Sentences with phrase «economic pie»

That's a small slice of economic pie, Blank acknowledged.
Technology continues to have profound impacts on society and industry and will continue to capture an increased portion of the total economic pie.
All of you look at this then go home and think about where you fall in the American economic pie.
These demands, however, do not challenge the existing international system and its assumptions: they want a greater share in the global economic pie.
Sustainability claims will simply redistribute smaller shares of a shrinking economic pie.
One of the things accomplished by reckless tax cuts for the rich, aside from dampening GDP growth and creating a smaller economic pie, was raising inequality.
From a macro perspective, consumer staples companies are becoming a decreasingly important part of the overall domestic economic pie.
We should look forward to Statistics Canada coming to the plate with a more up to date picture of how the economic pie is shared.»
Those factors have outraced a plodding economy, so that the share of the economic pie flowing to corporate profits has swelled while the slice going to labor has shrunk.
If we all follow these four shopping rules, we'll ensure women - owned businesses get their well - earned piece of the economic pie this season, and set them up for a successful start to 2018.
The distribution of the economic pie is ultimately a political choice.
While Labour Day evolved into a celebration of work, employers and life, May Day was a protest against the status quo, government, corporations and other institutions that refused to give working people their deserved share of the economic pie.
But politics is more than just a matter of dividing the economic pie.
By this he means vested interests that organize in order to get their slice of the economic pie by means of government actions.
Realism tells us that poverty can be relieved most easily by enlarging the economic pie.
Christian thinkers concern themselves with the motives underlying individual choices about working, buying, producing, and sharing the economic pie.
It also makes possible growth in the economic pie, as people and resources move toward activities in which they are more productive.
Trade between nations increases the size of the economic pie for each nation.
Those jocular words, the supposed keys to a successful business, never are more true than when state government divvies up the economic pie.
«The economic pie expands which allows airlines, with that additional revenue, to look at new markets and grow into areas where previously the margins were simply too thin,» he said.
This does little to improve our local economy or grow our region's economic pie, but instead re-slices it.
Most IDA deals, however, are not growing our economic pie they are simply re-slicing it — granting tax breaks that aid one local competitor over another.
While there remains more of a political and policy need to explain how the economic pie will be grown, key themes of the Clinton (Bill) and Blair years, than Miliband often seemed to acknowledge, there is also an enhanced political and policy focus on how the pie will be distributed, which portends much, including an IDS - like rehabilitation for Miliband.
Similarly, I've argued that Labour should focus on growth as well as the cost of living; in other words, making the economic pie bigger, in addition to sharing it more equitably; being a party of increased production, not simply fairer distribution.
The initial costs of universal preschool will be higher, but in the long - run, the economic pie will be larger, which will increase business sales and profits, and provide a broader tax base that will allow improved public services combined with lower tax rates.
It probably goes without saying that the exploding economy did not benefit all Indians equally — the rural poor, and those entrenched by decades of stagnant mobility, were largely deprived a piece of the economic pie.
«The GSE's major role in mortgage finance had the perverse effect of reducing the attractiveness of opportunities for banks in higher credit quality mortgages (the GSEs take their cut with the advantage of near - Treasury borrowing rates and far higher gearing, leaving a smaller part of the economic pie left for banks).»
And the GSE's major role in mortgage finance had the perverse effect of reducing the attractiveness of opportunities for banks in higher credit quality mortgages (the GSEs take their cut with the advantage of near - Treasury borrowing rates and far higher gearing, leaving a smaller part of the economic pie left for banks).
The result is an analysis of the economic pie - cutting of the Americas by Europe.
What was essential was building muscular mass movements capable of standing up to those defending a failing status quo, and that demanded a significantly fairer share of the economic pie for everyone.
Instead of growing the economic pie for everyone, green alarmists have literally shrunk the pie, impoverishing millions.
This shrinks the economic pie for everyone and in some notable cases like Greece, Ireland, and Spain; it can bring down the country's economy entirely.
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