Sentences with phrase «economic insecurity»

"Economic insecurity" refers to the situation where individuals or households face uncertainty or vulnerability in managing their financial affairs. It means not having a stable or sufficient income to meet basic needs, feeling uncertain about job stability, or lacking access to financial resources, which can lead to difficulties in making ends meet and planning for the future. Full definition
And the policy, first enacted in 1975, has not been updated to address modern forms of economic insecurity.
But systemic political and economic insecurity in many countries there makes the risk premium too high for many investors.
You may think it's challenging to deal with economic insecurity while you're working, so imagine trying to do it while living on a restricted income.
I think the tremendous economic insecurity people that are feeling now in the face of the wreck of the financial system and the great recession is clearly the dominant thing.
The researchers also found that economic insecurity reduced people's sense of control, which, in turn, increased feelings of pain.
So far, however, the Administration's protectionist trade actions appear more likely to result in increased economic insecurity for workers in California, with the effects concentrated in communities that are already struggling economically.
Most of the explanations that are used to account for the emotional fragility of university students blame new social and economic factors such as the rapid pace of change or economic insecurity faced by undergraduates.
And, according to Share our Strength, the number of children going hungry has only increased from last year, perhaps an unsurprising finding given the growing economic insecurity many American families currently face.
It is Labour who should take on board Ashcroft's recommendations because, ultimately, unless politics tackles the deep economic insecurities that bedevil many, many millions of people, UKIP will carry on flourishing.
This finding from the 2015 edition of the center's Basic Facts about Low - Income Children fact sheet series underscores the magnitude of the problem of family economic insecurity and child poverty in the United States.
Citing economic insecurity as the source of «techlash,» Sandberg said, «We have a really deep responsibility, and that responsibility grows as we grow.»
During the 1990's decade significant poaching of snow leopards occurred motivated by economic insecurity after the collapse of the former Soviet Union.
A world of looming economic insecurity, ecological disaster, and even nuclear war doesn't exactly seem like the type of place that would invite those responsible for steering the fate of humanity (i.e. all of us adults) to kick back and goof off awhile.
Or, at least there is if you care about a housing market that doesn't perpetuate multi-generational economic insecurity.
«We know that this is important, we know that Albertans are worried about their jobs, they're worried about their family security, they're worried about being able to pay their bills and so this is our attempt to come back with a targetted plan to create jobs in the face of what is otherwise economic insecurity,» she said.
«Thomas Mulcair, Justin Trudeau and Edmonton Strathcona NDP Linda Duncan are examples of the kind of inexperienced leadership that will be harmful for Canada at a time of global economic insecurity, particularly when it comes to supporting Alberta during the current international oil price slump.»
A layman should work to make sure that the salary which is offered is adequate to attract a minister with solid self - esteem and to prevent economic insecurity from hampering his effectiveness once he is hired.
But nonmarriage is often a result of poverty and economic insecurity rather than a cause.
By focusing Labour's local and European elections campaign on the «bread and butter» issues of housing stock shortage, rising housing prices, zero - hour contracts and a widespread sense of general economic insecurity, Miliband is trying to diffuse the electoral challenge posed by UKIP.
«A cocktail of deepening cultural anxiety, rising economic insecurity and a growing disillusion with the political system has made the English question something far more complex than simply a response to Scottish devolution and European integration.»
(Some people may commit a mirror image of this error: they may become so focused on their immediate needs to be with their family and friends that they fail to achieve sufficiently in their careers to support themselves and others, yielding economic insecurities later on).
Students who grow up amid economic insecurity often face many obstacles: parents without education, lack of healthy attachments, lag of cognitive stimulation, lack of enrichment activities, violent neighborhoods and lack of access to medical resources.
At the other extreme, understandable economic insecurity and fear of radical change have been exploited by ideologues and vested interests to whip up ill - informed, populist rage, and climate scientists have become the punching bag of shock jocks and tabloid scribes.
Giedion describes a time of profound economic insecurity.
«What will cause more economic insecurity and dislocation going forward is an unstable climate,» he added.
But poverty and economic insecurity do not have to be a fact of life in Vermont.
Perceived economic insecurity is linked to poor health, including depressive and anxiety disorders, diabetes and coronary heart disease, 1 — 4 as well as hazardous health behaviours.
It appears to play an important mediating role in the relationship between adversity (such as job loss or social disadvantage) and health and well - being.5 — 7 Indeed, fear of job loss can be just as harmful as, if not more than, the job loss itself.8 — 10 Although a positive correlation between economic insecurity and overall ill health is well - established, the biological pathways through which these operate are not well understood.
They're ripping away low - income kids» chances to escape economic insecurity and experience upward economic mobility.
Interest rates that break through new lows weekly and prices that are 30 % less than they were just two ago should be attracting eager buyers to the housing market; but the snail pace of the economic recovery and worries about job security and economic insecurity keep them clinging to the fence.
Tensions caused by globalization and the information revolution have led to economic insecurity for many, and that backlash has benefitted populists.
Cuomo says there also needs to be more action to address what he says is the «underlying fear» that's caused the angry divisions, «pervasive economic insecurity
At best, the changes proposed by Clinton and Sanders would ease economic insecurity and advance social justice.
At a moment of soaring gas prices and deep economic insecurity, ACCCE conveyed a series of easily digestible talking points: 50 percent of the nation's electricity comes from coal; coal is 77 percent cleaner (when you don't include CO2 emissions) now compared with 1970; America is the Saudi Arabia of coal; coal is cheap, plentiful and clean.
People — including the folks over at HBR initially — tended to assume that the reason people do not take enough vacation of late was that circa 2008, everyone was seized with economic insecurity and a scarcity of jobs meant that people believed they should always be at work and somehow that mindset never quite disappeared.
Fears of a loss of profits, unemployment, and economic insecurity in old age hang over our heads.
Such concerns aren't restricted to politicians seeking to channel voters» economic insecurities.
Economic insecurity is seemingly the buzzword of today.
In short, the Palestine of Jesus» day was a mildly stratified, largely rural, society in which are to be discerned all the familiar social forces of political and ecclesiastical dominance, religious formalism, extremes of poverty and wealth, economic insecurity, racial cleavage, an acceptance of the status quo with mixed reactions of acquiescence and revolt.
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