Sentences with phrase «economic models like»

They can even raise the profile of alternative economic models like no growth or steady state economics.

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The World Economic Forum is launching an ambitious new project to bring a value - based model to health care — and it has the backing of some of the world's biggest medical names, including the CEOs of Medtronic, Novartis, Kaiser Permanente, and thought leaders like Harvard Business School's Michael Porter.
In the early 1990s the models that most economists used to analyze and explain Chinese economic growth were good enough, like the Newtonian bridge in the slow moving world in which humans operate.
Like all the countries that have followed similar growth models, China has required accelerating credit expansion to maintain current levels of growth in the country's economic activity.
It comes with an awkward manifesto that nonetheless manages to gather an armful of social and economic trends and philosophies, including happiness research, the booming field of collaborative consumption (which uses new technology to share resources like cars, toys and books, on the Zipcar model) and data on the proven efficiencies of cities.
Shiller is also an advocate of behavioral finance, the soft form of which proposes that real economic actors do not act like the agents in Marshallian economic models.
This summer, with all the good letters already taken, the former labor secretary Robert Reich wrote on his blog that the recovery might actually be shaped like an X (the imagery is elusive, but Reich's argument was that there can be no recovery until we find an entirely new model of economic growth).
One reason why it is so important to describe real estate behavior in terms of economic theory is that a rising proportion of the economy's industrial investors are behaving more like real estate investors than like the textbook models based on manufacturing.
Even a noted authority like Peter Drucker states that we are in need of new economic models; the old theories are feeling the weight of increasing complexities, most of them technological.
It presents the Kerala model as something from which the Union Government and other Indian states like UP and Bihar have to learn their lesson that without a basis in social development like literacy, health and women's education and social security there can be no participatory economic expansion which is necessary if economic growth has to serve society.
No, it's more like running an economic model than shoving a dipstick into your car engine.
«Indeed, other nations, who began their lives as independent states at the same time as we did, like Singapore, Malaysia and Korea, have emulated a similar model, and have also achieved great economic success.
Just this morning, supporters of the bill released a counter analysis of the city's living wage study, which argued its modeling did not rule out other factors that could affect job growth (like an economic downturn).
He's also said he might like to use some for economic development aid for some upstate cities, modeled after the Buffalo billion, where the state gave a billion dollars to the Buffalo area over a multi year period to boost the region's economy.
Both are still promoting what looks like a pre-crash public spending model that the last Labour government implemented between 1997 and 2008 — redistribute the proceeds of accelerated economic growth from London and the South East to the regions through central government tax and spending.
Courtemanche and his colleagues built a state - wide economic model of economic conditions that influence body weight: things like income and unemployment, food prices, retail outlet presence, as well as gasoline prices and the prevalence of fitness centers.
This way of thinking might be much more appropriate when it comes to analyzing current economic problems like the highly complex phenomenon of the financial crisis of 2008 than the former neoclassical models, because the latter seem in complete lack of practical applicability.
Using good economic reasoning (like a decision - making model) can help avoid unintended yet predictable consequences.
In order to meet future challenges, the authors argue that the East Bay must invest in its core economic assets, such as preparing an advanced manufacturing workforce and scaling up proven work - based learning models like Linked Learning.
A report on The Economic Times says that sales of models like the Koenigsegg
And if everyone starts writing shorter books but continues to charge high prices, that would undermine the economic model of businesses like Scribd.
But Jessica and Kennedy are just getting started - they have expanded their model to connect essential services like health care, clean water, and economic empowerment programs.
Factors like car make, model, and condition as well as economic forces determine an individual car's level of depreciation over the years.
If you're interested in hearing Renaud Laplanche speak and would like to pose questions directly to him, check out MIT / Stanford's January 20th VLAB event «Upside of the Downturn: What Business Models and Ideas Work in Today's Economic Environment?»
Instead of making money by harvesting forests for wood products and for crops like palm oil, governments and citizens in the developing world would need to accept a different model based on so - called conservation payments, which could be used for education, health care, and alternative economic development.
The World Resources Institute has announced an initiative that it says will focus on business and finance models for sustainable, low - carbon economic growth in major markets like the U.S., China, Mexico, India and Brazil.
