Sentences with phrase «economic point»

We know now that it was also incompetent from a purely economic point of view.
And third, there is another important economic point.
From a pure economic point of view, the insurer was correct.
It's a discussion the country needs to have, from both a legal and economic point of view.
So from a Canadian economic point of view, we believe that it's important to keep that activity in Canada.
Secondly, from a purely economic point of view, I just proved that if you put women in the lead of a movie you can make over $ 100m.»
From a larger economic point of view, solar water heating system becomes very compelling when the hidden «economic and environmental costs and benefits» (externalities), as well as the subsidies we pay (for competing for conventional fuels), are considered.
To reiterate, we do not agree that a European emissions trading scheme is good policy, but we recognize the standard economic point that if you have such a system up and running, then it makes no sense whatsoever to supplement it with government subsidies for «green» energy.
The other is that, from a Canadian economic point of view, over 40 % of the revenue in cloud technology flows out of our country to other areas of the world — mostly the U.S., but to other countries as well.
Warner explains, «It's clear that from a purely economic point of view, KDP Select makes sense to authors who sell their books in the 35 % royalty bracket.
«That puts the U.S. at a big disadvantage from an economic point of view,» said Madden.
From an economic point of view, the Keystone XL is in America's interest regardless of whether most of the oil it carries is exported or not.
Before the first presidential debate fades into the next news cycle, there are three economic points that bear revisiting: We need a new paradigm for trade policy.
This pseudo-reserve IMF currency would be meaningless «trash for cash» from an economic point of view.
The estimated effects of exemption levels are, however, small, from an economic point of view: the average reduction in food expenditures is approximately $ 109 per year, or $ 9 per month.
I'm wondering from an economic point of view, when you look at the United States and your discussions with other people in business and in government, is his bark bigger than his bite?
Next, an economic point.
In general, EU countries appear to believe that they are better off being in the EU from a security and economic point of view.
There's an important benefit from an economic point of view.
At the moment, Formula 1 does not make sense for anybody from an economic point of view.
Finally, the method of experience capital allows clubs to optimise their approach regarding transfers by considerably reducing the risks inherent in such operations, from both the sporting and economic point of view.
I think that marriage is still relevant from an economic point of view: tax exemption, leaning financially on another, [etc].
This is true regardless of whether the policy you are proposing makes sense from a rational or economic point of view or not.
Their political system change had less to do with the economic growth than both the absolute zero level that the economy started with when Deng Xiaoping started; AND the fact that the western countries were at an economic point of wishing to outsource industrial production.
I'd say that the traditional social - democratic elite is centrist in the way that they have accepted or even embraced the neoliberal Washington Consensus and are from an economic point of view little different from their centre - right siblings.
Yet when debating whether GMOs are desirable, pro and con sides often speak past each other such that economic points «for» do little to address environmental points «against» and vice versa.
«Science fiction stories, and films such as George Pal's «Destination Moon» (written by Robert A. Heinlein) helped to convince the taxpaying public that space flight was not only possible, but desirable from both a political and economic point of view.»
Specifically, this lesson is for teaching economic decision making and how to make judgement's from an economic point or perspective.
Annotation helps students understand and distinguish varying perspectives from a single text, which helped Heather Wellman's world geography class when her students were deconstructing the social, political, environmental, and economic points of view of an article about another country.
This idea that everything on the Internet should be free or free of such limitations because it is «flat» is absurd from an economic point of view.
Anonymous $ 750,000 donation will help graduate program «play a greater role in looking at art through social, cultural, and economic points of view»
[Insert, 3:52 p.m. Eric Holthaus has posted an excellent summary of the economic points made in the report at Slate.]
He said that from an economic point of view, it would be more rational to spend lots of money on today's other big problems, and only make small and limited changes in policies relating to global warming, such as a slight increase in gasoline or carbon taxes.
What better way to bring the economic point home than to illustrate solutions with a pure product advantage in the marketplace which are largely overlooked or under funded because of this foolish debate and funding to shore up the IPCC's inability to be honest about the state of their science.
Evaluating whether there exists excess generating capacity on electric utility systems, from both physical and economic points of view
Just look at replacement fuels from an thermo and economic point of view, not political correctness of «mitigating» climate — when more CO2 is obviously beneficial for agriculture.
He began discussions with commercial salmon fishers, talking openly with them about the extent of the problem from both an environmental and economic point of view, including how their own livelihoods were being affected.
From an economic point of view, there does not seem to be much of a difference.
To make this vision a reality, cables will be needed, both onshore and offshore, nodes to connect grids together, and a plethora of technical services, as well as regulatory and financial structures to ensure that everything works together successfully from an economic point of view.
CCS just does not stack up from the economic point of view.
Moderately cold states (as far north as Pennsylvania and Massachusetts) can save energy if electricity comes from the highest - efficiency power plants, but from an economic point of view, life cycle costs for gas furnaces in existing homes will be lower than for heat pumps in these states.
Well, at least from an economic point of view the Government of Canada think hemp might be one of the solutions.
Divestment is a clear and powerful action that helps build the case for government action, along with making the economic point that we should be moving our money into the solution as supposed to the problem.

Phrases with «economic point»

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