Sentences with phrase «economic miracle of»

At the height of the economic miracle of the 1960s, artistic experiments in Italy kept following one another, mixed and merged with an extraordinary speed and intensity.The common aim was to emerge from the disillusionment of the postwar period to build a new vocabulary of signs and images, able to restore the ferment of society and contemporary culture.
Even though our own DIE - HARD Islamic supporter CNN's Mr.FAREED ZAKARIA sings never ending praises of the Arab Spring, and the economic miracles of Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, NOT to talk of the rich MErn Sheikhdoms (while taunting the west for their failing economies!!!)

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In plain terms, should China's economic miracle turn out to be a mirage, all of that would be at risk.
Put all of that together and the result is obvious — without China building all that stuff, it wouldn't have experienced such a prolonged economic miracle, and hundreds of millions of people would certainly still be in total poverty.
It will not be easy, but China's future «economic miracle» will lie in its ability to boost productivity and its use of big data and Internet technology to stimulate domestic consumption and generate exponential development opportunities,» wrote Ma.
The Miracle profiles elected officials, bureaucrats, and private citizen executives and entrepreneurs, all of whom contributed to an unprecedented rise in living conditions and economic output in their countries and companies.
In that case, high GDP growth levels simply disguise the seeming collapse of underlying economic growth in a way that has happened many times before — always in the late stages of similar apparent investment - driven growth miracles.
The outpouring of almost comically muddled explanations of and forecasts for the Chinese growth miracle has been an especially egregious example of the way well - intentioned economic analysis has led to, or at least encouraged, worse outcomes.
Two decades of «miracle» levels of investment - driven growth, the role of the financial sector in that growth, and the unrealistic expectations that Chinese businesses, banks, and government entities had consequently developed, reinforced by sell - side cheerleaders, made it obvious that the interlocking balance sheets that make up the Chinese economy had added what was effectively a highly «speculative» structure onto the way economic entities financed their operations.
APEC's founding coincided with the sudden burst on the global scene of the Asian growth miracle, led by the «tigers» — Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore — and just as Deng Xioping issued his remarkable call for economic reform in China.
In the late 1980s, on the heels of a three - decade long «Economic Miracle,» Japan experienced its infamous «bubble economy» in which stock and real estate prices soared to stratospheric heights driven by a speculative mania.
Japan's «Bubble Economy» era occurred at the end of its three - decade old «Economic Miracle» that began after World War II and saw the country's fortunes blossom as it became the world's automobile and electronics manufacturing powerhouse.
Whether the rhetoric is «building the revolution» or «creating an economic miracle,» the reality is the violation of personal, civil and political rights in the name of a worthy social purpose.
Not long after the war, West Germans — and others — began to speak of the Wirtschaftswunder, the economic miracle, that laid the foundations for Germany's unchallenged preeminence in the Eurozone today.
China has without doubt shown that it can achieve a miracle of economic development, and that should be applauded, but what has been the price for this extraordinary advance?
Speaking to Class News» Parker Wilson at the ceremony, Director of Communications for the CPP Kadir Abdul Rauf Issifu said they chose the theme because under Nkrumah, Ghana was able to experience economic miracles, adding that since the overthrow of the CPP, the country has struggled to find its feet.
Which, given the bleak economic news underpinning it, is something of a minor miracle.
I can't see how the Torys can increase their share of the vote at the next general election without an economic miracle
If by next autumn, the recovery is well under way, people will look back on today's balancing act as a political masterstroke, in much the same way as the widely derided Geoffrey Howe Budget of 1981 is now seen as laying the foundations of the Thatcher economic miracle.
Regardless of what the upstaters like to think, the upstate economy, even if restored to pre-depression levels by some type of economic development miracle, is but a drip from the faucet that needs to fill the budget basin in this state.
But the children of the economic miracle must hold on to one vital tradition
Despite the stiff price tag, nearly 60 percent of state voters approved the stem cell bond, won over in part by the promise of medical miracles and partly by the prospect of a bio-tech economic boom.
Earlier this year, the Washington Post «s Charles Lane eviscerated the fascination with Germany's economic «miracle» as a case of latching onto a «foreign flavor of the month.»
Even after Japan's economic miracle deflated in the late 1990s, the show sustained much of its allure.
Having moved to Düsseldorf from the German Democratic Republic in 1961, Richter, bombarded by the visual onslaught of the Western economic miracle, sought to critically examine the «truth claim» of photography by making paintings based on photographs that he sourced from newspapers, books, and family albums.
JIA ZHANG - KE IS the moving - picture poet of the Chinese «economic miracle» and of the alienation, surreal conjunctions, wrenching displacements, broken family ties, wild hopes, and unfulfilled expectations that have come in its wake.
At a time when Italy was experiencing its economic «miracle» and industrial cities like Milan were booming, arte povera slowed things down, to dwell on the stuff of life, the materials of the everyday.
His work is widely seen as a critique of the mass production and consumerism that was changing Italian society (the Italian economic miracle) after World War II.
Other works on display include Richter's Pin - up and Installation drawings, the characteristic Ice Age - meets - cybernetics stick - figures of Penck, as well as sculptural drawings by Lüpertz and Palermo, and a drawing and sketchbook by Polke satirising the «economic miracle» of post-war reconstruction in West Germany.
Arte Povera came of age in the context of the «Italian miracle» economic boom and the subsequent student and workers revolts of 1968, motivated by an urge to revolt not only against the primacy of painting in the postwar period, but also against the emerging consumer culture.
The story of Italy at the height of the economic miracle recounted through art.An extraordinary journey through art, politics, and society, with works by artists such as Renato Guttuso, Lucio Fontana,...
Both artists had fled East Germany prior to the erection of the Berlin Wall, and now sought to discover the radical «possibilities in painting», in response to the bourgeois ideals that had emerged after the war, due to the wirtschaftswunder («economic miracle»).
These players navigate in - between worlds of fantasy sword fights and mundane reality and by juxtaposing them against the domestic and urban backdrops, the parallel realities in play in COSplayers reveal the life attitudes of China's modern - day youth as alienated urban superheroes trying to deal with the urgent reality and the unease of populations left out of economic miracles.
He all but extinguished the hopes of many upstaters for a home - grown economic miracle — like the one occurring next door in Pennsylvania, thanks to fracking — one that would help save family farms, let children and grandchildren live and prosper where they were raised and help ensure economic security for thousands.
Even if, by some miracle, some such policy were to come to pass, the long - term necessity for us to accept a lower overall standard of living, especially when that will require far more economic equality (perhaps including the confiscation of giant fortunes) and far less economic «freedom» (virtual destruction of the «free trade» system, a great deal more regulation of both financial markets and manufacturing industries).
Biochar, the charcoal - like material sometimes touted as a miracle cure for global warming, might first gain economic traction as a weapon against local air pollution, research by the U.S. Department of Agriculture indicates.
I highly recommend reading Start - up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle by Dan Senor and Saul Singer for an in - depth analysis on how Israel has gained this reputation.
Dr. Garrick Hileman, an economic historian at the University of Cambridge and the London School of Economics, explained in an interview with CNN that Bitcoin is nothing short of an economic miracle.
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