Sentences with phrase «economic market»

It includes direct interaction with customers, sensitivity towards the changes in economic markets, dependence on fashion trends and personal preferences of customers, seasons, lifestyle etc..
Other people believe that new energy technologies will come as a natural result of economic market forces, without the need for legislative action.
The report covers several topics, including renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, navigating carbon markets, and navigating the global economic markets while transitioning to clean economies.
Innovative mindset to meet the challenges of changing economic markets with evolving strategies for client acquisition and customer retention.
Many people are using this improving economic market as an opportunity to start a new business.
Prices are subject to change without notice and may fluctuate based on current economic market conditions.
Led initiative to build statistical models using historical data to predict real estate prices in several economic markets.
To take this approach, there are numerous economic market indicators to assist forex traders in determining the overall direction of the market.
Interest rates on most private loans are variable, which means that the payments periodically change in response to economic market activity.
At the same time, it is also facing one of its greatest challenges, a very unfavorable economic market.
If economic market signals mean anything, no one should be building new generation except to replace retiring capacity units.
But as they enter Western economic markets, we want to ensure they play by the rules.
In this tough economic market, making your home stand out amongst the rest is paramount!
As the local economic market continues to gain traction, there will be new and existing business growth across all product types that will take advantage of the abundant supply of infill locations as well as inventory in outlying areas to serve the ever - expanding residential communities that surround the city.
But despite those cold, hard realities, some argue that Manhattan's retail struggles are still just the result of natural economic market cycles, and once rents drop even further, activity will return to normal.
The bank benefits from several healthy economic markets such as NYC, Georgia, and Florida.
In their view, the Constitution sets the basic structure for a society in which individuals compete for life's rewards, and the competitive economic market is the mechanism of social justice.
Page and Simmons helpfully explicate how all aspects of government, even the necessary laws of commerce countenanced by libertarians, shape economic markets in ways that benefit or burden the poorest citizens.
«The Japanese government has a lot of incentives to consider — we're developing a new science, a new technology and also a new economic market,» says CiRA spokesperson Peter Karagiannis.
The representative survey of more than 1,000 U.S. adults finds Americans lean toward regulations, not economic markets alone, as the most effective way to push towards renewable energy consumption.
Sector rotation strategies following economic market cycles often seek to identify bullish sector opportunities in expanding markets and mitigate losses through sector rotation to safe havens in recessionary markets.
Canada has been one of the first countries to recover from the economic downturn that resulted in the slowing down of economic markets globally.
Its reliance on mining for resources, for instance, has made Africa and its people vulnerable to low - wage labour abuse as well as a range of other factors beyond their control, as dictated by international economic markets.
The multi-decades boom will come from reforming economic markets.
Just as a diverse financial portfolio protects investors from volatile economic markets, a diverse electricity portfolio can protect ratepayers from the risks inherent in relying too heavily on a few resources to meet electricity demand.
Our International Law & Trade practice group assists domestic and global clients in navigating the complex system of regulatory laws governing economic markets within the United States and abroad.
Loyola provided TWU a more compelling grounds to claim interference with religion.TWU claimed that the inability to have their graduates accredited in Ontario would result in the inability of the university to operate a law school, as they would effectively be shut out of Canada's largest economic market.
In this type of economic market many of our investors were quite pleased with the performance of the company».
He also goes a step further by describing the role of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency approaches in future economic markets.
The concept of a shared economic market through the interconnected loT weather smart devices is the core of an entirely new market for weather commerce and is the future.
Globalization and the increased interconnectedness of economic markets means it's vital that real estate pros everywhere understand the motivating factors for foreigners who want to buy residential property in the United States.
Brian Perry, CFP ® recaps the global economic markets in 2017.
The Board was established in 2011 to offer advice and help create financial stability in a changing economic market.
And these gods live in economic markets that exploit poorer nations.
His own broad reach of interests is reflected in his remark that «to think as a Christian is to try to understand the stellar spaces, the arrangements of micro-organisms and DNA molecules, the history of Tibet, the operation of economic markets, toothache, King Lear, the CIA, and grandma's cooking — or, as Aquinas put it, «all things» in relation to that uttering, utterance and enactment of God which they express and represent.
How would it impact your business to have access to the same strategies and tools that thousands of business owners have used to lead effectively, efficiently and profitably, to thrive in any economic market?
As the economic market continues to grow, and market share continues to become the difference in a company sailing away, or barely staying afloat, many organizations look towards innovation to become an industry leader.
First Amendment advocates in America must face the fact that imposition of our highly industrialized model of big press as a check on the excesses of big government has very limited relevance to many places in the Third World where there is little literacy and practically no economic market for news which could help create a large mass press.
The other view is that we are a liberal constitutional regime in which the good society results from the action of citizens following their own self - interests, organized through the proper mechanisms that balance these conflicting interests, with the state operating only as caretaker, a referee maintaining public order and allowing the economic market - mechanisms and the free market in ideas to produce wealth and happiness.
If we do not seek such a social basis for policy - making, however, we run the risk of subordinating the needs of people in society to the demands of the economic market place, and of restricting implementation of the aspirations of people to the limitations of the arbitrary scientific instruments we have invented to attempt to measure them.
Hicks's careful empirical and normative analyses help us to understand why equal opportunity in economic markets is not enough to ensure equal human dignity.
It rested on empirical studies of the economic markets that uncovered special privileges for the rich.
In the Sept. 17 broadcast, Part 4, Mr. Reisman indicated that the Schedule I status of «marihuana» in our federal Controlled Substances Act (passed in 1970 by the U.S. Congress) makes many medical and business professionals leery of this «new» economic market, rooted in the health and vitality of New Yorkers.
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