Sentences with phrase «economic paradigm»

We need a new economic paradigm to replace the failures that exist within our universities.
In other words, how do we sell less for more in our current economic paradigm?
And when that happens, radical ideas, like economic paradigm shifts and movement toward true - cost markets — ideas that people easily dismiss right now — will suddenly become possible.
It ups the level of urgency for a new economic paradigm... one that puts the planet first.
Thus the tension noted above between the values affirmed in the church and the dominant economic paradigm reappears here.
For example, as economists are forced to recognize that there are costs associated with exhausting resources and polluting the environment, it is possible to tackle these new questions in terms of the existing economic paradigm.
As I argued in my piece on why the Occupy Movement articulates its agenda just fine, it seems absurd to expect a movement that is tackling the complex, multifaceted, systemic collapse of our entire economic paradigm for not yet having a complete list of fixes ironed out just yet.
That's why the Guerrilla Girls operate on a different economic paradigm of making small exchanges — books, posters, talks, workshops — with many individuals and institutions instead of getting big bucks from a few fat - cat collectors looking to manipulate the market.
The Washington Consensus on global economic policy is dead World economy faces heightened risk of fragmentation, nationalismBuilding support for a new unifying economic paradigm to replace the discredited Washington Consensus will be an analytically challenging, politically demanding, and time - consuming process, writes Mohamed El - Erian.
Compulsive consumerism is one example of how the techno - economic paradigm affects individuals.
On the other, contrary to expectations, the crisis has not thus far unseated neo-liberalism as the reigning economic paradigm, and financiers and the political right have neatly turned the tables on the centre - left.
In its critique of neoliberalism, Blond was breaking with the dominant Tory economic paradigm of the last thirty years, marrying traditional social conservatism and criticism of the state with an attack on untrammelled free markets.
It is what has caused the media to pay attention to her, so she has kept talking about it, but voters don't vote as much from a place of outrage over this or that duplicity or brazen exchange as they do from a sense that prevailing economic paradigms have abused them.
«The fact that he pioneered the whole economic paradigm for cloud computing shows that he's a really worthy winner of the innovation category.»
You're probably betting that Facebook (FB) and Google / Alphabet (GOOG) have forged a new economic paradigm where credit cycles, business cycles and margin debt deleveraging are irrelevant.
One way to overcome these conditions — as the Guerrilla Girls have proved through their practice — is to circumvent the conventional economic paradigm.
We need that new scientific, political and economic paradigm beyond sheer scientific materialism / physicalism.
«The principal issue in the US continues to be dysfunctional federal and state economic paradigms that are providing preferential treatment for other energy sources while taking nuclear's clean 24/7 baseload reliability for granted,» David Blee, executive director of the Nuclear Infrastructure Council, told TheDCNF..
From simple living in tiny houses to the value of DIY culture, we've already seen plenty of ways that people are thinking beyond the earn - spend - consume economic paradigm and toward a more connected, rich and ultimately sustainable economic model of «plenitude».
A neoliberal economic paradigm with concepts such as deregulation, competitive tendering, user pays, privatisation, low taxes is often not consistent with promoting public health and there are many examples of Congress advocacy where were are working to promote regulation such as alcohol supply reduction, glucose taxes etc as well as needs based planning rather than competitive tendering.
While the Paleo diet may not be a viable option for the entire human population in our current agricultural system, and is indeed most popular among relatively affluent Westerners, this is not so much a fault of the diet itself but of our current economic paradigm.
Faced with the apparent absence of a functioning new economic paradigm, parties have been looking increasingly to the possibilities presented by economic democracy.
When the continent was populated, there was a different economic paradigm:
Given this new economic paradigm, Rieder also sees an enormous shift coming among corporations as they scramble to stay competitive.
According to the economic paradigm, those feeling the need of what the church can offer, shop around to find who does the most for the least.
But he came to realize that the national life operates in terms of an economic paradigm that is inimical to the changes that are urgently needed.
The determination of ministers» salaries by the economic paradigm has hardly been disguised.
The economic paradigm has been resisted, in general, successfully.
The tension within the churches is between values based on caring and service and values based on the economic paradigm.
Since our society operates primarily out of the economic paradigm, the critique of that paradigm and the way in shapes our institutions, beginning with the church, is especially urgent.
They will also realize how difficult it is to extricate themselves from the ways of life that express the economic paradigm rather than the Christian one.
But we can enormously increase the visibility of this effort to awaken us from the economic paradigm and reorient our lives.
Somehow a new ecological — economic paradigm must be constructed that unites nature's housekeeping (ecology) and society's housekeeping (economics) with the priority of keeping nature's house in order (Ehrlich 1989).
Some experts talk of a new economic paradigm, as if the old connection between full employment and inflation has been permanently dismantled.
The emerging system has the three necessary technological components of an economic paradigm: Communication, energy and logistics.
In the US, the Democracy Collaborative has done much work on the challenge of bringing these efforts to democratise capital to scale with the aim of developing a new economic paradigm.
We need a new economic paradigm: a responsible capitalism; a reformed developmental state that promotes investment in the infrastructure, skills and innovation we need to compete in a globalising world; socially fair adjustment in hard times; all within a framework of firm fiscal responsibility.
Michael Thompson and Matthew Taylor discuss how cultural theory can offer a new economic paradigm.
Creative Disruption: How new technologies are reshaping our lives and the economy: A comprehensive guide to a new economic paradigm
We need an economic paradigm that is willing to tell the politicians that their actions will do no good, and will likely do harm; that central banks can't create prosperity.
The disadvantages for quantitative hedge funds include the reduced use of qualitative types of data, the reliance on historical data, the ability to quickly react to new economic paradigms.
A new economic paradigm — the Collaborative Commons — is rising in its wake that will transform our way of life.
12:16 p.m. Live Updates below I'm at the United Nations today for the Bhutan - led «High Level Meeting on Wellbeing and Happiness: Defining a New Economic Paradigm
How we use that information is affected by religious beliefs, politics, economic paradigms, and the distribution of human wealth and power.
Instead, we must pursue a tandem effort of growing those things that truly enhance our lives and protect the ecosystems our economy relies on — green energy; efficiency; conservation; restoration; restorative agriculture; integrated transportation systems; telecommuting; a sensible work - life balance — while simultaneously questioning and curtailing the excesses of our current economic paradigm — extractive industries; fossil fuels; disposable consumerism; etc etc..

Phrases with «economic paradigm»

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