Sentences with phrase «economic necessity»

"Economic necessity" refers to the requirement or compulsion of taking certain actions or making specific choices based on financial reasons. It implies that a decision or action is driven by the need to meet basic human needs, maintain financial stability, or solve financial problems. Full definition
Some of us live in small homes because we like them or out of economic necessity, not just because we're «sacrificing» or trying to be sustainable.
While economic necessity may force the government to take a strong stance on immigration, work still needs to be done to protect diversity in the country.
It is the difference between preparing students to reach proficiency on state standards versus steering students toward advanced academic work that taps expert thinking and complex communication skills — a growing economic necessity.
It may take twenty years but that is where economic necessity will lead.
Borrowers can tailor their payments to accommodate economic necessities and lifestyle choices as they manage their mortgages.
Being forced into sex work because of economic necessity and forced prostitution are not the same.
«Access to our subways and buses is a basic economic necessity for New Yorkers, who rely on transit to get to work, school, doctors» visits, and essential services,» the letter reads.
When a combination of economic necessity in my teens and early adulthood and then nutritional nonsense in nursing school pointed me away from animal proteins, I began the spiral of issues with weight, fatigue, low thyroid and more.
In today's perplexing economic climate, many people of all ages are choosing to rent rather than buy for reasons of pure economic necessity.
Now, in simpler times, when munis were all that they insured, the risk profiles were low for the guarantors, because munis rarely defaulted, particularly those with economic necessity behind them.
While once nearly solely due to economic necessity such as Mom had a job and Dad lost his, today the motivation is often multilayered.
Both the findings from the poll and a series of anecdotal interviews conducted with Vancouver - area youth alongside the survey reveal that younger millennials in particular take a very pragmatic approach to engaging Asia, which may mean taking a step back from the values - driven foreign policy of previous eras and toward a recognition of the practical economic necessity of trading with countries such as China.
The continued use of the Euro, without adopting the necessary institutions like political union, is simply lunacy and proof of the power of political interest over economic necessity.
Unfortunately, few private or governmental agencies have attempted to blend the institutionalized aged with the institutionalized young, despite numerous examples of success in families and compact social groups where cramped conditions or economic necessity pushes the two together.
The average person lived on a plant based diet out of necessity, out of economic necessity animal flesh was a luxury food and Jesus certainly emphasizing simplicity of living would have had to be vegetarian but also had ethical precepts very similar to those of Buddhism in which thou shall not kill is really the first is really the first commandment of the asees of which he belonged.
Yet, economic necessities return many a mother back to work.
This cardinal constitutional and international guarantee can not be made to yield to any alleged economic necessity
But if schooling invokes romantic memories, then economic necessity suggests that it is time to reimagine what the modern school clock and calendar might look like.
Hate on it all you want, but the only way an auto engineer can make someone fall for a Rio and not sign the paperwork out of sheer economic necessity is to surprise the pants off of them during the test drive.
Unless economic necessity demands it, neither one of them wants to leave Montreal.
Phil Patton writes in the New York Times that it wasn't just about going green, but about economic necessity:
While a few First Nations in BC vocally support the project, others who have deals with Kinder Morgan say they had no choice, either out of desperate economic necessity or because they were told the pipeline would be built whether they objected to it or not.
There are many instances when a parent seeks to relocate with a child out of New York State, claiming economic necessity as the basis for such a move.
The biggest complexity which is facing the British economy and the British society is in the clash between a blind nationalistic belief of the policy makers that expulsion of any foreign national is ultimately for the public good and the social and economic necessity for migrants in the UK.
It is likely the south would have had better race relations if it had been forced by economic necessity to abolish slavery, like every other nation, rather than imperialist conquest by the north.
Craig Hall, a serial entrepreneur and investor based in Holland, notes that the city's history of entrepreneurship emerged from economic necessity.
And while economic necessity may be the current primary driver behind families needing to share properties, Geffen says there are several advantages to this type of arrangement that mitigate the reduced amount of personal space.
In «real life,» we're often held accountable by pure economic necessity (i.e., if we don't show up for our nine - to - five, we'll become homeless) or an observant partner, roommate, or cable company («I'm sorry, but why don't you have your share of this month's electric bill?»).
«18 Given the fact that these same women still dominate that major field of unpaid work - homemaking - and are most often perceived as primarily responsible for child - rearing, there exists an increasing number of Americans who have decided, whether because of economic necessity, personal goals, or a desire to break free of sexual stereotyping, to have less leisure time.19
We can, and must, do something to expand opportunity for every young person — not simply as a moral imperative but out of economic necessity and competitiveness.
Of the respondents who are already business owners and live in highly - developed economies, 78 percent said they choose to launch their ventures because they saw opportunities, not because they were forced to by economic necessity.
He may eventually find himself facing a critical choice — maintaining his foreign policy goals or softening his stance towards the West out of economic necessity.
The growth has been driven by mass education (women dominate the kingdom's ranks of university graduates), economic necessity, and gentle nudges from the government.
«There is this weird dichotomy between people who choose to live out of their cars, and then people who actually need to live out of their cars out of economic necessity.
Saujani also been outspoken about the so - called «brogrammer» culture that has spread in Silicon Valley companies and why getting more girls to code isn't a moral issue, but rather an economic necessity.
Even though shale has yet to take really off, a spike will make it an economic necessity.
Economic necessity made Jim Flaherty a big - spending finance minister, but he takes pains not to talk like one.
«This is not a choice, it's a social and economic necessity.
Yet, the BC Greens have not proposed any policies in their platform to help support this economic necessity.
For many years now the federal government has been paying farmers not to produce foodstuffs, while millions, in this country and abroad, go hungry, The rationale, once again, is economic necessity: prices and profits must be maintained at a level sufficient to stimulate production.
It is, as Aristotle makes clear, grounded in military and economic necessity.
Victims may also defend the abuser due to fear, coercion, threats, denial, shame, blame, economic necessity and events relating to the cycle of abuse.
Silence is imposed on the poor of the world, on the poor of Pas - de-Calais, in the name of economic necessity or of political prudence.
At an enrichment workshop one mid-years engineer declared during a session on life - investment planning, «I'm in work I no longer find challenging — trapped by economic necessity and by career decisions I made twenty - five years ago when I was a mere kid.»
If the barbarian hordes could by economic necessity be forced into the government schools, teachers with the proper training might lure them from their native superstitions and win them to the American faith.
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