Sentences with phrase «economic order»

The international economic order needs to function as a cooperative game, in which each participant commits to free and fair trade.
They have indeed talked about a new economic order.
They are part of the social and economic context, for they do play a role in the social and economic ordering of society.
And as major export - oriented economies, they share a huge stake in shaping the future global economic order.
In sum, just as there must come a new world economic order, there must come a new world communication order.
To fix this, implement a simple economic order quantity model.
A technological revolution and a changing economic order affect both church and family.
The result was a critique of the current world economic order along with proposed alternatives.
The stewardship approach, with its mandate of thrift within the present system, rather than a recognition of that system's injustice, lacks a vision of a new and different economic order.
Or a society in which a certain percentage of people will be «inevitably» unemployed may seem to be the only plausible economic order; but what about the needs of the unemployed?
There are some assumptions being made by this question that don't reflect how the international economic order works.
The book clearly represents a serious empathy workout, pushing Western readers to imagine the mundane details and stresses of life at the very bottom of the global economic order.
By l970, the l6th General Assembly of UNESCO had defined the concept of a New International Economic Order which stated that the emerging nations would not be able to develop until they decreased their economic dependence on the First World.
Commitment to a culture of solidarity and a just economic order Commitment to a culture of tolerance and a lift of truthfulness Commitment to a culture of equal rights and partnership between men and women.
One of the tragedies of the present economic order between nations is that the flow of goods is greater from the poor to the rich countries than the other way around.
The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and Digital Money are Challenging the Global Economic Order by Paul Vigna and Michael J. Casey
KORUS «represents a rules - based economic order that goes hand in glove with the mutual defence treaty that has supported regional stability in the Asia - Pacific since the end of the Korean war,» the chamber said.
The other side — who expect big temperature jumps and catastrophic consequences — are accused of being ideologues, or interested in making an alarmist case in order to further their own careers as climate change activists, or authoritarian monsters who are less interested in saving the planet than in forcing their own left - wing economic order on the rest of the world.
There is a danger in the republican view of non-domination, namely the failure to recognise in relation to a republican economic order that it is necessarily an order of power.
In doing so, Erickson opens a window onto a world where judges» and juries» responses to the most intimate or violent acts were coloured by a desire to shore up the liberal economic order by maintaining boundaries between men and women, Native people and newcomers, and capital and labour.
Twice Pulitzer - nominated, history professor Brands has elsewhere given book - length treatment to some of the threads he combines in this account of the 35 years that gave birth to the modern economic order.
Le Maire's comments help describe what he believes to be a new emerging economic order, and also highlights the urgency with which he believes nations need to act.
These steps, taken comprehensively, indicate Beijing's growing willingness to leverage its assets to maximize its economic influence with partners, as well as a growing desire to shape the norms of the international economic order according to its view.
The global economic order needs fundamental restructuring, and the United States through low - intensity conflict seeks to block or control any such changes.
Many are concerned about what the existing economic order is doing to the poor at home and the neocolonialized nations abroad.
About this Book: The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and Digital Money Are Challenging the Global Economic Order Paul Vigna and Michael J. Casey St. Martin's, 2015
This is a rude blow to the dangerous optimism promoted by liberal ideology, according to which the famous «invisible hand» is there to ensure that markets lead to a harmonious economic order, from which everyone would benefit.
While editors continued to commend Roosevelt for his courage in producing a reformed economic order, they also began to distance themselves from him within a year after his reelection.
Unless, that is, our essentially middle - class life style is challenged by the poverty and oppression which is the lot of most of humankind, and we confront the hard truth that the issue is not reform of the welfare system, no matter how much that is needed, but the end of a capitalist economic order which increasingly divides the world into those who have and those who have not.
This is a double injustice: they are victims of the oppression of an unjust economic order or an unjust political distribution of power, and at the same time they are deprived of the knowledge of God's special care for them.
The third - world nations, recognizing that continuation of media domination made economic domination all the more inevitable, sought to buttress the UNESCO New Economic Order statement with a New International Information Order statement.
The new world economic order vanquished the last of the skeptics by refuting the fallacy of Soviet Communism.
In a renewed economic order James Robertson sees the international trading and financial systems operated by the multinational companies, international banks and international governmental agencies as still important, but as playing a relatively smaller part than they do today.
Television has, as a secular tool, largely rejected the concept of God, but in the place of God television substitutes the larger economic order, and like the Christian religion has created its own «super-natural» agents or saints to help maintain and represent this order.
If we look, for instance, at the international economic order apart from our baptism and Christian faith, we could look at it simply as North Americans, and our main concern would then be how to preserve those elements in that world order that benefit our economy and how to change those that do not.
The unholy alliance of Trump with the precariat - now - turned - mob represents one of the most startling challenges to liberalism, not just the neoliberal economic order.
If there are resources in republicanism for re-thinking the contemporary economic order, it might be worth turning to a republican thinker who wrote on the topic of political economy.
At the ass - end of the boom - bubble - and - bust cycle that even free - market economists admit describes our teetering economic order, we've seemingly learned precious little.
«Hoggan's must - read book describes in disturbing detail the well - oiled campaign to confuse the public and confound the science, creating enough doubt to thwart meaningful action and protect a world economic order built around the burning of oil, coal, and natural gas.»
· Debates about technology transfer have been divisive in the past, cast in terms of the new international economic order versus markets, ie cast as a North versus South problem.
This new economic order where companies want to be global players is an important challenge for lawyers who need to have an international background and experience and need to be able to understand and operate in other cultures.
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