I'll be writing more on the fight over climate policy this weekend, which devolves to a battle over costs and benefits using economic models and projections that make climate simulations look like they were high - resolution photographs.
John, On the «Presentation: Precautionary Principle...» thread you told me that you think it's «unhelpful to conflate discussion of climate - science issues like the modelling of SO2, about which none of us here know very much, with discussion of economic projections, where we can have a useful discussion.»
She turns a blind eye to the lack of respect for uncertainty we see from folks like Ridley and Rose, as well as in the comments in these threads that talk of «economic suicide» — based on unvalidated and unverified economic modeling.
I would like to offer a general question to all SWIRLCAREs, like my friend Peter, here, as to what evidence they've «observed» that gives them so much more faith in the economic models that ground their confidence in the «extrem [e] cost» of policies that target ACO2 reduction.
Like most climate - economic modelers, the Nature Climate Change researchers use integrated assessment models (IAMs) to generate their scenarios.
It is about how the small group of committed entrepreneurs introduced in Small is Possible managed to keep their dream alive and thriving through the economic recession, emerging with a model of what a sustainable local economy might look like in a post carbon future.
Having said all this, I agree with McKibbin that the IPCC models were not done in the way an economist would like, and didn't add a lot to our understanding of the economic issues involved in climate change.
Like climate models (even GCM's), economic models leave out a host of «feedbacks».
In California, where that model has been changed — where utilities like PG&E are initiating programs to help their customers use less electricity — power use has remained steady while economic growth has continued.
Victor shows that if we introduce new policies into the model, like new measures of economic progress; a carbon price; more generous social policies; limits on material, energy, waste and land use; a shorter working week; etc., then you can actually reduce poverty and unemployment in a zero - growth scenario.
(I wonder if the Hubbert models could be generalized to the growth and decline in production of economic «resources» like Credit Default Swaps?
As a student of climate science with some Physics training, member of AGU and AMETSOC, and as professional statistician, my view of what I have seen is less like the situation in the medical community where sometimes statistics is brought in as an afterthought (but see, and more that climate science is being asked to do more and more with less and less, including being coupled to economic and policy models.
It is happening across America as a new economic model: «Nonprofits take on the job of deconstruction and open Home - Depot - like warehouses of used materials.
Another point I would like to make is that it seems to me that economic models are not applicable to environmental disasters, which will be completely non linear and catastrophic in a way never seen before.
In many cases, economic models (like the WEFA one used to argue against Kyoto) are proprietary, so you can't even see the equations used.
In it, Rob welcomes the willingness of politicians to finally acknowledge and discuss the implications of peak oil, but he berates them for their «techno - fix mindset» which focused only on subjects like electrifying our transportation networks, while glossing over the idea that peak oil might have implications for our entire model of development or the idea that economic growth can continue indefinitely.
Specifically, key parameters of the Human System, such as fertility, health, migration, economic inequality, unemployment, GDP per capita, resource use per capita, and emissions per capita, must depend on the dynamic variables of the Human — Earth coupled system.26 Not including these feedbacks would be like trying to make El Niño predictions using dynamic atmospheric models but with sea surface temperatures as an external input based on future projections independently produced (e.g., by the UN) without feedbacks.
Except for a handful of specialized and / or brand - differentiated elites like Cravath and Wachtell, most firms became undifferentiated big box stores offering the same practice capability at similar pricing delivered from an identical economic model and objective — maximization of PPP.
There are many reasons that may lead firms to make this choice, but one of the primary ones is surely that, like Kodak, many law firm partners believe they have an economic model that has served them very well over the years and that continues to produce good results today.
Banner Life, like every other «player» in the market has priced in a certain rate of return in their overall pricing model and under the current economic circumstances their «built in» pricing «model» is not sustainable.
Some have a different economic model or a different coin - distribution method, like altcoins that were given away to all citizens of a country.
Roose: Is the basic economic model of Facebook, in which users provide data that Facebook uses to help advertisers and developers to better target potential customers and users — do you feel like that works, given what we now know about the risks?
Google is planning to launch a mid-range Pixel model with lower specifications and price for developing and price sensitive markets like India, Economic Times reported in April.
Proposals like Bitcoin Unlimited's are adding another degree of freedom to Bitcoin's economic model, and it is unclear how much this changes incentives and the overall balance of the network.
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