, will be remembered not only by the lofty ideas of the luminaries at the top, but also by the dreams and visions of those at every rung of the economic ladder.
At first this seems a poor substitute for the economic and domestic freedom of womanhood but in fact it was not so much a substitute as a creative idea, which, once set at work, could not be stayed in its leavening poweAt first this seems a poor substitute for the economic and domestic freedom of womanhood but in fact it was not so much a substitute as a creative idea, which, once set at work, could not be stayed in its leavening poweat work, could not be stayed in its leavening power.
But my point here is that unsatisfactory economic ideas and practices which have an impressive history of failure, which caused to founder that great nation California, which lie at the root of much of the shame and dread and division and hostility and cynicism with which our society is presently afflicted, are treated as immutable truths, not to be questioned, not to be interfered with, lest they unleash their terrible retribution, recoiling against whomever would lay a hand on the Ark of Market Economics, if that is the name under which this mighty power is currently invoked.
Rather, the man who had first worked at the intersection of ideas and power during his World War II service at the British Embassy in Washington was a Russo - English exponent of classic American New Deal liberalism: a liberal who believed that government had an obligation to secure the economic, social, and educational conditions under which people could truly exercise their liberty.
Our more than 550 experts and staff work closely with leaders to turn big ideas into action at the nexus of environment, economic opportunity and human well - being (
Our more than 450 experts and staff work closely with leaders to turn big ideas into action at the nexus of environment, economic opportunity and and human well - being
It was the late 1970's and a number of us with children at Michael Hall, a well - established Waldorf school in Forest Row, Sussex, had an intense interest in Steiner's social and economic ideas.
This is one of the reasons I baulk at the idea that I am somehow replaceable in the early years (indeed at all), that I am substitutable by another relative or a stranger and that I am «equal» only in terms of a capitalist game and economic agenda written by non-lactating males.
The ideas it promoted — that banks and a wealthy elite have benefited from the current economic system at the expense of the rest of us — have infiltrated the mainstream, with the concept of the 99 % resonating profoundly with people across the country.
Mike, perhaps rather than reading a couple of fringe blogs by right - libertarians (and even those don't hold the opinions you're attributing to them, but often talk about alternative economic ideas like a citizens» income) who are about as representative of mainstream Liberal Democrat thought as Tony Benn is of Labour, you should look at sites like, which more or less represents the mainstream of the party.
«I will cut your taxes» «We'll make America strong» «I will take a hard line on international policy» and while these ideas sound better in today's light, we should remember that at the time, members of his own party called his economic plan «Voodoo economics».
«I think the package is too modest, but I think the idea of accelerating depreciation to encourage businesses to buy more equipment and to effectively accelerate some of those purchases at a time when we really need to see that economic activity has merit.»
Even if we accepted the idea of education being first and foremost about economic advantage, then we should ensure that our universities are preparing students to be future citizens at least as effectively as those of our «competitors».
At the time, Howard Zemsky, then co-chair of the Western New York Regional Economic Development Council that hatched the idea, said he wasn't worried.
Echoing the Cuomo administration's stance, Barba and Jones said the idea of competition worked well since it forced people within the given regions to join forces and look at what makes sense along geographic as well as economic lines.
It is a great shame that it is now trying to use the present economic crisis to take cheap political shots at the idea of the big society itself.
So together let us share ideas and look at ways to continue to excel given the current economic conditions,» said Piperato.
It is my humble view and submission that Nigeria will still and shall still come out stronger and better of this current economic recession without necessarily opting for a cheap idea of selling our national assets but by urgently taking a drastic and sincere step on some of our untapped resources that are readily available at our disposal.
Second, Orwell's book may well be a classic, but it's conceptually quite simple and not at all obtuse in style, meaning that even the chumps whose idea of searing economic commentary is tweeting «All taxation is theft, amirite?»
Klobuchar said at the Center for American Progress Ideas Conference that while anti-Trump enthusiasm could help fuel Democratic victories and the party needed to keep attacking Trump, «we need to move forward, and the way you move forward is emphasizing these economic issues and how people are getting screwed by all kinds of things.»
«While we have known it for some time, the world is catching on to the idea that Erie County and all of Western New York are at the forefront of big, positive economic development.
Cuomo, speaking at the downtown Strand Theatre on Wednesday, said the city contains all of the elements required to fuel economic growth, including a strong core of small businesses, a state school that acts as an idea incubator and a low corporate tax rate.
I am beginning to work on my ideas that I presented for the economic development of a college campus and amphitheatre at Winston Farm and my targeting of companies for the Kings Highway corridor.
Regardless of how Planck expressed his belief that senior scientific stars are often loath to accept ideas that threaten their views, the paper's «results lend credence» to the notion, write Pierre Azoulay of the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge; Christian Fons - Rosen of the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics in Spain; and Joshua S. Graff Zivin of the University of California, San Diego, in their National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) working paper.
«Once we consider how important schools are to American ideas about economic opportunity and upward mobility, we can better understand why school settings are revealed in our research as focal points of violent responses to increased unemployment,» said Hagan, who also is a research professor at the American Bar Foundation.
I know Dave Pimentel at Cornell has been trying to categorize this for a while, but this idea of actually assigning economic values to things that are usually left out of economic equations, like the cost of cleaning water, you know, so do you want to talk about that a little bit more.
The idea of a scientist shortage is «almost universally accepted [in political circles], and there's almost no one in Washington and no one on the Hill who says that there's a glut of scientists,» says Ron Hira, a policy expert at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York and a research associate at the Economic Policy Institute in Washington, D.C.
But when you hit the wall at a more difficult economic time, you'll need to pull from the larger pool of ideas.
So in this issue Hanson follows that through to a conclusion coming up with tiny insect - like robots with greater than human level intelligence living by the billions in skyscrapers and sort of doing their virtual work at the equivalent of pennies per day and what this leads to, there are two different ideas about what this kind of economic runaway advancement would ultimately lead to.
Since then, the proposed international vaccine development fund has been discussed at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, and both the National Academy of Medicine and the Foundation for Vaccine Research have expressed support for the idea.
All told, with more than $ 170 million of funding, the state's eight Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) and the IDeA Network for BioMedical Research Excellence have brought economic opportunity to Rhode Island, said Dr. Jack A. Elias, dean of medicine and biological sciences at Brown, in a videotaped welcome.
His Big Idea is that economic forces, especially inequality and poverty, largely determine the outcome of American social projects - including attempts at education reform.
Below is a breakdown of the lesson objectives: * All students will know the main measures of an economy * Most students will have an idea of what the UK economy is currently like * Some students will know how different factors can effect the UK economy The lesson looks at the basics of the following macroeconomic concepts with definition, examples and valid video links: * Inflation * Unemployment * Economic growth * Gross domestic product (GDP) * Balance of payments * Exchange rates The lesson concludes with a nice multiple choice quiz to test students on the lessons theory.
Therefore, teachers have to deploy the pedagogy of love as the theoretical principle on which sustain us in this way, we achieve active and participatory education, including all educational stakeholders, representing a necessary task to promote a dynamic and critical thinking, generating new ideas that promote economic and social development, aimed at creating a better future for Peru.
This situation demands a new ethic based on respect for different, and involves decision, political will, mobilize and organization of all educational stakeholders to enhance dynamic and critical thinking, which generate new ideas that promote economic and social development, aimed at creating a better world in the future.
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